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(* *)
2018-02-06 00:17:03 +04:00
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
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(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
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2017-12-09 06:51:58 +04:00
module Client = Resto_cohttp.Client.Make(RPC_encoding)
module type LOGGER = Client.LOGGER
type logger = (module LOGGER)
let null_logger = Client.null_logger
let timings_logger = Client.timings_logger
let full_logger = Client.full_logger
type ('o, 'e) rest_result =
[ `Ok of 'o
| `Conflict of 'e
| `Error of 'e
| `Forbidden of 'e
| `Not_found of 'e
| `Unauthorized of 'e ] tzresult
type content_type = (string * string)
type raw_content = Cohttp_lwt.Body.t * content_type option
type content = Cohttp_lwt.Body.t * content_type option * Media_type.t option
type rpc_error =
| Empty_answer
| Connection_failed of string
| Bad_request of string
2017-12-09 06:51:58 +04:00
| Method_not_allowed of RPC_service.meth list
| Unsupported_media_type of string option
| Not_acceptable of { proposed: string ; acceptable: string }
| Unexpected_status_code of { code: Cohttp.Code.status_code ;
content: string ;
media_type: string option }
| Unexpected_content_type of { received: string ;
acceptable: string list ;
body : string}
| Unexpected_content of { content: string ;
media_type: string ;
error: string }
| OCaml_exception of string
let rpc_error_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
[ case (Tag 0)
(req "kind" (constant "empty_answer")))
(function Empty_answer -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Empty_answer) ;
case (Tag 1)
(req "kind" (constant "connection_failed"))
(req "message" string))
(function Connection_failed msg -> Some ((), msg) | _ -> None)
(function (), msg -> Connection_failed msg) ;
case (Tag 2)
(req "kind" (constant "bad_request"))
(req "message" string))
(function Bad_request msg -> Some ((), msg) | _ -> None)
(function (), msg -> Bad_request msg) ;
case (Tag 3)
(req "kind" (constant "method_not_allowed"))
2017-12-09 06:51:58 +04:00
(req "allowed" (list RPC_service.meth_encoding)))
(function Method_not_allowed meths -> Some ((), meths) | _ -> None)
(function ((), meths) -> Method_not_allowed meths) ;
case (Tag 4)
(req "kind" (constant "unsupported_media_type"))
(opt "content_type" string))
(function Unsupported_media_type m -> Some ((), m) | _ -> None)
(function ((), m) -> Unsupported_media_type m) ;
case (Tag 5)
(req "kind" (constant "not_acceptable"))
(req "proposed" string)
(req "acceptable" string))
| Not_acceptable { proposed ; acceptable } ->
Some ((), proposed, acceptable)
| _ -> None)
(function ((), proposed, acceptable) ->
Not_acceptable { proposed ; acceptable }) ;
case (Tag 6)
(req "kind" (constant "unexpected_status_code"))
(req "code" uint16)
(req "content" string)
(opt "media_type" string))
| Unexpected_status_code { code ; content ; media_type } ->
Some ((), Cohttp.Code.code_of_status code, content, media_type)
| _ -> None)
(function ((), code, content, media_type) ->
let code = Cohttp.Code.status_of_code code in
Unexpected_status_code { code ; content ; media_type }) ;
case (Tag 7)
(req "kind" (constant "unexpected_content_type"))
(req "received" string)
(req "acceptable" (list string))
(req "body" string))
| Unexpected_content_type { received ; acceptable ; body } ->
Some ((), received, acceptable, body)
| _ -> None)
(function ((), received, acceptable, body) ->
Unexpected_content_type { received ; acceptable ; body }) ;
case (Tag 8)
(req "kind" (constant "unexpected_content"))
(req "content" string)
(req "media_type" string)
(req "error" string))
| Unexpected_content { content ; media_type ; error } ->
Some ((), content, media_type, error)
| _ -> None)
(function ((), content, media_type, error) ->
Unexpected_content { content ; media_type ; error }) ;
case (Tag 9)
(req "kind" (constant "ocaml_exception"))
(req "content" string))
(function OCaml_exception msg -> Some ((), msg) | _ -> None)
(function ((), msg) -> OCaml_exception msg) ;
let pp_rpc_error ppf err =
match err with
| Empty_answer ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"The server answered with an empty response."
| Connection_failed msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"Unable to connect to the node: \"%s\"" msg
| Bad_request msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Oups! It looks like we forged an invalid HTTP request.@,%s@]"
| Method_not_allowed meths ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>The requested service only accepts the following method:@ %a@]"
2017-12-09 06:51:58 +04:00
(fun ppf m -> Format.pp_print_string ppf (RPC_service.string_of_meth m)))
| Unsupported_media_type None ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>The server wants to known the media type we used.@]"
| Unsupported_media_type (Some media) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>The server does not support the media type we used: %s.@]"
| Not_acceptable { proposed ; acceptable } ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>No intersection between the media types we accept and \
\ the ones the server is able to send.@,\
\ We proposed: %s@,\
\ The server is only able to serve: %s."
