2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Error_monad
open Logging.Node.Main
let genesis_block =
2016-09-23 15:06:17 +02:00
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let genesis_protocol =
2016-09-23 15:06:17 +02:00
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let test_protocol =
Some (Protocol_hash.of_b48check
2016-09-23 15:06:17 +02:00
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let genesis_time =
Time.of_notation_exn "2016-08-01T00:00:00Z"
let genesis = {
Store.time = genesis_time ;
block = genesis_block ;
protocol = genesis_protocol ;
module Globals = struct
open Config_file
let (//) = Filename.concat
let home =
try Sys.getenv "HOME"
with Not_found -> "/root"
class string_option_cp ?group name ?short_name default help =
object (self)
inherit [string] option_cp
string_wrappers ?group name ?short_name default help
method get_spec =
let set = function
| ""
| "none" -> self#set None | s -> self#set (Some s) in
Arg.String set
let addr_wrappers = {
to_raw = (fun v -> Raw.String (Ipaddr.to_string v));
of_raw = function
| Raw.String v -> Ipaddr.of_string_exn v
| r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
"Raw.Int expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))}
class addr_cp = [Ipaddr.t] cp_custom_type addr_wrappers
(** Command line options *)
let cli_group = new group
let base_dir =
new filename_cp ~group:cli_group ["base-dir"] (home // ".tezos-node")
"The directory where the tezos node will store all its data."
let config_file =
new filename_cp ~group:cli_group ["config-file"] (base_dir#get // "config")
"The main configuration file."
let () =
let config_file_forced = ref false in
let update_config _old_file _new_file = config_file_forced := true in
let update_base_dir old_dir new_dir =
if new_dir <> old_dir then
if not !config_file_forced then begin
config_file#set (new_dir // "config");
config_file_forced := false
config_file#add_hook update_config;
base_dir#add_hook update_base_dir
let sandbox =
new string_option_cp ~group:cli_group ["sandbox"] None
"Run a sandboxed daemon \
\ (P2P is disabled, \
\ data are stored in custom directory)."
let sandbox_param =
new string_option_cp ~group:cli_group ["sandbox-param"] None
"Custom paramater for the ecoproto."
let () =
let sandboxed _ = function
| None -> base_dir#reset
| Some dir -> base_dir#set dir in
sandbox#add_hook sandboxed
2016-11-07 16:00:08 +01:00
let verbose_param =
new string_option_cp ~group:cli_group ["verbosity"] ~short_name:"v" (Some "notice")
"Verbosity level (fatal, error, warning, notice, info, debug)"
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(** File options *)
let file_group = new group
let store_root =
new filename_cp ~group:file_group ["db"; "store"]
"DUMMY" (* See update default *) "TODO"
let context_root =
new filename_cp ~group:file_group ["db"; "context"]
"DUMMY" (* See update default *) "TODO"
let protocol_dir =
new filename_cp ~group:file_group ["protocol"; "dir"]
"DUMMY" (* See update default *) "TODO"
let peers_file =
new filename_cp ~group:file_group ["net"; "peers"]
"DUMMY" (* See update default *)
"A file storing information about known peers"
(** Network options *)
let in_both_groups cp =
file_group # add cp ; cli_group # add cp ; cp
let min_connections = in_both_groups @@
new int_cp [ "net" ; "min-connections" ] 4
"The number of connections under which aggressive peer discovery mode must be entered"
let max_connections = in_both_groups @@
new int_cp [ "net" ; "max-connections" ] 400
"The number of connections over which some have to be closed"
let expected_connections = in_both_groups @@
new int_cp [ "net" ; "expected-connections" ] 20
"The minimum number of connections to be ensured by the cruise control"
let incoming_port = in_both_groups @@
new option_cp int_wrappers [ "net" ; "port" ] ~short_name:"P" (Some 9732)
"The TCP address at which this instance can be reached"
let discovery_port = in_both_groups @@
new bool_cp [ "net" ; "local-discovery" ] ~short_name:"D" false
"Automatic discovery of peers on the local network"
let bootstrap_peers = in_both_groups @@
new list_cp (tuple2_wrappers addr_wrappers int_wrappers)
[ "net" ; "bootstrap-peers" ] ~short_name:"B" [ ]
"The peers to bootstrap the networks from"
let closed_network = in_both_groups @@
new bool_cp
[ "net" ; "closed" ] ~short_name:"X" false
"Only accept connections from the bootstrap peers"
(** Logging *)
let log_kind =
new string_cp ~group:file_group [ "log" ; "kind" ] "stderr"
"Which logger to use: 'stderr', 'stdout', 'file', 'null' or 'syslog'."
let log_file =
new filename_cp ~group:file_group ["log"; "file"]
"DUMMY" (* See update default *)
"The log-file path when 'log_kind = file'."
