2017-11-11 03:34:12 +01:00
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(* FIXME ignore/postpone fetching/validating of block in the future... *)
include Logging.Make(struct let name = "node.validator.peer" end)
type msg =
| New_head of Block_hash.t * Block_header.t
| New_branch of Block_hash.t * Block_locator.t
type t = {
peer_id: P2p.Peer_id.t ;
net_db: Distributed_db.net_db ;
block_validator: Block_validator.t ;
2017-11-13 14:25:02 +01:00
new_head_request_timeout: float ;
block_header_timeout: float ;
block_operations_timeout: float ;
protocol_timeout: float ;
2017-11-11 03:34:12 +01:00
(* callback to net_validator *)
notify_new_block: State.Block.t -> unit ;
notify_bootstrapped: unit -> unit ;
mutable bootstrapped: bool ;
2017-11-13 23:27:19 +01:00
mutable last_validated_head: Block_header.t ;
mutable last_advertised_head: Block_header.t ;
2017-11-11 03:34:12 +01:00
mutable worker: unit Lwt.t ;
dropbox: msg Lwt_dropbox.t ;
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canceler: Lwt_canceler.t ;
2017-11-11 03:34:12 +01:00
type error +=
| Unknown_ancestor
| Known_invalid
let set_bootstrapped pv =
if not pv.bootstrapped then begin
pv.bootstrapped <- true ;
pv.notify_bootstrapped () ;
let bootstrap_new_branch pv _ancestor _head unknown_prefix =
let len = Block_locator.estimated_length unknown_prefix in
"validating new branch from peer %a (approx. %d blocks)"
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id len >>= fun () ->
let pipeline =
2017-11-13 14:25:02 +01:00
2017-11-11 03:34:12 +01:00
pv.peer_id pv.net_db unknown_prefix in
Lwt_utils.protect ~canceler:pv.canceler
~on_error:begin fun error ->
(* if the peer_validator is killed, let's cancel the pipeline *)
Bootstrap_pipeline.cancel pipeline >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return_error error
begin fun () ->
Bootstrap_pipeline.wait pipeline
end >>=? fun () ->
set_bootstrapped pv ;
"done validating new branch from peer %a."
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id >>= fun () ->
return ()
let validate_new_head pv hash (header : Block_header.t) =
let net_state = Distributed_db.net_state pv.net_db in
State.Block.known net_state header.shell.predecessor >>= function
| false ->
"missing predecessor for new head %a from peer %a"
Block_hash.pp_short hash
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id >>= fun () ->
Distributed_db.Request.current_branch pv.net_db ~peer:pv.peer_id () ;
return ()
| true ->
"fetching operations for new head %a from peer %a"
Block_hash.pp_short hash
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id >>= fun () ->
(fun i ->
Lwt_utils.protect ~canceler:pv.canceler begin fun () ->
2017-11-13 14:25:02 +01:00
2017-11-11 03:34:12 +01:00
pv.net_db ~peer:pv.peer_id
(hash, i) header.shell.operations_hash
(0 -- (header.shell.validation_passes - 1)) >>=? fun operations ->
"requesting validation for new head %a from peer %a"
Block_hash.pp_short hash
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id >>= fun () ->
pv.block_validator pv.net_db
hash header operations >>=? fun _block ->
lwt_debug "end of validation for new head %a from peer %a"
Block_hash.pp_short hash
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id >>= fun () ->
set_bootstrapped pv ;
return ()
let may_validate_new_head pv hash header =
let net_state = Distributed_db.net_state pv.net_db in
State.Block.known net_state hash >>= function
| true -> begin
State.Block.known_valid net_state hash >>= function
| true ->
"ignoring previously validated block %a from peer %a"
Block_hash.pp_short hash
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id >>= fun () ->
set_bootstrapped pv ;
2017-11-13 23:27:19 +01:00
pv.last_validated_head <- header ;
2017-11-11 03:34:12 +01:00
return ()
| false ->
"ignoring known invalid block %a from peer %a"
Block_hash.pp_short hash
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id >>= fun () ->
fail Known_invalid
| false ->
validate_new_head pv hash header
let may_validate_new_branch pv distant_hash locator =
let distant_header, _ = (locator : Block_locator.t :> Block_header.t * _) in
let net_state = Distributed_db.net_state pv.net_db in
Chain.head net_state >>= fun local_header ->
if Fitness.compare
(State.Block.fitness local_header) < 0 then begin
set_bootstrapped pv ;
"ignoring branch %a with low fitness from peer: %a."
Block_hash.pp_short distant_hash
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id >>= fun () ->
(* Don't bother with downloading a branch with a low fitness. *)
return ()
end else begin
let net_state = Distributed_db.net_state pv.net_db in
Block_locator.known_ancestor net_state locator >>= function
| None ->
"ignoring branch %a without common ancestor from peer: %a."
Block_hash.pp_short distant_hash
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id >>= fun () ->
fail Unknown_ancestor
| Some (ancestor, unknown_prefix) ->
bootstrap_new_branch pv ancestor distant_header unknown_prefix
let rec worker_loop pv =
Lwt_utils.protect ~canceler:pv.canceler begin fun () ->
2017-11-13 14:25:02 +01:00
pv.dropbox >>= return
2017-11-11 03:34:12 +01:00
end >>=? function
| None ->
lwt_log_info "no new head from peer %a for 90 seconds."
