576 lines
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type lexeme = string
let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
module Pos = Simple_utils.Pos
module SMap = Utils.String.Map
module SSet = Utils.String.Set
(* TOKENS *)
type t =
(* Symbols *)
ARROW of Region.t (* "->" *)
| CONS of Region.t (* "::" *)
| CAT of Region.t (* "^" *)
(*| APPEND (* "@" *)*)
(* Arithmetics *)
| MINUS of Region.t (* "-" *)
| PLUS of Region.t (* "+" *)
| SLASH of Region.t (* "/" *)
| TIMES of Region.t (* "*" *)
(* Compounds *)
| LPAR of Region.t (* "(" *)
| RPAR of Region.t (* ")" *)
| LBRACKET of Region.t (* "[" *)
| RBRACKET of Region.t (* "]" *)
| LBRACE of Region.t (* "{" *)
| RBRACE of Region.t (* "}" *)
(* Separators *)
| COMMA of Region.t (* "," *)
| SEMI of Region.t (* ";" *)
| VBAR of Region.t (* "|" *)
| COLON of Region.t (* ":" *)
| DOT of Region.t (* "." *)
(* Wildcard *)
| WILD of Region.t (* "_" *)
(* Comparisons *)
| EQ of Region.t (* "=" *)
| NE of Region.t (* "<>" *)
| LT of Region.t (* "<" *)
| GT of Region.t (* ">" *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| LE of Region.t (* "<=" *)
| GE of Region.t (* ">=" *)
| BOOL_OR of Region.t (* "||" *)
| BOOL_AND of Region.t (* "&&" *)
(* Identifiers, labels, numbers and strings *)
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
2019-10-27 11:50:24 -05:00
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| String of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
(* Keywords *)
(*| And*)
| Begin of Region.t
| Else of Region.t
| End of Region.t
| False of Region.t
| Fun of Region.t
2020-02-20 22:31:47 +01:00
| Rec of Region.t
| If of Region.t
| In of Region.t
| Let of Region.t
| Match of Region.t
| Mod of Region.t
| Not of Region.t
| Of of Region.t
| Or of Region.t
| Then of Region.t
| True of Region.t
| Type of Region.t
| With of Region.t
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
(* Data constructors *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| C_None of Region.t (* "None" *)
| C_Some of Region.t (* "Some" *)
(* Virtual tokens *)
| EOF of Region.t (* End of file *)
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
(* Projections *)
type token = t
let proj_token = function
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
(* Literals *)
String Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Str %s" value
| Bytes Region.{region; value = s,b} ->
sprintf "Bytes (\"%s\", \"0x%s\")" s (Hex.show b)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| Int Region.{region; value = s,n} ->
region, sprintf "Int (\"%s\", %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| Nat Region.{region; value = s,n} ->
region, sprintf "Nat (\"%s\", %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| Mutez Region.{region; value = s,n} ->
2019-10-27 11:50:24 -05:00
region, sprintf "Mutez (\"%s\", %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Ident Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Ident %s" value
| Constr Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Constr %s" value
| Attr Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Attr \"%s\"" value
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
(* Symbols *)
| ARROW region -> region, "ARROW"
| CONS region -> region, "CONS"
| CAT region -> region, "CAT"
| MINUS region -> region, "MINUS"
| PLUS region -> region, "PLUS"
| SLASH region -> region, "SLASH"
| TIMES region -> region, "TIMES"
| LPAR region -> region, "LPAR"
| RPAR region -> region, "RPAR"
| LBRACKET region -> region, "LBRACKET"
| RBRACKET region -> region, "RBRACKET"
| LBRACE region -> region, "LBRACE"
| RBRACE region -> region, "RBRACE"
| COMMA region -> region, "COMMA"
| SEMI region -> region, "SEMI"
| VBAR region -> region, "VBAR"
| COLON region -> region, "COLON"
| DOT region -> region, "DOT"
| WILD region -> region, "WILD"
| EQ region -> region, "EQ"
| NE region -> region, "NE"
| LT region -> region, "LT"
| GT region -> region, "GT"
| LE region -> region, "LE"
| GE region -> region, "GE"
| BOOL_OR region -> region, "BOOL_OR"
| BOOL_AND region -> region, "BOOL_AND"