(** RPC *)
let rpc_listening_port = in_both_groups @@
new option_cp int_wrappers [ "rpc" ; "port" ] ~short_name:"P" None
"The TCP port at which this RPC-server instance can be reached"
let rpc_listening_addr = in_both_groups @@
new string_option_cp [ "rpc" ; "addr" ] ~short_name:"A" None
"The TCP address at which this RPC-server instance can be reached"
(** Entry point *)
let update_defaults () =
(* Set default path relatively to [base_dir]. *)
store_root#set (base_dir#get // "store");
context_root#set (base_dir#get // "context");
protocol_dir#set (base_dir#get // "protocol");
peers_file#set (base_dir#get // "peers-cache");
log_file#set (base_dir#get // "tezos-node.log")
let parse_args () =
let args = cli_group#command_line_args "-" in
let anon_fun str =
Arg.usage args
"\nError: Unknown command line argument %S.\n\nUsage:" str);
Utils.exit 1
Arg.parse args anon_fun "Usage:";
update_defaults ();
if Sys.file_exists config_file#get then begin
file_group#read config_file#get ;
(* parse once again to overwrite file options by cli ones *)
Arg.parse_argv ~current:(ref 0) Sys.argv args anon_fun "Usage:"
with Sys_error msg ->
Printf.eprintf "Error: can't read the configuration file: %s\n%!" msg;
Utils.exit 1
end else begin
Lwt_main.run (Utils.create_dir (Filename.dirname config_file#get));
file_group#write config_file#get
with Sys_error msg ->
"Warning: can't create the default configuration file: %s\n%!" msg
let init_logger () =
let open Logging in
2016-11-07 16:00:08 +01:00
let open Lwt_log_core in
match Globals.verbose_param#get with
| Some "fatal" -> add_rule "*" Fatal
| Some "error" -> add_rule "*" Error
| Some "warning" -> add_rule "*" Warning
| Some "notice" -> add_rule "*" Notice
| Some "info" -> add_rule "*" Info
| Some "debug" -> add_rule "*" Debug
| _ -> ()
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
match Globals.log_kind#get with
| "" | "stderr" -> Logging.init Stderr
| "stdout" -> Logging.init Stdout
| "file" -> Logging.init (File Globals.log_file#get)
| "null" -> Logging.init Null
| "syslog" -> Logging.init Syslog
| kind -> Printf.eprintf "Warning: unknown log_kind \"%s\".\n%!" kind
let init_node () =
let patch_context json ctxt =
let module Proto = (val Updater.get_exn genesis_protocol) in
(fun () ->
Proto.configure_sandbox ctxt json >|= function
| Error _ ->
warn "Error while configuring ecoproto for the sandboxed mode." ;
| Ok ctxt -> ctxt)
(fun exn ->
warn "Error while configuring ecoproto for the sandboxed mode. (%s)"
(Printexc.to_string exn) ;
Lwt.return ctxt) in
match Globals.sandbox#get with
| None -> Lwt.return_none
| Some _ ->
match Globals.sandbox_param#get with
| None -> Lwt.return (Some (patch_context None))
| Some file ->
Data_encoding.Json.read_file file >>= function
| None ->
"Can't parse sandbox parameters (%s)" file >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return (Some (patch_context None))
| Some _ as json ->
Lwt.return (Some (patch_context json))
end >>= fun patch_context ->
let net_params =
let open P2p in
match Globals.sandbox#get with
| Some _ -> None
| None ->
let limits =
{ max_packet_size = 10_000 ;
peer_answer_timeout = 5. ;
expected_connections = Globals.expected_connections#get ;
min_connections = Globals.min_connections#get ;
max_connections = Globals.max_connections#get ;
blacklist_time = 30. }
and config =
{ incoming_port = Globals.incoming_port#get ;
discovery_port =
if Globals.discovery_port#get then Some 7732 else None ;
known_peers = Globals.bootstrap_peers#get ;
peers_file = Globals.peers_file#get ;
closed_network = Globals.closed_network#get }
Some (config, limits) in
let init_rpc node =
match Globals.rpc_listening_port#get, Globals.rpc_listening_addr#get with
| None, None ->
lwt_log_notice "Not listening to RPC calls." >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return None
| port, addr ->
let addr = match addr with Some a -> a | None -> "" in
let port = match port with Some p -> p | None -> 8732 in
lwt_log_notice "Starting the RPC server at %s:%d." addr port >>= fun () ->
let dir = Node_rpc.build_rpc_directory node in
RPC.(launch addr port dir) >>= fun server ->
Lwt.return (Some server)
let may f = function
| None -> Lwt.return_unit
| Some x -> f x
let init_signal () =
let handler id = try Utils.exit id with _ -> () in
2016-10-10 14:23:14 +02:00
ignore (Lwt_unix.on_signal Sys.sigint handler : Lwt_unix.signal_handler_id)
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let main () =
Random.self_init () ;
Sodium.Random.stir () ;
Globals.parse_args ();
init_logger ();
Updater.init Globals.protocol_dir#get;
lwt_log_notice "Starting the Tezos node..." >>= fun () ->
init_node () >>=? fun node ->
init_rpc node >>= fun rpc ->
init_signal ();
lwt_log_notice "The Tezos node is now running!" >>= fun () ->
Utils.termination_thread >>= fun x ->
lwt_log_notice "Shutting down the Tezos node..." >>= fun () ->
Node.shutdown node >>= fun () ->
lwt_log_notice "Shutting down the RPC server..." >>= fun () ->
may RPC.shutdown rpc >>= fun () ->
lwt_log_notice "BYE (%d)" x >>= fun () ->
return ()
let () =
Lwt_main.run begin
main () >>= function
| Ok () -> Lwt.return_unit
| Error err ->
lwt_log_error "%a@." Error_monad.pp_print_error err