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2019-02-25 21:29:29 +00:00
(* Utility types and functions *)
(* Identity *)
let id x = x
(* Combinators *)
let (<@) f g x = f (g x)
let swap f x y = f y x
let lambda = fun x _ -> x
let curry f x y = f (x,y)
let uncurry f (x,y) = f x y
(* Parametric rules for sequences *)
type 'a nseq = 'a * 'a list
type ('a,'sep) nsepseq = 'a * ('sep * 'a) list
type ('a,'sep) sepseq = ('a,'sep) nsepseq option
(* Consing *)
let nseq_cons x (hd,tl) = x, hd::tl
let nsepseq_cons x sep (hd,tl) = x, (sep,hd)::tl
let sepseq_cons x sep = function
None -> x, []
| Some (hd,tl) -> x, (sep,hd)::tl
(* Rightwards iterators *)
let nseq_foldl f a (hd,tl) = List.fold_left f a (hd::tl)
let nsepseq_foldl f a (hd,tl) =
List.fold_left (fun a (_,e) -> f a e) (f a hd) tl
let sepseq_foldl f a = function
None -> a
| Some s -> nsepseq_foldl f a s
let nseq_iter f (hd,tl) = List.iter f (hd::tl)
let nsepseq_iter f (hd,tl) = f hd; List.iter (f <@ snd) tl
let sepseq_iter f = function
None -> ()
| Some s -> nsepseq_iter f s
(* Reversing *)
let nseq_rev (hd,tl) =
let rec aux acc = function
[] -> acc
| x::l -> aux (nseq_cons x acc) l
in aux (hd,[]) tl
let nsepseq_rev =
let rec aux acc = function
hd, (sep,snd)::tl -> aux ((sep,hd)::acc) (snd,tl)
| hd, [] -> hd, acc in
hd, (sep,snd)::tl -> aux [sep,hd] (snd,tl)
| s -> s
let sepseq_rev = function
None -> None
| Some seq -> Some (nsepseq_rev seq)
(* Leftwards iterators *)
let nseq_foldr f (hd,tl) = List.fold_right f (hd::tl)
let nsepseq_foldr f (hd,tl) a = f hd (List.fold_right (f <@ snd) tl a)
let sepseq_foldr f = function
None -> fun a -> a
| Some s -> nsepseq_foldr f s
(* Conversions to lists *)
let nseq_to_list (x,y) = x::y
let nsepseq_to_list (x,y) = x :: snd y
let sepseq_to_list = function
None -> []
| Some s -> nsepseq_to_list s
(* Optional values *)
module Option =
let apply f x =
match x with
Some y -> Some (f y)
| None -> None
let rev_apply x y =
match x with
Some f -> f y
| None -> y
let to_string = function
Some x -> x
| None -> ""
(* Modules based on [String], like sets and maps. *)
module String =
include String
module Ord =
type nonrec t = t
let compare = compare
module Map = Map.Make (Ord)
module Set = Set.Make (Ord)
(* Integers *)
module Int =
type t = int
module Ord =
type nonrec t = t
let compare = compare
module Map = Map.Make (Ord)
module Set = Set.Make (Ord)
(* Effectful symbol generator *)
let gen_sym =
let counter = ref 0 in
fun () -> incr counter; "v" ^ string_of_int !counter
(* General tracing function *)
let trace text = function
None -> ()
| Some chan -> output_string chan text; flush chan
(* Printing a string in red to standard error *)
let highlight msg = Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" msg