(* Keywords *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| Begin region -> region, "Begin"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Else region -> region, "Else"
| End region -> region, "End"
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| False region -> region, "False"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Fun region -> region, "Fun"
| Rec region -> region, "Rec"
| If region -> region, "If"
| In region -> region, "In"
| Let region -> region, "Let"
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| Match region -> region, "Match"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Mod region -> region, "Mod"
| Not region -> region, "Not"
| Of region -> region, "Of"
| Or region -> region, "Or"
| Then region -> region, "Then"
| True region -> region, "True"
| Type region -> region, "Type"
| With region -> region, "With"
(* Data *)
| C_None region -> region, "C_None"
| C_Some region -> region, "C_Some"
(* Virtual tokens *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| EOF region -> region, "EOF"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
let to_lexeme = function
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
(* Literals *)
String s -> String.escaped s.Region.value
| Bytes b -> fst b.Region.value
| Int i
| Nat i
| Mutez i -> fst i.Region.value
| Ident id -> id.Region.value
| Constr id -> id.Region.value
| Attr a -> a.Region.value
(* Symbols *)
| ARROW _ -> "->"
| CONS _ -> "::"
| CAT _ -> "^"
| MINUS _ -> "-"
| PLUS _ -> "+"
| SLASH _ -> "/"
| TIMES _ -> "*"
| LPAR _ -> "("
| RPAR _ -> ")"
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| LBRACKET _ -> "["
| RBRACKET _ -> "]"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| LBRACE _ -> "{"
| RBRACE _ -> "}"
| COMMA _ -> ","
| SEMI _ -> ";"
| VBAR _ -> "|"
| COLON _ -> ":"
| DOT _ -> "."
| WILD _ -> "_"
| EQ _ -> "="
| NE _ -> "<>"
| LT _ -> "<"
| GT _ -> ">"
| LE _ -> "<="
| GE _ -> ">="
| BOOL_OR _ -> "||"
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| BOOL_AND _ -> "&&"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
(* Keywords *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| Begin _ -> "begin"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Else _ -> "else"
| End _ -> "end"
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| False _ -> "false"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Fun _ -> "fun"
| Rec _ -> "rec"
| If _ -> "if"
| In _ -> "in"
| Let _ -> "let"
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| Match _ -> "match"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Mod _ -> "mod"
| Not _ -> "not"
| Of _ -> "of"
| Or _ -> "or"
| True _ -> "true"
| Type _ -> "type"
| Then _ -> "then"
| With _ -> "with"
(* Data constructors *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| C_None _ -> "None"
| C_Some _ -> "Some"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
(* Virtual tokens *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| EOF _ -> ""
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
let to_string token ?(offsets=true) mode =
let region, val_str = proj_token token in
let reg_str = region#compact ~offsets mode
in sprintf "%s: %s" reg_str val_str
let to_region token = proj_token token |> fst
(* LEXIS *)
let keywords = [
(fun reg -> Begin reg);
(fun reg -> Else reg);
(fun reg -> End reg);
(fun reg -> False reg);
(fun reg -> Fun reg);
(fun reg -> Rec reg);
(fun reg -> If reg);
(fun reg -> In reg);
(fun reg -> Let reg);
(fun reg -> Match reg);
(fun reg -> Mod reg);
(fun reg -> Not reg);
(fun reg -> Of reg);
(fun reg -> Or reg);
(fun reg -> Then reg);
(fun reg -> True reg);
(fun reg -> Type reg);
(fun reg -> With reg)]
let reserved =
let open SSet in
|> add "as"
|> add "asr"
|> add "class"
|> add "constraint"
|> add "do"
|> add "done"
|> add "downto"
|> add "exception"
|> add "external"
|> add "for"
|> add "function"
|> add "functor"
|> add "inherit"
|> add "initializer"
|> add "lazy"
|> add "lsl"
|> add "lsr"
|> add "method"
|> add "module"
|> add "mutable"
|> add "new"
|> add "nonrec"
|> add "object"
|> add "open"
|> add "private"
|> add "sig"
|> add "struct"
|> add "to"
|> add "try"
|> add "val"
|> add "virtual"
|> add "when"
|> add "while"
let constructors = [
