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2018-05-30 20:05:30 +04:00
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Client_keys
include Logging.Make(struct let name = "client.signer.ledger" end)
2018-05-30 20:05:30 +04:00
let scheme = "ledger"
let title =
"Built-in signer using Ledger Nano S."
let description =
2018-06-16 20:24:30 +04:00
"Valid URIs are of the form\n\
\ - ledger://<root_pkh>[/<path>]\n\
where <root_pkh> is the Base58-encoded public key hash of the key \
at m/44'/1729' and <path> is a BIP32 path anchored at \
m/44'/1729'. Ledger does not yet support non-hardened path so each \
node of the path must be hardened.\n\
Use `tezos-client list connected ledgers` to get the <root_pkh> of \
all connected devices."
2018-05-30 20:05:30 +04:00
let hard = Int32.logor 0x8000_0000l
let tezos_root = [hard 44l ; hard 1729l]
(* Those are always valid on Ledger Nano S with latest firmware. *)
let vendor_id = 0x2c97
let product_id = 0x0001
let pks : (pk_uri, Signature.Public_key.t) Hashtbl.t =
Hashtbl.create 13
let pkhs : (pk_uri, Signature.Public_key_hash.t) Hashtbl.t =
Hashtbl.create 13
let curve_of_pkh :
Signature.public_key_hash -> Ledgerwallet_tezos.curve = function
| Ed25519 _ -> Ledgerwallet_tezos.Ed25519
| Secp256k1 _ -> Secp256k1
| P256 _ -> Secp256r1
let secp256k1_ctx =
Libsecp256k1.External.Context.create ~sign:false ~verify:false ()
let get_public_key ledger curve path =
let path = tezos_root @ path in
let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
let pp = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
let pk = Ledgerwallet_tezos.get_public_key ~pp ledger curve path in
Format.pp_print_flush pp () ;
debug "%s" (Buffer.contents buf) ;
2018-05-30 20:05:30 +04:00
let pk = Cstruct.to_bigarray pk in
match curve with
| Ed25519 ->
MBytes.set_int8 pk 0 0 ; (* hackish, but works. *)
Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes_exn Signature.Public_key.encoding pk
| Secp256k1 ->
let open Libsecp256k1.External in
let buf = MBytes.create (Key.compressed_pk_bytes + 1) in
let pk = Key.read_pk_exn secp256k1_ctx pk in
MBytes.set_int8 buf 0 1 ;
let _nb_written = Key.write secp256k1_ctx ~pos:1 buf pk in
Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes_exn Signature.Public_key.encoding buf
| Secp256r1 ->
let open Uecc in
let pklen = compressed_size secp256r1 in
let buf = MBytes.create (pklen + 1) in
match pk_of_bytes secp256r1 pk with
| None ->
Pervasives.failwith "Impossible to read P256 public key from Ledger"
| Some pk ->
MBytes.set_int8 buf 0 2 ;
let _nb_written = write_key ~compress:true (MBytes.sub buf 1 pklen) pk in
Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes_exn Signature.Public_key.encoding buf
module Ledger = struct
type t = {
device_info : Hidapi.device_info ;
of_curve : (Ledgerwallet_tezos.curve * (Signature.Public_key.t *
Signature.Public_key_hash.t)) list ;
of_pkh : (Signature.Public_key_hash.t * (Signature.Public_key.t *
Ledgerwallet_tezos.curve)) list ;
let create ~device_info ~of_curve ~of_pkh =
{ device_info ; of_curve ; of_pkh }
let of_hidapi ?pkh device_info h =
let curves = [ Ledgerwallet_tezos.Ed25519 ; Secp256k1 ; Secp256r1 ] in
let pkh_found, of_curve, of_pkh =
List.fold_left begin fun (pkh_found, of_curve, of_pkh) curve ->
let pk = get_public_key h curve [] in
let cur_pkh = Signature.Public_key.hash pk in
pkh_found ||
Option.unopt_map pkh ~default:false ~f:(fun pkh -> pkh = cur_pkh),
(curve, (pk, cur_pkh)) :: of_curve,
(cur_pkh, (pk, curve)) :: of_pkh
end (false, [], []) curves in
match pkh with
| None -> return_some (create ~device_info ~of_curve ~of_pkh)
2018-05-30 20:05:30 +04:00
| Some _ when pkh_found ->
return_some (create ~device_info ~of_curve ~of_pkh)
| _ -> return_none
2018-05-30 20:05:30 +04:00
let find_ledgers ?pkh () =
let ledgers = Hidapi.enumerate ~vendor_id ~product_id () in
filter_map_s begin fun device_info ->
match Hidapi.(open_path device_info.path) with
| None -> return_none
2018-05-30 20:05:30 +04:00
| Some h ->
(fun () -> Ledger.of_hidapi ?pkh device_info h)
(fun () -> Hidapi.close h ; Lwt.return_unit)
end ledgers
let with_ledger pkh f =
