2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2020-01-08 16:39:52 +01:00
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
type lexeme = string
let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
module Pos = Simple_utils.Pos
module SMap = Utils.String.Map
module SSet = Utils.String.Set
(* TOKENS *)
type t =
(* Symbols *)
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
ARROW of Region.t (* "->" *)
| CONS of Region.t (* "::" *)
| CAT of Region.t (* "^" *)
(*| APPEND (* "@" *)*)
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
(* Arithmetics *)
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
| MINUS of Region.t (* "-" *)
| PLUS of Region.t (* "+" *)
| SLASH of Region.t (* "/" *)
| TIMES of Region.t (* "*" *)
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
(* Compounds *)
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
| LPAR of Region.t (* "(" *)
| RPAR of Region.t (* ")" *)
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| LBRACKET of Region.t (* "[" *)
| RBRACKET of Region.t (* "]" *)
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
| LBRACE of Region.t (* "{" *)
| RBRACE of Region.t (* "}" *)
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
(* Separators *)
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
| COMMA of Region.t (* "," *)
| SEMI of Region.t (* ";" *)
| VBAR of Region.t (* "|" *)
| COLON of Region.t (* ":" *)
| DOT of Region.t (* "." *)
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
(* Wildcard *)
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
| WILD of Region.t (* "_" *)
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
(* Comparisons *)
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
| EQ of Region.t (* "=" *)
| NE of Region.t (* "<>" *)
| LT of Region.t (* "<" *)
| GT of Region.t (* ">" *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| LE of Region.t (* "<=" *)
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
| GE of Region.t (* ">=" *)
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
| BOOL_OR of Region.t (* "||" *)
| BOOL_AND of Region.t (* "&&" *)
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
(* Identifiers, labels, numbers and strings *)
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
2019-10-27 11:50:24 -05:00
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| String of string Region.reg
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
2020-01-21 18:35:36 +01:00
| Attr of string Region.reg
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
(* Keywords *)
(*| And*)
| Begin of Region.t
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
| Else of Region.t
| End of Region.t
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| False of Region.t
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
| Fun of Region.t
2020-02-20 22:31:47 +01:00
| Rec of Region.t
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
| If of Region.t
| In of Region.t
| Let of Region.t
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| Match of Region.t
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
| Mod of Region.t
| Not of Region.t
| Of of Region.t
| Or of Region.t
| Then of Region.t
| True of Region.t
| Type of Region.t
| With of Region.t
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
(* Data constructors *)
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| C_None of Region.t (* "None" *)
| C_Some of Region.t (* "Some" *)
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
(* Virtual tokens *)
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| EOF of Region.t (* End of file *)
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
(* Projections *)
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
type token = t
let proj_token = function
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
(* Literals *)
String Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Str %s" value
| Bytes Region.{region; value = s,b} ->
sprintf "Bytes (\"%s\", \"0x%s\")" s (Hex.show b)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| Int Region.{region; value = s,n} ->
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
region, sprintf "Int (\"%s\", %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| Nat Region.{region; value = s,n} ->
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
region, sprintf "Nat (\"%s\", %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| Mutez Region.{region; value = s,n} ->
2019-10-27 11:50:24 -05:00
region, sprintf "Mutez (\"%s\", %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Ident Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Ident %s" value
| Constr Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Constr %s" value