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
(fun reg -> C_None reg);
(fun reg -> C_Some reg)
let add map (key, value) = SMap.add key value map
let mk_map mk_key list =
let apply map value = add map (mk_key value, value)
in List.fold_left apply SMap.empty list
type lexis = {
kwd : (Region.t -> token) SMap.t;
cstr : (Region.t -> token) SMap.t;
res : SSet.t
let lexicon : lexis =
let build list = mk_map (fun f -> to_lexeme (f Region.ghost)) list
in {kwd = build keywords;
cstr = build constructors;
res = reserved}
(* Keywords *)
type kwd_err = Invalid_keyword
let mk_kwd ident region =
match SMap.find_opt ident lexicon.kwd with
Some mk_kwd -> Ok (mk_kwd region)
| None -> Error Invalid_keyword
(* Identifiers *)
type ident_err = Reserved_name
(* Named regular expressions *)
let small = ['a'-'z']
let capital = ['A'-'Z']
let letter = small | capital
let digit = ['0'-'9']
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let ident = small (letter | '_' | digit)*
let constr = capital (letter | '_' | digit)*
(* Rules *)
rule scan_ident region lexicon = parse
(ident as value) eof {
if SSet.mem value lexicon.res
then Error Reserved_name
else Ok (match SMap.find_opt value lexicon.kwd with
Some mk_kwd -> mk_kwd region
| None -> Ident Region.{region; value}) }
and scan_constr region lexicon = parse
(constr as value) eof {
match SMap.find_opt value lexicon.cstr with
Some mk_cstr -> mk_cstr region
| None -> Constr Region.{region; value} }
(* Smart constructors (injections) *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let mk_string lexeme region =
String Region.{region; value=lexeme}
let mk_bytes lexeme region =
let norm = Str.(global_replace (regexp "_") "" lexeme) in
2020-01-09 16:50:27 -06:00
let value = lexeme, `Hex norm
in Bytes Region.{region; value}
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
type int_err = Non_canonical_zero
let mk_int lexeme region =
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let z =
Str.(global_replace (regexp "_") "" lexeme) |> Z.of_string
in if Z.equal z Z.zero && lexeme <> "0"
then Error Non_canonical_zero
else Ok (Int Region.{region; value = lexeme,z})
type nat_err =
| Non_canonical_zero_nat
let mk_nat lexeme region =
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
match (String.index_opt lexeme 'n') with
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
None -> Error Invalid_natural
| Some _ -> let z =
Str.(global_replace (regexp "_") "" lexeme) |>
Str.(global_replace (regexp "n") "") |>
Z.of_string in
if Z.equal z Z.zero && lexeme <> "0n"
then Error Non_canonical_zero_nat
else Ok (Nat Region.{region; value = lexeme,z})
2019-10-27 11:50:24 -05:00
let mk_mutez lexeme region =
let z =
Str.(global_replace (regexp "_") "" lexeme) |>
2019-10-27 11:50:24 -05:00
Str.(global_replace (regexp "mutez") "") |>
Z.of_string in
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
if Z.equal z Z.zero && lexeme <> "0mutez"
then Error Non_canonical_zero
2019-10-27 11:50:24 -05:00
else Ok (Mutez Region.{region; value = lexeme, z})
let eof region = EOF region
type sym_err = Invalid_symbol
let mk_sym lexeme region =
match lexeme with
(* Lexemes in common with all concrete syntaxes *)
";" -> Ok (SEMI region)
| "," -> Ok (COMMA region)
| "(" -> Ok (LPAR region)
| ")" -> Ok (RPAR region)
| "[" -> Ok (LBRACKET region)
| "]" -> Ok (RBRACKET region)
| "{" -> Ok (LBRACE region)
| "}" -> Ok (RBRACE region)
| "=" -> Ok (EQ region)
| ":" -> Ok (COLON region)
| "|" -> Ok (VBAR region)
| "->" -> Ok (ARROW region)
| "." -> Ok (DOT region)
| "_" -> Ok (WILD region)
| "^" -> Ok (CAT region)
| "+" -> Ok (PLUS region)
| "-" -> Ok (MINUS region)
| "*" -> Ok (TIMES region)
| "/" -> Ok (SLASH region)
| "<" -> Ok (LT region)
| "<=" -> Ok (LE region)
| ">" -> Ok (GT region)
| ">=" -> Ok (GE region)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
(* Lexemes specific to CameLIGO *)
| "<>" -> Ok (NE region)
| "::" -> Ok (CONS region)
| "||" -> Ok (BOOL_OR region)
| "&&" -> Ok (BOOL_AND region)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
(* Invalid lexemes *)
| _ -> Error Invalid_symbol
(* Identifiers *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let mk_ident lexeme region =