proposed acceptable
| Unexpected_status_code { code ; content ; _ } ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Unexpected error %d:@,%S"
(Cohttp.Code.code_of_status code) content
| Unexpected_content_type { received ; acceptable = _ ; body } ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 0>The server answered with a media type we do not understand: %s.@,\
The response body was:@,\
%s@]" received body
| Unexpected_content { content ; media_type ; error } ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Failed to parse the answer (%s):@,@[<v 2>error:@ %s@]@,@[<v 2>content:@ %S@]@]"
media_type error content
| OCaml_exception msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>The server failed with an unexpected exception:@ %s@]"
type error +=
2017-12-09 06:51:58 +04:00
| Request_failed of { meth: RPC_service.meth ;
uri: Uri.t ;
error: rpc_error }
let uri_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
let () =
register_error_kind `Permanent
~pp:(fun ppf (meth, uri, error) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Rpc request failed:@ \
\ - meth: %s@ \
\ - uri: %s@ \
\ - error: %a@]"
2017-12-09 06:51:58 +04:00
(RPC_service.string_of_meth meth)
(Uri.to_string uri)
pp_rpc_error error)
2017-12-09 06:51:58 +04:00
(req "meth" RPC_service.meth_encoding)
(req "uri" uri_encoding)
(req "error" rpc_error_encoding))
| Request_failed { uri ; error ; meth } -> Some (meth, uri, error)
| _ -> None)
(fun (meth, uri, error) -> Request_failed { uri ; meth ; error })
let request_failed meth uri error =
2017-12-09 06:51:58 +04:00
let meth = ( meth : [< RPC_service.meth ] :> RPC_service.meth) in
fail (Request_failed { meth ; uri ; error })
let generic_call ?logger ?accept ?body ?media meth uri : (content, content) rest_result Lwt.t =
Client.generic_call meth ?logger ?accept ?body ?media uri >>= function
| `Ok (Some v) -> return (`Ok v)
| `Ok None -> request_failed meth uri Empty_answer
| `Conflict _
| `Error _
| `Forbidden _
| `Unauthorized _
| `Not_found _ as v -> return v
| `Unexpected_status_code (code, (content, _, media_type)) ->
let media_type = media_type in
Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string content >>= fun content ->
request_failed meth uri
(Unexpected_status_code { code ; content ; media_type })
| `Method_not_allowed allowed ->
2017-12-09 06:51:58 +04:00
let allowed = List.filter_map RPC_service.meth_of_string allowed in
request_failed meth uri (Method_not_allowed allowed)
| `Unsupported_media_type ->
let media = media in
request_failed meth uri (Unsupported_media_type media)
| `Not_acceptable acceptable ->
let proposed =
Option.unopt_map accept ~default:"" ~f:Media_type.accept_header in
request_failed meth uri (Not_acceptable { proposed ; acceptable })
| `Bad_request msg ->
request_failed meth uri (Bad_request msg)
| `Connection_failed msg ->
request_failed meth uri (Connection_failed msg)
| `OCaml_exception msg ->
request_failed meth uri (OCaml_exception msg)
let handle_error meth uri (body, media, _) f =
Cohttp_lwt.Body.is_empty body >>= fun empty ->
if empty then
return (f None)
match media with
| Some ("application", "json") | None -> begin
Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >>= fun body ->
match Data_encoding.Json.from_string body with
| Ok body -> return (f (Some body))
| Error msg ->
request_failed meth uri
(Unexpected_content { content = body ;
media_type = Media_type.(name json) ;
error = msg })
| Some (l, r) ->
Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >>= fun body ->
request_failed meth uri
(Unexpected_content_type { received = l^"/"^r ;
acceptable = [Media_type.(name json)] ;
body })
let generic_json_call ?logger ?body meth uri : (Data_encoding.json, Data_encoding.json option) rest_result Lwt.t =
let body = body ~f:begin fun b ->
(Cohttp_lwt.Body.of_string (Data_encoding.Json.to_string b))
end in
let media = Media_type.json in
2017-12-09 08:24:05 +04:00
generic_call meth ?logger ~accept:Media_type.[bson ; json] ?body ~media uri >>=? function
| `Ok (body, (Some ("application", "json") | None), _) -> begin
Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >>= fun body ->
match Data_encoding.Json.from_string body with
| Ok json -> return (`Ok json)
| Error msg ->
request_failed meth uri
(Unexpected_content { content = body ;
media_type = Media_type.(name json) ;
error = msg })
2017-12-09 08:24:05 +04:00
| `Ok (body, Some ("application", "bson"), _) -> begin
Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >>= fun body ->
match Json_repr_bson.bytes_to_bson ~laziness:false ~copy:false
(Bytes.unsafe_of_string body) with
| exception Json_repr_bson.Bson_decoding_error (msg, _, pos) ->
let error = Format.asprintf "(at offset: %d) %s" pos msg in
request_failed meth uri
(Unexpected_content { content = body ;
media_type = Media_type.(name bson) ;
error })
| bson ->