find_ledgers ~pkh () >>=? function
| [] ->
failwith "No Ledger found for %a" Signature.Public_key_hash.pp pkh
| { device_info ; of_curve ; of_pkh } :: _ ->
match Hidapi.open_path device_info.path with
| None ->
failwith "Cannot open Ledger %a at path %s"
Signature.Public_key_hash.pp pkh device_info.path
| Some h ->
(fun () -> f h of_curve of_pkh)
(fun () -> Hidapi.close h; Lwt.return_unit)
let int32_of_path_element x =
match Int32.of_string_opt x with
| Some i -> Some i
| None ->
let len = String.length x in
if len < 2 then None else
~f:hard (Int32.of_string_opt (String.sub x 0 (len - 1)))
let int32_of_path_element_exn x =
match int32_of_path_element x with
| None -> invalid_arg "int32_of_path_element_exn"
| Some p -> p
let neuterize (sk : sk_uri) = return (make_pk_uri (sk :> Uri.t))
let pkh_of_pk_uri (uri : pk_uri) =
let uri = (uri :> Uri.t) in
match Option.apply ( uri)
~f:Signature.Public_key_hash.of_b58check_opt with
| None ->
failwith "No public key hash in %a" Uri.pp_hum uri
| Some pkh -> return pkh
let pkh_of_sk_uri (uri : sk_uri) =
let uri = (uri :> Uri.t) in
match Option.apply ( uri)
~f:Signature.Public_key_hash.of_b58check_opt with
| None ->
failwith "No public key hash in %a" Uri.pp_hum uri
| Some pkh -> return pkh
let path_of_sk_uri (uri : sk_uri) =
TzString.split_path (Uri.path (uri :> Uri.t)) |> int32_of_path_element_exn
let path_of_pk_uri (uri : pk_uri) =
TzString.split_path (Uri.path (uri :> Uri.t)) |> int32_of_path_element_exn
let public_key (pk_uri : pk_uri) =
match Hashtbl.find_opt pks pk_uri with
| Some pk -> return pk
| None ->
pkh_of_pk_uri pk_uri >>=? fun pkh ->
with_ledger pkh begin fun ledger _of_curve of_pkh ->
let _root_pk, curve = List.assoc pkh of_pkh in
let path = path_of_pk_uri pk_uri in
let pk = get_public_key ledger curve path in
let pkh = Signature.Public_key.hash pk in
Hashtbl.replace pks pk_uri pk ;
Hashtbl.replace pkhs pk_uri pkh ;
return pk
end >>= function
| Error err -> failwith "%a" pp_print_error err
| Ok v -> return v
let public_key_hash pk_uri =
match Hashtbl.find_opt pkhs pk_uri with
| Some pkh -> return (pkh, None)
2018-05-30 20:05:30 +04:00
| None ->
public_key pk_uri >>=? fun pk ->
return (Hashtbl.find pkhs pk_uri, Some pk)
2018-05-30 20:05:30 +04:00
let sign ?watermark sk_uri msg =
pkh_of_sk_uri sk_uri >>=? fun pkh ->
with_ledger pkh begin fun ledger _of_curve _of_pkh ->
let msg = Option.unopt_map watermark
~default:msg ~f:begin fun watermark ->
MBytes.concat "" [Signature.bytes_of_watermark watermark ;
end in
let curve = curve_of_pkh pkh in
let path = tezos_root @ path_of_sk_uri sk_uri in
let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
let pp = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
let signature = Ledgerwallet_tezos.sign ~pp ledger curve path (Cstruct.of_bigarray msg) in
Format.pp_print_flush pp () ;
debug "%s" (Buffer.contents buf) ;
2018-05-30 20:05:30 +04:00
match curve with
| Ed25519 ->
let signature = Cstruct.to_bigarray signature in
let signature = Ed25519.of_bytes_exn signature in
return (Signature.of_ed25519 signature)
| Secp256k1 ->
(* Remove parity info *)
Cstruct.(set_uint8 signature 0 (get_uint8 signature 0 land 0xfe)) ;
let signature = Cstruct.to_bigarray signature in
let open Libsecp256k1.External in
let signature = Sign.read_der_exn secp256k1_ctx signature in
let bytes = Sign.to_bytes secp256k1_ctx signature in
let signature = Secp256k1.of_bytes_exn bytes in
return (Signature.of_secp256k1 signature)
| Secp256r1 ->
(* Remove parity info *)
Cstruct.(set_uint8 signature 0 (get_uint8 signature 0 land 0xfe)) ;
let signature = Cstruct.to_bigarray signature in
let open Libsecp256k1.External in
(* We use secp256r1 library to extract P256 DER signature. *)
let signature = Sign.read_der_exn secp256k1_ctx signature in
let buf = Sign.to_bytes secp256k1_ctx signature in
let signature = P256.of_bytes_exn buf in
return (Signature.of_p256 signature)
let commands =
let open Clic in
let group =
{ = "ledger" ;
title = "Commands for managing the connected Ledger Nano S devices" } in
fun () -> [
Clic.command ~group
~desc: "List supported Ledger Nano S devices connected."
