
339 lines
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(* *)
2017-11-14 00:36:14 +01:00
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Logging.Node.Main
let genesis : State.Net.genesis = {
time =
2017-11-20 00:12:58 +01:00
Time.of_notation_exn "2017-10-19T00:00:00Z" ;
block =
2017-11-20 00:12:58 +01:00
"BLockGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisFFFFFgtaC8G" ;
protocol =
2017-02-24 15:38:42 +01:00
"ProtoGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesk612im" ;
type error += Non_private_sandbox of P2p_types.addr
let () =
~title:"Forbidden public sandbox"
~description:"A sandboxed node should not listen on a public address."
~pp:begin fun ppf addr ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"The node is configured to listen on a public address (%a), \
while only 'private' networks are authorised with `--sandbox`.
See `%s run --help` on how to change the listening address."
Ipaddr.V6.pp_hum addr Sys.argv.(0)
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "addr" P2p_types.addr_encoding))
(function Non_private_sandbox addr -> Some addr | _ -> None)
(fun addr -> Non_private_sandbox addr)
2017-08-09 16:09:41 +02:00
let (//) = Filename.concat
let store_dir data_dir = data_dir // "store"
let context_dir data_dir = data_dir // "context"
let protocol_dir data_dir = data_dir // "protocol"
let lock_file data_dir = data_dir // "lock"
let find_log_rules default =
match Option.try_with (fun () -> Sys.getenv "TEZOS_LOG"),
Option.try_with (fun () -> Sys.getenv "LWT_LOG")
| Some rules, None -> "environment variable TEZOS_LOG", Some rules
| None, Some rules -> "environment variable LWT_LOG", Some rules
| None, None -> "configuration file", default
| Some rules, Some _ ->
warn "Both environment variables TEZOS_LOG and LWT_LOG \
defined, using TEZOS_LOG." ;
"environment varible TEZOS_LOG", Some rules
let init_logger ?verbosity (log_config : Node_config_file.log) =
match verbosity with
| Some level ->
Lwt_log_core.add_rule "*" level
| None ->
Lwt_log_core.add_rule "*" log_config.default_level ;
let origin, rules = find_log_rules log_config.rules in
Option.iter rules ~f:begin fun rules ->
try Lwt_log_core.load_rules rules ~fail_on_error:true
with _ ->
fatal_error "Incorrect log rules defined in %s, exiting." origin ;
exit 1
end ;
Logging.init ~template:log_config.template log_config.output
let init_node ?sandbox (config : Node_config_file.t) =
let patch_context json ctxt =
let module Proto = (val State.Registred_protocol.get_exn genesis.protocol) in
Lwt_utils.protect begin fun () ->
Proto.configure_sandbox ctxt json
end >|= function
| Error err ->
"@[Error while configuring ecoproto for the sandboxed mode:@ %a@]"
pp_print_error err ;
| Ok ctxt -> ctxt in
match sandbox with
| None -> Lwt.return_none
| Some sandbox_param ->
match sandbox_param with
| None -> Lwt.return (Some (patch_context None))
| Some file ->
Data_encoding_ezjsonm.read_file file >>= function
| Error err ->
"Can't parse sandbox parameters: %s" file >>= fun () ->
lwt_debug "%a" pp_print_error err >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return (Some (patch_context None))
| Ok json ->
Lwt.return (Some (patch_context (Some json)))
end >>= fun patch_context ->
2017-08-09 16:09:41 +02:00
(* TODO "WARN" when pow is below our expectation. *)
2017-08-09 16:09:41 +02:00
match with
| None ->
2017-08-09 16:09:41 +02:00
lwt_log_notice "Not listening to P2P calls." >>= fun () ->
return (None, None)
| Some addr ->
Node_config_file.resolve_listening_addrs addr >>= function
| [] ->
failwith "Cannot resolve P2P listening address: %S" addr
| (addr, port) :: _ -> return (Some addr, Some port)
end >>=? fun (listening_addr, listening_port) ->
match listening_addr, sandbox with
| Some addr, Some _
when Ipaddr.V6.(compare addr unspecified) = 0 ->
return None
| Some addr, Some _ when not (Ipaddr.V6.is_private addr) ->
fail (Non_private_sandbox addr)
2017-08-09 16:09:41 +02:00
| None, Some _ -> return None
| _ ->
(Node_config_file.resolve_bootstrap_addrs >>= fun trusted_points ->
(config.data_dir //
Node_data_version.default_identity_file_name) >>=? fun identity ->
"Peer's global id: %a"
P2p.Peer_id.pp identity.peer_id >>= fun () ->
let p2p_config : P2p.config =
{ listening_addr ;
listening_port ;
trusted_points ;
peers_file =
(config.data_dir // "peers.json") ;
closed_network = ;
identity ;
proof_of_work_target =
Crypto_box.make_target ;
return (Some (p2p_config,
end >>=? fun p2p_config ->
let node_config : Node.config = {
genesis ;
patch_context ;
store_root = store_dir config.data_dir ;
context_root = context_dir config.data_dir ;
p2p = p2p_config ;
test_network_max_tll = Some (48 * 3600) ; (* 2 days *)
bootstrap_threshold = ;
} in
Node.create node_config
let () =
let old_hook = !Lwt.async_exception_hook in
Lwt.async_exception_hook := function
| Ssl.Read_error _ -> ()
| Ssl.Write_error _ -> ()
| exn -> old_hook exn
let init_rpc (rpc_config: Node_config_file.rpc) node =
match rpc_config.listen_addr with
| None ->
lwt_log_notice "Not listening to RPC calls." >>= fun () ->
return None
| Some addr ->
Node_config_file.resolve_rpc_listening_addrs addr >>= function
| [] ->
failwith "Cannot resolve listening address: %S" addr
| (addr, port) :: _ ->
let host = Ipaddr.V6.to_string addr in
let dir = Node_rpc.build_rpc_directory node in
let mode =
match rpc_config.tls with
| None -> `TCP (`Port port)
| Some { cert ; key } ->
`TLS (`Crt_file_path cert, `Key_file_path key,
`No_password, `Port port) in
"Starting the RPC server listening on port %d%s."
