201 lines
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201 lines
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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Misc
open Tezos_context
type error +=
| Too_early of Timestamp.t * Timestamp.t
| Invalid_level of Raw_level.t * Raw_level.t
| Cannot_pay_mining_bond
| Cannot_pay_endorsement_bond
| Bad_slot
| Bad_delegate
let minimal_time c priority =
Timestamp.get_current c >>=? fun prev_timestamp ->
(Period.mult (Int32.succ priority)
(Constants.time_between_slots c)) >>=? fun period ->
Lwt.return Timestamp.(prev_timestamp +? period)
let check_timestamp c priority timestamp =
minimal_time c priority >>=? fun minimal_time ->
fail_unless Timestamp.(minimal_time <= timestamp)
(Too_early (minimal_time, timestamp))
let check_mining_rights c
{ Block.shell = { timestamp } ;
proto = { mining_slot = (raw_level, priority) } } =
Level.current c >>=? fun current_level ->
Raw_level.(raw_level = current_level.level)
(Invalid_level (current_level.Level.level, raw_level)) >>=? fun () ->
let level = Level.from_raw c raw_level in
Roll.mining_rights_owner c level ~priority >>=? fun delegate ->
check_timestamp c priority timestamp >>=? fun () ->
return delegate
let pay_mining_bond c
{ Block.proto = { mining_slot = (_raw_level, priority) } }
id =
if Compare.Int32.(priority >= Constants.first_free_mining_slot c)
then return c
Contract.unconditional_spend c
(Contract.default_contract id) Constants.mining_bond_cost
|> trace Cannot_pay_mining_bond
let pay_endorsement_bond c id =
let bond = Constants.endorsement_bond_cost in
Contract.unconditional_spend c (Contract.default_contract id) bond
|> trace Cannot_pay_endorsement_bond >>=? fun c ->
return (c, bond)
let check_signing_rights c slot delegate =
fail_unless Compare.Int.(slot <= Constants.max_signing_slot c)
Bad_slot >>=? fun () ->
Level.current c >>=? fun level ->
Roll.endorsement_rights_owner c level ~slot >>=? fun owning_delegate ->
fail_unless (Ed25519.Public_key_hash.equal owning_delegate delegate)
let paying_priorities c =
0l ---> Constants.first_free_mining_slot c
let bond_and_reward =
match Tez.(Constants.mining_bond_cost +? Constants.mining_reward) with
| Ok v -> v
| Error _ -> assert false
let base_mining_reward c ~priority =
if Compare.Int32.(priority < Constants.first_free_mining_slot c)
then bond_and_reward
else Constants.mining_reward
type error += Incorect_priority
let endorsement_reward ~block_priority:prio =
if Compare.Int32.(prio >= 0l)
Tez.(Constants.endorsement_reward / (Int64.(succ (of_int32 prio))))
else fail Incorect_priority
let mining_priorities c level =
let rec f priority =
Roll.mining_rights_owner c level ~priority >>=? fun delegate ->
return (LCons (delegate, (fun () -> f (Int32.succ priority))))
f 0l
let endorsement_priorities c level =
let rec f slot =
Roll.endorsement_rights_owner c level ~slot >>=? fun delegate ->
return (LCons (delegate, (fun () -> f (succ slot))))
f 0
let select_delegate delegate delegate_list max_priority =
let rec loop acc l n =
if Compare.Int32.(n >= max_priority)
then return (List.rev acc)
let LCons (pkh, t) = l in
let acc =
if Ed25519.Public_key_hash.equal delegate pkh
then n :: acc
else acc in
t () >>=? fun t ->
loop acc t (Int32.succ n)
loop [] delegate_list 0l
let first_mining_priorities
?(max_priority = Constants.first_free_mining_slot ctxt)
delegate level =
mining_priorities ctxt level >>=? fun delegate_list ->
select_delegate delegate delegate_list max_priority
let first_endorsement_slots
?(max_priority =
Int32.of_int (Constants.max_signing_slot ctxt))
delegate level =
endorsement_priorities ctxt level >>=? fun delegate_list ->
select_delegate delegate delegate_list max_priority
let check_hash hash stamp_threshold =
let bytes = Block_hash.to_bytes hash in
let len = MBytes.length bytes * 8 in
for i = len - 1 downto (len - stamp_threshold) do
if MBytes.get_bool bytes i then raise Exit
with Exit -> false
let check_header_hash {Block.shell;proto;signature} stamp_threshold =
let hash =
Block_hash.hash_bytes [
Block.unsigned_header_encoding Ed25519.signature_encoding)
((shell, proto), signature)] in
check_hash hash stamp_threshold
type error +=
| Invalid_signature
| Invalid_stamp
let check_proof_of_work_stamp ctxt block_header =
let proof_of_work_threshold = Constants.proof_of_work_threshold ctxt in
if check_header_hash block_header proof_of_work_threshold then
return ()
fail Invalid_stamp
let check_signature ctxt block_header id =
Public_key.get ctxt id >>=? fun key ->
let check_signature key { Block.proto ; shell ; signature } =
let unsigned_header = Block.forge_header shell proto in
Ed25519.check_signature key signature unsigned_header in
if check_signature key block_header then
return ()
fail Invalid_signature
let max_fitness_gap ctxt =
let slots = Int64.of_int (Constants.max_signing_slot ctxt + 1) in
Int64.add slots 1L
type error += Invalid_fitness_gap
let check_fitness_gap ctxt (block_header : Block.header) =
Fitness.raw_get ctxt >>=? fun current_fitness ->
Fitness.raw_read block_header.shell.fitness >>=? fun announced_fitness ->
let gap = Int64.sub announced_fitness current_fitness in
if Compare.Int64.(gap <= 0L || max_fitness_gap ctxt < gap) then
fail Invalid_fitness_gap
return ()
let first_of_a_cycle l =
Compare.Int32.(l.Level.cycle_position = 0l)
let dawn_of_a_new_cycle ctxt =
Level.current ctxt >>=? fun level ->
if first_of_a_cycle level then
return (Some level.cycle)
return None