2017-04-19 19:21:23 +02:00
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Hash
module type DATA = sig
type t
val compare: t -> t -> int
val equal: t -> t -> bool
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val (=): t -> t -> bool
val (<>): t -> t -> bool
val (<): t -> t -> bool
val (<=): t -> t -> bool
val (>=): t -> t -> bool
val (>): t -> t -> bool
val min: t -> t -> t
val max: t -> t -> t
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val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val encoding: t Data_encoding.t
val to_bytes: t -> MBytes.t
val of_bytes: MBytes.t -> t option
module Fitness : DATA with type t = MBytes.t list
module type HASHABLE_DATA = sig
include DATA
type hash
val hash: t -> hash
val hash_raw: MBytes.t -> hash
module Operation : sig
type shell_header = {
net_id: Net_id.t ;
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branch: Block_hash.t ;
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val shell_header_encoding: shell_header Data_encoding.t
type t = {
shell: shell_header ;
proto: MBytes.t ;
include HASHABLE_DATA with type t := t
and type hash := Operation_hash.t
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val of_bytes_exn: MBytes.t -> t
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module Block_header : sig
type shell_header = {
net_id: Net_id.t ;
level: Int32.t ;
proto_level: int ; (* uint8 *)
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
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validation_passes: int ; (* uint8 *)
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operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
val shell_header_encoding: shell_header Data_encoding.t
type t = {
shell: shell_header ;
proto: MBytes.t ;
include HASHABLE_DATA with type t := t
and type hash := Block_hash.t
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val of_bytes_exn: MBytes.t -> t
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module Protocol : sig
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type t = {
expected_env: env_version ;
components: component list ;
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and component = {
name: string ;
interface: string option ;
implementation: string ;
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and env_version = V1
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val component_encoding: component Data_encoding.t
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val env_version_encoding: env_version Data_encoding.t
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include HASHABLE_DATA with type t := t
and type hash := Protocol_hash.t
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val of_bytes_exn: MBytes.t -> t
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