(fixed [ "list" ; "connected" ; "ledgers" ])
(fun () (cctxt : Client_context.io_wallet) ->
find_ledgers () >>=? function
| [] ->
cctxt#message "No device found." >>= fun () ->
cctxt#message "Make sure a Ledger Nano S is connected and in the Tezos Wallet app." >>= fun () ->
2018-06-26 13:07:12 +04:00
| ledgers ->
iter_s begin fun { Ledger.device_info = { Hidapi.path ;
manufacturer_string ;
product_string ; _ } ;
of_curve ; _ } ->
let manufacturer = Option.unopt ~default:"(none)" manufacturer_string in
let product = Option.unopt ~default:"(none)" product_string in
cctxt#message "Found a valid Tezos application running on %s %s at [%s]."
manufacturer product path >>= fun () ->
let of_curve = List.rev of_curve in
"@[<v 0>@,To add the root key of this ledger, use one of@,\
\ @[<v 0>%a@]@,\
Each of these tz* is a valid Tezos address.@,\
To use a derived address, add a hardened BIP32 path suffix \
at the end of the URI.@,\
For instance, to use keys at BIP32 path m/44'/1729'/0'/0', use one of@,\
\ @[<v 0>%a@]@,\
In this case, your Tezos address will be a derived tz*.@,\
It will be displayed when you do the import, \
or using command `show ledger path`.@]"
(fun ppf (curve, (_pk, pkh)) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"tezos-client import secret key ledger_%s_%s ledger://%a # %s signature"
(Sys.getenv "USER")
(match curve with
| Ledgerwallet_tezos.Ed25519 -> "ed"
| Ledgerwallet_tezos.Secp256k1 -> "secp"
| Ledgerwallet_tezos.Secp256r1 -> "p2")
Signature.Public_key_hash.pp pkh
(match curve with
| Ledgerwallet_tezos.Ed25519 -> "Ed25519"
| Ledgerwallet_tezos.Secp256k1 -> "Secp256k1"
| Ledgerwallet_tezos.Secp256r1 -> "P-256")))
(fun ppf (curve, (_pk, pkh)) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"tezos-client import secret key ledger_%s_%s_0_0 \"ledger://%a/0'/0'\""
(Sys.getenv "USER")
(match curve with
| Ledgerwallet_tezos.Ed25519 -> "ed"
| Ledgerwallet_tezos.Secp256k1 -> "secp"
| Ledgerwallet_tezos.Secp256r1 -> "p2")
Signature.Public_key_hash.pp pkh))
of_curve >>= fun () ->
2018-06-26 13:07:12 +04:00
end ledgers) ;
2018-05-30 20:05:30 +04:00
Clic.command ~group
~desc: "Show BIP32 derivation at path for Ledger"
(prefixes [ "show" ; "ledger" ; "path" ]
@@ Client_keys.sk_uri_param
@@ stop)
(fun () sk_uri (cctxt : Client_context.io_wallet) ->
neuterize sk_uri >>=? fun pk_uri ->
pkh_of_pk_uri pk_uri >>=? fun pkh ->
find_ledgers ~pkh () >>=? function
| [] ->
failwith "No ledger found for %a" Signature.Public_key_hash.pp pkh
| { Ledger.device_info; _ } :: _ ->
let manufacturer =
Option.unopt ~default:"(none)" device_info.manufacturer_string in
let product =
Option.unopt ~default:"(none)" device_info.product_string in
cctxt#message "Found a valid Tezos application running on %s %s at [%s]."
2018-05-30 20:05:30 +04:00
manufacturer product device_info.path >>= fun () ->
public_key pk_uri >>=? fun pk ->
public_key_hash pk_uri >>=? fun (pkh, _) ->
2018-05-30 20:05:30 +04:00
let pkh_bytes = Signature.Public_key_hash.to_bytes pkh in
sign ~watermark:Generic_operation
sk_uri pkh_bytes >>=? fun signature ->
match Signature.check ~watermark:Generic_operation
pk signature pkh_bytes with
| false ->
failwith "Fatal: Ledger cannot sign with %a"
Signature.Public_key_hash.pp pkh
| true ->
"@[<v 0>Tezos address at this path: %a@,\
Corresponding full public key: %a@]"
2018-05-30 20:05:30 +04:00
Signature.Public_key_hash.pp pkh
Signature.Public_key.pp pk >>= fun () ->
2018-06-26 13:07:12 +04:00
2018-05-30 20:05:30 +04:00