Lexing.from_string lexeme |> scan_ident region lexicon
(* Constructors *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let mk_constr lexeme region =
Lexing.from_string lexeme |> scan_constr region lexicon
2020-01-16 19:36:04 +00:00
(* Attributes *)
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
type attr_err = Invalid_attribute
let mk_attr header lexeme region =
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
if header = "[@" then Error Invalid_attribute
else Ok (Attr Region.{value=lexeme; region})
2020-01-16 19:36:04 +00:00
(* Predicates *)
The preprocessor library depends now on the kinds of comments instead of a closed set of languages. I also removed the offsets: I simply use the current region to determine whether the preprocessing directie starts at the beginning of a line. I also removed scanning line indicators, to make the lexer simpler. LexToken.mll: Moved the function [check_right_context] that checks stylistic constraints from Lexer.mll to LexToken.mll. While this triplicates code (as CameLIGO, PascaLIGO and ReasonLIGO share the same constraints), the benefit is that Lexer.mll becomes more generic and the signature for the TOKEN module is simpler (no more exporting predicates, except for EOF). In accordance with the change of the preprocessor, the lexers and parsers for LIGO now depend on the kind of comments, not a fixed set of syntaxes. This gives more versatility when adding a new language: only the kinds of its comments are needed, although Lexer.mll and Preproc.mll may have to be modified if they do not already know the comment delimiters, for example line comments starting with #. **************************************************************** BUG: The exceptions coming from LexToken.mll when a stylistic constraint is broken in [LexToken.check_right_context] are not caught yet. **************************************************************** Lexer.mll: I moved out as much as I could from the header into a new module LexerLib. The aim is to make it easy to reuse as much as possible of the lexer machinerie, when it cannot be used as is.
2020-04-24 21:06:18 +02:00
let is_string = function String _ -> true | _ -> false
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
let is_bytes = function Bytes _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_int = function Int _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_ident = function Ident _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_eof = function EOF _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_minus = function MINUS _ -> true | _ -> false
The preprocessor library depends now on the kinds of comments instead of a closed set of languages. I also removed the offsets: I simply use the current region to determine whether the preprocessing directie starts at the beginning of a line. I also removed scanning line indicators, to make the lexer simpler. LexToken.mll: Moved the function [check_right_context] that checks stylistic constraints from Lexer.mll to LexToken.mll. While this triplicates code (as CameLIGO, PascaLIGO and ReasonLIGO share the same constraints), the benefit is that Lexer.mll becomes more generic and the signature for the TOKEN module is simpler (no more exporting predicates, except for EOF). In accordance with the change of the preprocessor, the lexers and parsers for LIGO now depend on the kind of comments, not a fixed set of syntaxes. This gives more versatility when adding a new language: only the kinds of its comments are needed, although Lexer.mll and Preproc.mll may have to be modified if they do not already know the comment delimiters, for example line comments starting with #. **************************************************************** BUG: The exceptions coming from LexToken.mll when a stylistic constraint is broken in [LexToken.check_right_context] are not caught yet. **************************************************************** Lexer.mll: I moved out as much as I could from the header into a new module LexerLib. The aim is to make it easy to reuse as much as possible of the lexer machinerie, when it cannot be used as is.
