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(* Naive persistent implementation of Union/Find: O(n^2) worst case *)
module Make (Item: Partition.Item) =
type item = Item.t
let equal i j = i j = 0
module ItemMap = Map.Make (Item)
type partition = item ItemMap.t
type t = partition
let empty = ItemMap.empty
let rec repr item partition : item =
let parent = ItemMap.find item partition in
if equal parent item
then item
else repr parent partition
let is_equiv (i: item) (j: item) (p: partition) : bool =
try equal (repr i p) (repr j p) with Not_found -> false
let get_or_set (i: item) (p: partition) : item * partition =
try repr i p, p with Not_found -> i, ItemMap.add i i p
let mem i p = try Some (repr i p) with Not_found -> None
let repr i p = try repr i p with Not_found -> i
let equiv (i: item) (j: item) (p: partition) : partition =
let ri, p = get_or_set i p in
let rj, p = get_or_set j p in
if equal ri rj then p else ItemMap.add ri rj p
let alias = equiv
(* Printing *)
2019-12-06 16:32:18 +01:00
let print ppf p =
let print src dst =
2019-12-06 16:32:18 +01:00
Format.fprintf ppf "%s -> %s (%s)\n"
(Item.to_string src) (Item.to_string dst) (Item.to_string (repr src p))
in ItemMap.iter print p