2020-01-21 18:35:36 +01:00
| Attr Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Attr \"%s\"" value
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
(* Symbols *)
| ARROW region -> region, "ARROW"
| CONS region -> region, "CONS"
| CAT region -> region, "CAT"
| MINUS region -> region, "MINUS"
| PLUS region -> region, "PLUS"
| SLASH region -> region, "SLASH"
| TIMES region -> region, "TIMES"
| LPAR region -> region, "LPAR"
| RPAR region -> region, "RPAR"
| LBRACKET region -> region, "LBRACKET"
| RBRACKET region -> region, "RBRACKET"
| LBRACE region -> region, "LBRACE"
| RBRACE region -> region, "RBRACE"
| COMMA region -> region, "COMMA"
| SEMI region -> region, "SEMI"
| VBAR region -> region, "VBAR"
| COLON region -> region, "COLON"
| DOT region -> region, "DOT"
| WILD region -> region, "WILD"
| EQ region -> region, "EQ"
| NE region -> region, "NE"
| LT region -> region, "LT"
| GT region -> region, "GT"
| LE region -> region, "LE"
| GE region -> region, "GE"
| BOOL_OR region -> region, "BOOL_OR"
| BOOL_AND region -> region, "BOOL_AND"
(* Keywords *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| Begin region -> region, "Begin"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Else region -> region, "Else"
| End region -> region, "End"
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| False region -> region, "False"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Fun region -> region, "Fun"
| Rec region -> region, "Rec"
| If region -> region, "If"
| In region -> region, "In"
| Let region -> region, "Let"
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| Match region -> region, "Match"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Mod region -> region, "Mod"
| Not region -> region, "Not"
| Of region -> region, "Of"
| Or region -> region, "Or"
| Then region -> region, "Then"
| True region -> region, "True"
| Type region -> region, "Type"
| With region -> region, "With"
(* Data *)
| C_None region -> region, "C_None"
| C_Some region -> region, "C_Some"
(* Virtual tokens *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| EOF region -> region, "EOF"
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let to_lexeme = function
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
(* Literals *)
String s -> String.escaped s.Region.value
| Bytes b -> fst b.Region.value
| Int i
| Nat i
| Mutez i -> fst i.Region.value
| Ident id -> id.Region.value
| Constr id -> id.Region.value
| Attr a -> a.Region.value
(* Symbols *)
| ARROW _ -> "->"
| CONS _ -> "::"
| CAT _ -> "^"
| MINUS _ -> "-"
| PLUS _ -> "+"
| SLASH _ -> "/"
| TIMES _ -> "*"
| LPAR _ -> "("
| RPAR _ -> ")"
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| LBRACKET _ -> "["
| RBRACKET _ -> "]"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| LBRACE _ -> "{"
| RBRACE _ -> "}"
| COMMA _ -> ","
| SEMI _ -> ";"
| VBAR _ -> "|"
| COLON _ -> ":"
| DOT _ -> "."
| WILD _ -> "_"
| EQ _ -> "="
| NE _ -> "<>"
| LT _ -> "<"
| GT _ -> ">"
| LE _ -> "<="
| GE _ -> ">="
| BOOL_OR _ -> "||"
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| BOOL_AND _ -> "&&"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
(* Keywords *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| Begin _ -> "begin"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Else _ -> "else"
| End _ -> "end"
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| False _ -> "false"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Fun _ -> "fun"
| Rec _ -> "rec"
| If _ -> "if"
| In _ -> "in"
| Let _ -> "let"
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| Match _ -> "match"
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Mod _ -> "mod"
| Not _ -> "not"
| Of _ -> "of"
| Or _ -> "or"
| True _ -> "true"
| Type _ -> "type"
| Then _ -> "then"
| With _ -> "with"
(* Data constructors *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| C_None _ -> "None"
| C_Some _ -> "Some"
2020-01-21 18:35:36 +01:00
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
(* Virtual tokens *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| EOF _ -> ""
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let to_string token ?(offsets=true) mode =
let region, val_str = proj_token token in
let reg_str = region#compact ~offsets mode
in sprintf "%s: %s" reg_str val_str
let to_region token = proj_token token |> fst
(* LEXIS *)
let keywords = [
(fun reg -> Begin reg);
(fun reg -> Else reg);
(fun reg -> End reg);
(fun reg -> False reg);
(fun reg -> Fun reg);
2020-02-21 16:10:02 +01:00
(fun reg -> Rec reg);
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
(fun reg -> If reg);
(fun reg -> In reg);
(fun reg -> Let reg);
(fun reg -> Match reg);