return (`Ok (Json_repr.convert
(module Json_repr_bson.Repr)
(module Json_repr.Ezjsonm)
| `Ok (body, Some (l, r), _) ->
Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >>= fun body ->
request_failed meth uri
(Unexpected_content_type { received = l^"/"^r ;
acceptable = [Media_type.(name json)] ;
body })
| `Conflict body ->
handle_error meth uri body (fun v -> `Conflict v)
| `Error body ->
handle_error meth uri body (fun v -> `Error v)
| `Forbidden body ->
handle_error meth uri body (fun v -> `Forbidden v)
| `Not_found body ->
handle_error meth uri body (fun v -> `Not_found v)
| `Unauthorized body ->
handle_error meth uri body (fun v -> `Unauthorized v)
let handle accept (meth, uri, ans) =
match ans with
| `Ok (Some v) -> return v
| `Ok None -> request_failed meth uri Empty_answer
| `Not_found None -> fail (RPC_context.Not_found { meth ; uri })
| `Conflict (Some err) | `Error (Some err)
| `Forbidden (Some err) | `Unauthorized (Some err)
| `Not_found (Some err) -> Lwt.return_error err
| `Conflict None | `Error None | `Forbidden None | `Unauthorized None ->
fail (RPC_context.Generic_error { meth ; uri })
| `Unexpected_status_code (code, (content, _, media_type)) ->
let media_type = media_type in
Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string content >>= fun content ->
request_failed meth uri (Unexpected_status_code { code ; content ; media_type })
| `Method_not_allowed allowed ->
2017-12-09 06:51:58 +04:00
let allowed = List.filter_map RPC_service.meth_of_string allowed in
request_failed meth uri (Method_not_allowed allowed)
| `Unsupported_media_type ->
let name =
match Media_type.first_complete_media accept with
| None -> None
| Some ((l, r), _) -> Some (l^"/"^r) in
request_failed meth uri (Unsupported_media_type name)
| `Not_acceptable acceptable ->
let proposed =
Option.unopt_map (Some accept) ~default:"" ~f:Media_type.accept_header in
request_failed meth uri (Not_acceptable { proposed ; acceptable })
| `Bad_request msg ->
request_failed meth uri (Bad_request msg)
| `Unexpected_content ((content, media_type), error)
| `Unexpected_error_content ((content, media_type), error) ->
let media_type = media_type in
request_failed meth uri (Unexpected_content { content ; media_type ; error })
| `Unexpected_error_content_type (body, media)
| `Unexpected_content_type (body, media) ->
Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >>= fun body ->
let received =
Option.unopt_map media ~default:"" ~f:(fun (l, r) -> l^"/"^r) in
request_failed meth uri
(Unexpected_content_type { received ;
acceptable = accept ;
| `Connection_failed msg ->
request_failed meth uri (Connection_failed msg)
| `OCaml_exception msg ->
request_failed meth uri (OCaml_exception msg)
let call_streamed_service
(type p q i o )
accept ?logger ~base (service : (_,_,p,q,i,o) RPC_service.t)
~on_chunk ~on_close
(params : p) (query : q) (body : i) : (unit -> unit) tzresult Lwt.t =
accept ?logger ~base ~on_chunk ~on_close
service params query body >>= fun ans ->
handle accept ans
let call_service
(type p q i o )
accept ?logger ~base (service : (_,_,p,q,i,o) RPC_service.t)
(params : p)
(query : q) (body : i) : o tzresult Lwt.t =
?logger ~base accept service params query body >>= fun ans ->
handle accept ans
type config = {
host : string ;
port : int ;
tls : bool ;
logger : logger ;
let config_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { host ; port ; tls } -> (host, port, tls))
(fun (host, port, tls) -> { host ; port ; tls ; logger = null_logger})
(req "host" string)
(req "port" uint16)
(req "tls" bool))
let default_config = {
host = "localhost" ;
port = 8732 ;
tls = false ;
logger = null_logger ;
class type json_ctxt = object
method generic_json_call :
RPC_service.meth ->
?body:Data_encoding.json ->
Uri.t ->
(Data_encoding.json, Data_encoding.json option)
rest_result Lwt.t
class type ctxt = object
inherit RPC_context.t
inherit json_ctxt
class http_ctxt config media_types : ctxt =
let base =
~scheme:(if config.tls then "https" else "http")
() in
let logger = config.logger in
method generic_json_call meth ?body uri =
let uri = Uri.with_path base (Uri.path uri) in
let uri = Uri.with_query uri (Uri.query uri) in
generic_json_call ~logger meth ?body uri
method call_service
: 'm 'p 'q 'i 'o.
([< Resto.meth ] as 'm, unit, 'p, 'q, 'i, 'o) RPC_service.t ->
'p -> 'q -> 'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t =
fun service params query body ->
call_service media_types
~logger ~base service params query body
method call_streamed_service
: 'm 'p 'q 'i 'o.
([< Resto.meth ] as 'm, unit, 'p, 'q, 'i, 'o) RPC_service.t ->
on_chunk: ('o -> unit) ->
on_close: (unit -> unit) ->
'p -> 'q -> 'i -> (unit -> unit) tzresult Lwt.t =
fun service ~on_chunk ~on_close params query body ->
call_streamed_service media_types service
~logger ~base ~on_chunk ~on_close params query body