(if rpc_config.tls = None then "" else " (TLS enabled)") >>= fun () ->
RPC_server.launch ~host mode dir
2017-12-07 17:43:21 +01:00
~cors:{ allowed_origins = rpc_config.cors_origins ;
allowed_headers = rpc_config.cors_headers } >>= fun server ->
return (Some server)
let init_signal () =
let handler name id = try
fatal_error "Received the %s signal, triggering shutdown." name ;
Lwt_exit.exit id
with _ -> () in
ignore (Lwt_unix.on_signal Sys.sigint (handler "INT") : Lwt_unix.signal_handler_id) ;
ignore (Lwt_unix.on_signal Sys.sigterm (handler "TERM") : Lwt_unix.signal_handler_id)
let run ?verbosity ?sandbox (config : Node_config_file.t) =
2017-09-14 10:26:05 +02:00
Node_data_version.ensure_data_dir config.data_dir >>=? fun () ->
~unlink_on_exit:true (lock_file config.data_dir) >>=? fun () ->
init_signal () ;
init_logger ?verbosity config.log >>= fun () ->
Updater.init (protocol_dir config.data_dir) ;
lwt_log_notice "Starting the Tezos node..." >>= fun () ->
init_node ?sandbox config >>=? fun node ->
init_rpc config.rpc node >>=? fun rpc ->
lwt_log_notice "The Tezos node is now running!" >>= fun () ->
Lwt_exit.termination_thread >>= fun x ->
lwt_log_notice "Shutting down the Tezos node..." >>= fun () ->
Node.shutdown node >>= fun () ->
lwt_log_notice "Shutting down the RPC server..." >>= fun () ->
2017-11-13 14:29:28 +01:00
Lwt_utils.may ~f:RPC_server.shutdown rpc >>= fun () ->
lwt_log_notice "BYE (%d)" x >>= fun () ->
Logging.close () >>= fun () ->
return ()
let process sandbox verbosity args =
let verbosity =
match verbosity with
| [] -> None
| [_] -> Some Logging.Info
| _ -> Some Logging.Debug in
let run =
2017-08-09 16:09:41 +02:00
~ignore_bootstrap_peers:(match sandbox with
| Some _ -> true
| None -> false)
args >>=? fun config ->
begin match sandbox with
| Some _ ->
if config.data_dir = Node_config_file.default_data_dir
then failwith "Cannot use default data directory while in sandbox mode"
else return ()
| None -> return ()
end >>=? fun () ->
(lock_file config.data_dir) >>=? function
| false ->
run ?sandbox ?verbosity config
| true -> failwith "Data directory is locked by another process" in
match run with
| Ok () -> `Ok ()
| Error err -> `Error (false, Format.asprintf "%a" pp_print_error err)
module Term = struct
let verbosity =
let open Cmdliner in
let doc =
"Increase log level. Using $(b,-v) is equivalent to \
using $(b,TEZOS_LOG='* -> info'), and $(b,-vv) is equivalent to using \
$(b,TEZOS_LOG='* -> debug')." in
Arg.(value & flag_all &
info ~docs:Node_shared_arg.Manpage.misc_section ~doc ["v"])
let sandbox =
let open Cmdliner in
let doc =
2017-08-09 16:09:41 +02:00
"Run the daemon in sandbox mode. \
P2P to non-localhost addresses are disabled, and constants of \
the economic protocol can be altered with an optional JSON file. \
$(b,IMPORTANT): Using sandbox mode affects the node state and \
subsequent runs of Tezos node must also use sandbox mode. \
In order to run the node in normal mode afterwards, a full reset \
must be performed (by removing the node's data directory)."
Arg.(value & opt ~vopt:(Some None) (some (some string)) None &
info ~docs:Node_shared_arg.Manpage.misc_section
~doc ~docv:"FILE.json" ["sandbox"])
let term =
Cmdliner.Term.(ret (const process $ sandbox $ verbosity $
module Manpage = struct
let command_description =
"The $(b,run) command is meant to run the Tezos node. \
Most of its command line arguments corresponds to config file \
entries, and will have priority over the latter if used."
let description = [
`P command_description ;
let debug =
let log_sections = String.concat " " (List.rev !Logging.sections) in
`S "DEBUG" ;
`P ("The environment variable $(b,TEZOS_LOG) is used to fine-tune \
what is going to be logged. The syntax is \
$(b,TEZOS_LOG='<section> -> <level> [ ; ...]') \
where section is one of $(i,"
^ log_sections ^
") and level is one of $(i,fatal), $(i,error), $(i,warn), \
$(i,notice), $(i,info) or $(i,debug). \
A $(b,*) can be used as a wildcard \
in sections, i.e. $(b, client* -> debug). \
The rules are matched left to right, \
therefore the leftmost rule is highest priority ."
) ;
let examples =
`I ("$(b,Run in sandbox mode listening to RPC commands \
at localhost port 8732)",
2017-07-10 12:32:07 +02:00
"$(mname) run --sandbox --data-dir /custom/data/dir \
--rpc-addr localhost:8732" ) ;
`I ("$(b,Run a node that accepts network connections)",
"$(mname) run" ) ;
let man =
description @
Node_shared_arg.Manpage.args @
examples @
let info =
~doc:"Run the Tezos node"
let cmd = Term.term,