2019-02-25 21:29:29 +00:00
type t = <
byte : Lexing.position;
point_num : int;
point_bol : int;
file : string;
line : int;
set_file : string -> t;
set_line : int -> t;
2019-03-12 18:33:29 +01:00
set_offset : int -> t;
set : file:string -> line:int -> offset:int -> t;
2019-02-25 21:29:29 +00:00
new_line : string -> t;
add_nl : t;
shift_bytes : int -> t;
shift_one_uchar : int -> t;
offset : [`Byte | `Point] -> int;
column : [`Byte | `Point] -> int;
line_offset : [`Byte | `Point] -> int;
byte_offset : int;
is_ghost : bool;
to_string : ?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] -> string;
compact : ?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] -> string;
anonymous : ?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] -> string
type pos = t
(* Constructors *)
let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
let make ~byte ~point_num ~point_bol =
let () = assert (point_num >= point_bol) in
object (self)
val byte = byte
method byte = byte
val point_num = point_num
method point_num = point_num
val point_bol = point_bol
method point_bol = point_bol
2019-03-12 18:33:29 +01:00
method set_file file =
{< byte = Lexing.{byte with pos_fname = file} >}
method set_line line =
{< byte = Lexing.{byte with pos_lnum = line} >}
method set_offset offset =
{< byte = Lexing.{byte with pos_cnum = byte.pos_bol + offset} >}
method set ~file ~line ~offset =
let pos = self#set_file file in
let pos = pos#set_line line in
let pos = pos#set_offset offset
in pos
2019-02-25 21:29:29 +00:00
(* The string must not contain '\n'. See [new_line]. *)
method shift_bytes len =
{< byte = Lexing.{byte with pos_cnum = byte.pos_cnum + len};
point_num = point_num + len >}
method shift_one_uchar len =
{< byte = Lexing.{byte with pos_cnum = byte.pos_cnum + len};
point_num = point_num + 1 >}
method add_nl =
{< byte = Lexing.{byte with
pos_lnum = byte.pos_lnum + 1;
pos_bol = byte.pos_cnum};
point_bol = point_num >}
method new_line string =
let len = String.length string
in (self#shift_bytes len)#add_nl
method is_ghost = byte = Lexing.dummy_pos
method file = byte.Lexing.pos_fname
method line = byte.Lexing.pos_lnum
method offset = function
`Byte -> Lexing.(byte.pos_cnum - byte.pos_bol)
| `Point -> point_num - point_bol
method column mode = 1 + self#offset mode
method line_offset = function
`Byte -> byte.Lexing.pos_bol
| `Point -> point_bol
method byte_offset = byte.Lexing.pos_cnum
method to_string ?(offsets=true) mode =
let offset = self#offset mode in
let horizontal, value =
if offsets then "character", offset else "column", offset + 1
in sprintf "File \"%s\", line %i, %s %i"
self#file self#line horizontal value
method compact ?(offsets=true) mode =
if self#is_ghost then "ghost"
let offset = self#offset mode in
sprintf "%s:%i:%i"
self#file self#line (if offsets then offset else offset + 1)
method anonymous ?(offsets=true) mode =
if self#is_ghost then "ghost"
else sprintf "%i:%i" self#line
(if offsets then self#offset mode else self#column mode)
let ghost = make ~byte:Lexing.dummy_pos ~point_num:(-1) ~point_bol:(-1)
let min =
let byte = Lexing.{
pos_fname = "";
pos_lnum = 1;
pos_bol = 0;
pos_cnum = 0}
in make ~byte ~point_num:0 ~point_bol:0
(* Comparisons *)
let equal pos1 pos2 =
pos1#file = pos2#file && pos1#byte_offset = pos2#byte_offset
let lt pos1 pos2 =
pos1#file = pos2#file && pos1#byte_offset < pos2#byte_offset