2020-04-24 21:06:18 +02:00
(* Errors *)
type error =
| Missing_break
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Negative_byte_sequence
The preprocessor library depends now on the kinds of comments instead of a closed set of languages. I also removed the offsets: I simply use the current region to determine whether the preprocessing directie starts at the beginning of a line. I also removed scanning line indicators, to make the lexer simpler. LexToken.mll: Moved the function [check_right_context] that checks stylistic constraints from Lexer.mll to LexToken.mll. While this triplicates code (as CameLIGO, PascaLIGO and ReasonLIGO share the same constraints), the benefit is that Lexer.mll becomes more generic and the signature for the TOKEN module is simpler (no more exporting predicates, except for EOF). In accordance with the change of the preprocessor, the lexers and parsers for LIGO now depend on the kind of comments, not a fixed set of syntaxes. This gives more versatility when adding a new language: only the kinds of its comments are needed, although Lexer.mll and Preproc.mll may have to be modified if they do not already know the comment delimiters, for example line comments starting with #. **************************************************************** BUG: The exceptions coming from LexToken.mll when a stylistic constraint is broken in [LexToken.check_right_context] are not caught yet. **************************************************************** Lexer.mll: I moved out as much as I could from the header into a new module LexerLib. The aim is to make it easy to reuse as much as possible of the lexer machinerie, when it cannot be used as is.
2020-04-24 21:06:18 +02:00
let error_to_string = function
Odd_lengthed_bytes ->
"The length of the byte sequence is an odd number.\n\
Hint: Add or remove a digit."
| Missing_break ->
"Missing break.\n\
Hint: Insert some space."
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Negative_byte_sequence ->
"Negative byte sequence.\n\
Hint: Remove the leading minus sign."
The preprocessor library depends now on the kinds of comments instead of a closed set of languages. I also removed the offsets: I simply use the current region to determine whether the preprocessing directie starts at the beginning of a line. I also removed scanning line indicators, to make the lexer simpler. LexToken.mll: Moved the function [check_right_context] that checks stylistic constraints from Lexer.mll to LexToken.mll. While this triplicates code (as CameLIGO, PascaLIGO and ReasonLIGO share the same constraints), the benefit is that Lexer.mll becomes more generic and the signature for the TOKEN module is simpler (no more exporting predicates, except for EOF). In accordance with the change of the preprocessor, the lexers and parsers for LIGO now depend on the kind of comments, not a fixed set of syntaxes. This gives more versatility when adding a new language: only the kinds of its comments are needed, although Lexer.mll and Preproc.mll may have to be modified if they do not already know the comment delimiters, for example line comments starting with #. **************************************************************** BUG: The exceptions coming from LexToken.mll when a stylistic constraint is broken in [LexToken.check_right_context] are not caught yet. **************************************************************** Lexer.mll: I moved out as much as I could from the header into a new module LexerLib. The aim is to make it easy to reuse as much as possible of the lexer machinerie, when it cannot be used as is.
2020-04-24 21:06:18 +02:00
exception Error of error Region.reg
let format_error ?(offsets=true) mode Region.{region; value} ~file =
let msg = error_to_string value
and reg = region#to_string ~file ~offsets mode in
let value = sprintf "Lexical error %s:\n%s\n" reg msg
in Region.{value; region}
let fail region value = raise (Error Region.{region; value})
let check_right_context token next_token buffer : unit =
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
let pos = (to_region token)#stop in
let region = Region.make ~start:pos ~stop:pos in
match next_token buffer with
None -> ()
| Some (markup, next) ->
if is_minus token && is_bytes next
then let region =
Region.cover (to_region token) (to_region next)
in fail region Negative_byte_sequence
match markup with
[] ->
if is_int token
then if is_string next || is_ident next
then fail region Missing_break
else ()
if is_string token
then if is_int next || is_bytes next || is_ident next
then fail region Missing_break
else ()
if is_bytes token
then if is_string next || is_ident next
then fail region Missing_break
else if is_int next
then fail region Odd_lengthed_bytes
else ()
else ()
| _::_ -> ()