(fun reg -> Mod reg);
(fun reg -> Not reg);
(fun reg -> Of reg);
(fun reg -> Or reg);
(fun reg -> Then reg);
(fun reg -> True reg);
(fun reg -> Type reg);
2020-01-08 16:39:52 +01:00
(fun reg -> With reg)]
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let reserved =
let open SSet in
2019-10-12 23:42:26 +02:00
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
|> add "as"
|> add "asr"
|> add "class"
|> add "constraint"
|> add "do"
|> add "done"
|> add "downto"
|> add "exception"
|> add "external"
|> add "for"
|> add "function"
|> add "functor"
|> add "inherit"
|> add "initializer"
|> add "lazy"
|> add "lsl"
2019-10-12 23:42:26 +02:00
|> add "lsr"
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
|> add "method"
|> add "module"
|> add "mutable"
|> add "new"
|> add "nonrec"
|> add "object"
|> add "open"
|> add "private"
|> add "sig"
|> add "struct"
|> add "to"
|> add "try"
|> add "val"
|> add "virtual"
|> add "when"
|> add "while"
let constructors = [
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
(fun reg -> C_None reg);
(fun reg -> C_Some reg)
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let add map (key, value) = SMap.add key value map
let mk_map mk_key list =
let apply map value = add map (mk_key value, value)
in List.fold_left apply SMap.empty list
type lexis = {
kwd : (Region.t -> token) SMap.t;
cstr : (Region.t -> token) SMap.t;
res : SSet.t
let lexicon : lexis =
let build list = mk_map (fun f -> to_lexeme (f Region.ghost)) list
in {kwd = build keywords;
cstr = build constructors;
res = reserved}
2020-01-08 16:39:52 +01:00
(* Keywords *)
type kwd_err = Invalid_keyword
let mk_kwd ident region =
match SMap.find_opt ident lexicon.kwd with
Some mk_kwd -> Ok (mk_kwd region)
| None -> Error Invalid_keyword
(* Identifiers *)
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
type ident_err = Reserved_name
2020-01-08 16:39:52 +01:00
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
(* Named regular expressions *)
let small = ['a'-'z']
let capital = ['A'-'Z']
let letter = small | capital
let digit = ['0'-'9']
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let ident = small (letter | '_' | digit)*
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let constr = capital (letter | '_' | digit)*
(* Rules *)
rule scan_ident region lexicon = parse
(ident as value) eof {
if SSet.mem value lexicon.res
then Error Reserved_name
else Ok (match SMap.find_opt value lexicon.kwd with
Some mk_kwd -> mk_kwd region
| None -> Ident Region.{region; value}) }
and scan_constr region lexicon = parse
(constr as value) eof {
match SMap.find_opt value lexicon.cstr with
Some mk_cstr -> mk_cstr region
| None -> Constr Region.{region; value} }
(* Smart constructors (injections) *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let mk_string lexeme region =
String Region.{region; value=lexeme}
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let mk_bytes lexeme region =
let norm = Str.(global_replace (regexp "_") "" lexeme) in
2020-01-09 16:50:27 -06:00
let value = lexeme, `Hex norm
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
in Bytes Region.{region; value}
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
type int_err = Non_canonical_zero
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let mk_int lexeme region =
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let z =
Str.(global_replace (regexp "_") "" lexeme) |> Z.of_string
in if Z.equal z Z.zero && lexeme <> "0"
then Error Non_canonical_zero
else Ok (Int Region.{region; value = lexeme,z})
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-12 23:42:26 +02:00
type nat_err =
| Non_canonical_zero_nat
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let mk_nat lexeme region =
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
match (String.index_opt lexeme 'n') with
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
None -> Error Invalid_natural
| Some _ -> let z =
Str.(global_replace (regexp "_") "" lexeme) |>
Str.(global_replace (regexp "n") "") |>
Z.of_string in
if Z.equal z Z.zero && lexeme <> "0n"
then Error Non_canonical_zero_nat
else Ok (Nat Region.{region; value = lexeme,z})
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-27 11:50:24 -05:00
let mk_mutez lexeme region =
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let z =
Str.(global_replace (regexp "_") "" lexeme) |>
2019-10-27 11:50:24 -05:00
Str.(global_replace (regexp "mutez") "") |>
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Z.of_string in
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
if Z.equal z Z.zero && lexeme <> "0mutez"
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
then Error Non_canonical_zero