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id >>= fun () ->
Distributed_db.Request.current_head pv.net_db ~peer:pv.peer_id () ;
return ()
| Some (New_head (hash, header)) ->
lwt_log_info "processing new head %a from peer %a."
Block_hash.pp_short hash
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id >>= fun () ->
may_validate_new_head pv hash header
| Some (New_branch (hash, locator)) ->
(* TODO penalize empty locator... ?? *)
lwt_log_info "processing new branch %a from peer %a."
Block_hash.pp_short hash
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id >>= fun () ->
may_validate_new_branch pv hash locator
end >>= function
| Ok () ->
worker_loop pv
| Error (( Unknown_ancestor
| Block_locator.Invalid_locator _
| Block_validator.Invalid_block _ ) :: _) ->
(* TODO ban the peer_id... *)
lwt_log_info "Terminating the validation worker for peer %a (kickban)."
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id >>= fun () ->
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Lwt_canceler.cancel pv.canceler >>= fun () ->
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| Error [Block_validator.Unavailable_protocol { protocol } ] -> begin
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protocol >>= function
2017-11-11 03:34:12 +01:00
| Ok _ -> worker_loop pv
| Error _ ->
(* TODO penality... *)
lwt_log_info "Terminating the validation worker for peer %a \
\ (missing protocol %a)."
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id
Protocol_hash.pp_short protocol >>= fun () ->
2017-11-27 06:13:12 +01:00
Lwt_canceler.cancel pv.canceler >>= fun () ->
2017-11-11 03:34:12 +01:00
| Error [Exn Lwt.Canceled | Lwt_utils.Canceled | Exn Lwt_dropbox.Closed] ->
lwt_log_info "Terminating the validation worker for peer %a."
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id >>= fun () ->
| Error err ->
"@[<v 2>Unexpected error in the validation worker for peer %a:@ \
\ %a@]"
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id
pp_print_error err >>= fun () ->
2017-11-27 06:13:12 +01:00
Lwt_canceler.cancel pv.canceler >>= fun () ->
2017-11-11 03:34:12 +01:00
let create
?notify_new_block:(external_notify_new_block = fun _ -> ())
?(notify_bootstrapped = fun () -> ())
?(notify_termination = fun _ -> ())
2017-11-13 14:25:02 +01:00
2017-11-11 03:34:12 +01:00
block_validator net_db peer_id =
lwt_debug "creating validator for peer %a."
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short peer_id >>= fun () ->
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let canceler = Lwt_canceler.create () in
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let dropbox = Lwt_dropbox.create () in
let net_state = Distributed_db.net_state net_db in
2017-11-13 23:27:19 +01:00
State.Block.read_exn net_state
(State.Net.genesis net_state).block >>= fun genesis ->
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let rec notify_new_block block =
2017-11-13 23:27:19 +01:00
pv.last_validated_head <- State.Block.header block ;
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external_notify_new_block block
and pv = {
block_validator ;
notify_new_block ;
notify_bootstrapped ;
2017-11-13 14:25:02 +01:00
new_head_request_timeout ;
block_header_timeout ;
block_operations_timeout ;
protocol_timeout ;
2017-11-11 03:34:12 +01:00
net_db ;
peer_id ;
bootstrapped = false ;
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last_validated_head = State.Block.header genesis ;
last_advertised_head = State.Block.header genesis ;
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canceler ;
dropbox ;
worker = Lwt.return_unit ;
} in
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Lwt_canceler.on_cancel pv.canceler begin fun () ->
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Lwt_dropbox.close pv.dropbox ;
Distributed_db.disconnect pv.net_db pv.peer_id >>= fun () ->
notify_termination pv ;
end ;
pv.worker <-
(Format.asprintf "peer_validator.%a.%a"
Net_id.pp (State.Net.id net_state) P2p.Peer_id.pp_short peer_id)
~run:(fun () -> worker_loop pv)
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~cancel:(fun () -> Lwt_canceler.cancel pv.canceler) ;
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Lwt.return pv
let notify_branch pv locator =
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let header, _ = (locator : Block_locator.t :> _ * _) in
let hash = Block_header.hash header in
(* TODO penalize decreasing fitness *)
pv.last_advertised_head <- header ;
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try Lwt_dropbox.put pv.dropbox (New_branch (hash, locator))
with Lwt_dropbox.Closed -> ()
let notify_head pv header =
let hash = Block_header.hash header in
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pv.last_advertised_head <- header ;
(* TODO penalize decreasing fitness *)
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match Lwt_dropbox.peek pv.dropbox with
| Some (New_branch _) -> () (* ignore *)
| None | Some (New_head _) ->
try Lwt_dropbox.put pv.dropbox (New_head (hash, header))
with Lwt_dropbox.Closed -> ()
let shutdown pv =
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Lwt_canceler.cancel pv.canceler >>= fun () ->
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let peer_id pv = pv.peer_id
let bootstrapped pv = pv.bootstrapped
let current_head pv = pv.last_validated_head