2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(* *)
2018-02-06 00:17:03 +04:00
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
2018-06-08 05:17:23 +04:00
type ('a, 'b) msgf =
(('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> ?tags:Tag.set -> 'a) -> ?tags:Tag.set -> 'b
type ('a, 'b) log = ('a, 'b) msgf -> 'b
module type MESSAGE = sig
val name: string
type log_section = ..
type log_message = {
section : log_section ;
text : string ;
tags : Tag.set ;
let taps : (log_message -> unit) list ref = ref []
let tap f = taps := f :: !taps
let call_taps v = List.iter (fun f -> f v) !taps
module type SEMLOG = sig
type log_section += Section
module Tag = Tag
val debug: ('a, unit) log
val log_info: ('a, unit) log
val log_notice: ('a, unit) log
val warn: ('a, unit) log
val log_error: ('a, unit) log
val fatal_error: ('a, unit) log
val lwt_debug: ('a, unit Lwt.t) log
val lwt_log_info: ('a, unit Lwt.t) log
val lwt_log_notice: ('a, unit Lwt.t) log
val lwt_warn: ('a, unit Lwt.t) log
val lwt_log_error: ('a, unit Lwt.t) log
val lwt_fatal_error: ('a, unit Lwt.t) log
val event : string Tag.def
val exn : exn Tag.def
let sections = ref []
let event = Tag.def ~doc:"String identifier for the class of event being logged" "event" Format.pp_print_text
let exn = Tag.def ~doc:"Exception which was detected" "exception" (fun f e -> Format.pp_print_text f (Printexc.to_string e))
module Make_semantic(S : MESSAGE) : SEMLOG = struct
include S
type log_section += Section
module Tag = Tag
let () = sections := S.name :: !sections
let section = Lwt_log_core.Section.make S.name
let log_f ~level =
if level >= Lwt_log_core.Section.level section then
fun format ?(tags=Tag.empty) ->
(fun text ->
call_taps { section = Section ; text ; tags };
Lwt_log_core.log ~section ~level text)
fun format ?(tags=Tag.empty) ->
(fun _ -> call_taps { section = Section ; text = "" ; tags }; Lwt.return_unit)
let ign_log_f ~level =
if level >= Lwt_log_core.Section.level section then
fun format ?(tags=Tag.empty) ->
(fun text ->
call_taps { section = Section ; text ; tags };
Lwt_log_core.ign_log ~section ~level text)
fun format ?(tags=Tag.empty) ->
(fun _ -> call_taps { section = Section ; text = "" ; tags })
let debug f = f (ign_log_f ~level:Lwt_log_core.Debug) ?tags:(Some Tag.empty)
let log_info f = f (ign_log_f ~level:Lwt_log_core.Info) ?tags:(Some Tag.empty)
let log_notice f = f (ign_log_f ~level:Lwt_log_core.Notice) ?tags:(Some Tag.empty)
let warn f = f (ign_log_f ~level:Lwt_log_core.Warning) ?tags:(Some Tag.empty)
let log_error f = f (ign_log_f ~level:Lwt_log_core.Error) ?tags:(Some Tag.empty)
let fatal_error f = f (ign_log_f ~level:Lwt_log_core.Fatal) ?tags:(Some Tag.empty)
let lwt_debug f = f (log_f ~level:Lwt_log_core.Debug) ?tags:(Some Tag.empty)
let lwt_log_info f = f (log_f ~level:Lwt_log_core.Info) ?tags:(Some Tag.empty)
let lwt_log_notice f = f (log_f ~level:Lwt_log_core.Notice) ?tags:(Some Tag.empty)
let lwt_warn f = f (log_f ~level:Lwt_log_core.Warning) ?tags:(Some Tag.empty)
let lwt_log_error f = f (log_f ~level:Lwt_log_core.Error) ?tags:(Some Tag.empty)
let lwt_fatal_error f = f (log_f ~level:Lwt_log_core.Fatal) ?tags:(Some Tag.empty)
let event = event
let exn = exn
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
module type LOG = sig
2018-06-08 05:17:23 +04:00
type log_section += Section
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
val debug: ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit) format4 -> 'a
val log_info: ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit) format4 -> 'a
val log_notice: ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit) format4 -> 'a
val warn: ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit) format4 -> 'a
val log_error: ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit) format4 -> 'a
