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open Simple_utils.Display
open Trace
let stage = "self_mini_c"
type self_mini_c_error = [
| `Self_mini_c_bad_self_address of Mini_c.constant'
| `Self_mini_c_not_a_function
| `Self_mini_c_aggregation
let bad_self_address cst =
`Self_mini_c_bad_self_address cst
let not_a_function = `Self_mini_c_not_a_function
let could_not_aggregate_entry = `Self_mini_c_aggregation
let error_ppformat : display_format:string display_format ->
Format.formatter -> self_mini_c_error -> unit =
fun ~display_format f a ->
match display_format with
| Human_readable | Dev -> (
match a with
| `Self_mini_c_bad_self_address cst ->
let s = Format.asprintf "%a is only allowed at top-level" Stage_common.PP.constant cst in
Format.pp_print_string f s ;
| `Self_mini_c_not_a_function -> Format.fprintf f "getting function has failed"
| `Self_mini_c_aggregation -> Format.fprintf f "could not aggregate"
let error_jsonformat : self_mini_c_error -> J.t = fun a ->
let json_error ~stage ~content =
`Assoc [
("status", `String "error") ;
("stage", `String stage) ;
("content", content )]
match a with
| `Self_mini_c_bad_self_address cst ->
let msg = Format.asprintf "%a is only allowed at top-level" Stage_common.PP.constant cst in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", `String msg); ]
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Self_mini_c_not_a_function ->
let content = `Assoc [
("message", `String "getting function has failed"); ]
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Self_mini_c_aggregation ->
let content = `Assoc [
("message", `String "could not aggregate"); ]
json_error ~stage ~content