2019-10-27 11:50:24 -05:00
else Ok (Mutez Region.{region; value = lexeme, z})
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let eof region = EOF region
2019-10-12 23:42:26 +02:00
type sym_err = Invalid_symbol
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let mk_sym lexeme region =
match lexeme with
2019-10-12 23:42:26 +02:00
(* Lexemes in common with all concrete syntaxes *)
";" -> Ok (SEMI region)
| "," -> Ok (COMMA region)
| "(" -> Ok (LPAR region)
| ")" -> Ok (RPAR region)
| "[" -> Ok (LBRACKET region)
| "]" -> Ok (RBRACKET region)
| "{" -> Ok (LBRACE region)
| "}" -> Ok (RBRACE region)
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
| "=" -> Ok (EQ region)
2019-10-12 23:42:26 +02:00
| ":" -> Ok (COLON region)
| "|" -> Ok (VBAR region)
| "->" -> Ok (ARROW region)
| "." -> Ok (DOT region)
| "_" -> Ok (WILD region)
| "^" -> Ok (CAT region)
| "+" -> Ok (PLUS region)
| "-" -> Ok (MINUS region)
| "*" -> Ok (TIMES region)
| "/" -> Ok (SLASH region)
| "<" -> Ok (LT region)
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
| "<=" -> Ok (LE region)
2019-10-12 23:42:26 +02:00
| ">" -> Ok (GT region)
2019-10-13 19:51:01 +02:00
| ">=" -> Ok (GE region)
2019-10-12 23:42:26 +02:00
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
(* Lexemes specific to CameLIGO *)
2019-10-12 23:42:26 +02:00
| "<>" -> Ok (NE region)
| "::" -> Ok (CONS region)
| "||" -> Ok (BOOL_OR region)
| "&&" -> Ok (BOOL_AND region)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
(* Invalid lexemes *)
| _ -> Error Invalid_symbol
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
(* Identifiers *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let mk_ident lexeme region =
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Lexing.from_string lexeme |> scan_ident region lexicon
(* Constructors *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let mk_constr lexeme region =
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Lexing.from_string lexeme |> scan_constr region lexicon
2020-01-16 19:36:04 +00:00
(* Attributes *)
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
type attr_err = Invalid_attribute
2020-01-21 18:35:36 +01:00
let mk_attr header lexeme region =
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
if header = "[@" then Error Invalid_attribute
2020-01-21 18:35:36 +01:00
else Ok (Attr Region.{value=lexeme; region})
2020-01-16 19:36:04 +00:00
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
(* Predicates *)
2020-04-24 21:06:18 +02:00
let is_string = function String _ -> true | _ -> false
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
let is_bytes = function Bytes _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_int = function Int _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_ident = function Ident _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_eof = function EOF _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_minus = function MINUS _ -> true | _ -> false
2020-04-24 21:06:18 +02:00
(* Errors *)
type error =
| Missing_break
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Negative_byte_sequence
2020-04-24 21:06:18 +02:00
let error_to_string = function
Odd_lengthed_bytes ->
"The length of the byte sequence is an odd number.\n\
Hint: Add or remove a digit."
| Missing_break ->
"Missing break.\n\
Hint: Insert some space."
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
| Negative_byte_sequence ->
"Negative byte sequence.\n\
Hint: Remove the leading minus sign."
2020-04-24 21:06:18 +02:00
exception Error of error Region.reg
let format_error ?(offsets=true) mode Region.{region; value} ~file =
let msg = error_to_string value
and reg = region#to_string ~file ~offsets mode in
let value = sprintf "Lexical error %s:\n%s\n" reg msg
in Region.{value; region}
let fail region value = raise (Error Region.{region; value})
let check_right_context token next_token buffer : unit =
2020-04-28 19:26:31 +02:00
let pos = (to_region token)#stop in
let region = Region.make ~start:pos ~stop:pos in
match next_token buffer with
None -> ()
| Some (markup, next) ->
if is_minus token && is_bytes next
then let region =
Region.cover (to_region token) (to_region next)
in fail region Negative_byte_sequence
match markup with
[] ->
if is_int token
then if is_string next || is_ident next
then fail region Missing_break
else ()
if is_string token
then if is_int next || is_bytes next || is_ident next
then fail region Missing_break
else ()
if is_bytes token
then if is_string next || is_ident next
then fail region Missing_break
else if is_int next
then fail region Odd_lengthed_bytes
else ()
else ()
| _::_ -> ()
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-12 23:42:26 +02:00