2017-11-08 19:02:19 +04:00
val fatal_error: ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit) format4 -> 'a
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
val lwt_debug: ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
val lwt_log_info: ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
val lwt_log_notice: ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
val lwt_warn: ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
val lwt_log_error: ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
2018-01-22 18:25:48 +04:00
val lwt_fatal_error: ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2017-01-30 22:10:16 +04:00
let sections = ref []
2018-06-27 04:06:09 +04:00
module Make_unregistered(S : sig val name: string end) : LOG = struct
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2018-02-08 13:51:01 +04:00
let section = Lwt_log_core.Section.make S.name
2018-06-08 05:17:23 +04:00
type log_section += Section
let log_f
?exn ?(section = Lwt_log_core.Section.main) ?location ?logger ~level format =
if level < Lwt_log_core.Section.level section then
Format.ikfprintf (fun _ -> Lwt.return_unit) Format.std_formatter format
(fun msg ->
call_taps { section = Section ; text = msg ; tags = Tag.empty };
Lwt_log_core.log ?exn ~section ?location ?logger ~level msg)
let ign_log_f
?exn ?(section = Lwt_log_core.Section.main) ?location ?logger ~level format =
if level < Lwt_log_core.Section.level section then
Format.ikfprintf (fun _ -> ()) Format.std_formatter format
(fun msg ->
call_taps { section = Section ; text = msg ; tags = Tag.empty };
Lwt_log_core.ign_log ?exn ~section ?location ?logger ~level msg)
2018-02-08 13:51:01 +04:00
let debug fmt = ign_log_f ~section ~level:Lwt_log_core.Debug fmt
let log_info fmt = ign_log_f ~section ~level:Lwt_log_core.Info fmt
let log_notice fmt = ign_log_f ~section ~level:Lwt_log_core.Notice fmt
let warn fmt = ign_log_f ~section ~level:Lwt_log_core.Warning fmt
let log_error fmt = ign_log_f ~section ~level:Lwt_log_core.Error fmt
let fatal_error fmt = ign_log_f ~section ~level:Lwt_log_core.Fatal fmt
let lwt_debug fmt = log_f ~section ~level:Lwt_log_core.Debug fmt
let lwt_log_info fmt = log_f ~section ~level:Lwt_log_core.Info fmt
let lwt_log_notice fmt = log_f ~section ~level:Lwt_log_core.Notice fmt
let lwt_warn fmt = log_f ~section ~level:Lwt_log_core.Warning fmt
let lwt_log_error fmt = log_f ~section ~level:Lwt_log_core.Error fmt
let lwt_fatal_error fmt = log_f ~section ~level:Lwt_log_core.Fatal fmt
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2018-06-27 04:06:09 +04:00
module Make(S : sig val name: string end) : LOG = struct
let () = sections := S.name :: !sections
include Make_unregistered(S)
2018-06-08 05:17:23 +04:00
module Core = struct
include Make_semantic(struct let name = "core" end)
let worker = Tag.def ~doc:"Name of affected worker" "worker" Format.pp_print_text
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2017-01-23 14:09:36 +04:00
type level = Lwt_log_core.level =
| Debug
2017-11-13 19:34:00 +04:00
(** Debugging message. They can be automatically removed by the
syntax extension. *)
2017-01-23 14:09:36 +04:00
| Info
2017-11-13 19:34:00 +04:00
(** Informational message. Suitable to be displayed when the
program is in verbose mode. *)
2017-01-23 14:09:36 +04:00
| Notice
2017-11-13 19:34:00 +04:00
(** Same as {!Info}, but is displayed by default. *)
2017-01-23 14:09:36 +04:00
| Warning
2017-11-13 19:34:00 +04:00
(** Something strange happend *)
2017-01-23 14:09:36 +04:00
| Error
2017-11-13 19:34:00 +04:00
(** An error message, which should not means the end of the
program. *)
2017-01-23 14:09:36 +04:00
| Fatal
2018-02-08 13:51:01 +04:00
type template = Lwt_log_core.template
let default_template = "$(date) - $(section): $(message)"