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2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Utils
type json =
[ `O of (string * json) list
| `Bool of bool
| `Float of float
| `A of json list
| `Null
| `String of string ]
and document =
[ `O of (string * json) list
| `A of json list ]
type json_schema = Json_schema.schema
exception No_case_matched
exception Unexpected_tag of int
exception Duplicated_tag of int
exception Invalid_tag of int * [ `Uint8 | `Uint16 ]
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
exception Unexpected_enum of string * string list
let apply fs v =
let rec loop = function
| [] -> raise No_case_matched
| f :: fs ->
match f v with
| Some l -> l
| None -> loop fs in
loop fs
module Size = struct
let bool = 1
let int8 = 1
let uint8 = 1
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let int16 = 2
let uint16 = 2
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let int31 = 4
let int32 = 4
let int64 = 8
let float = 8
type tag_size = [ `Uint8 | `Uint16 ]
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let tag_size = function
| `Uint8 -> Size.uint8
| `Uint16 -> Size.uint16
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
module Kind = struct
type t =
[ `Fixed of int
| `Dynamic
| `Variable ]
type length =
[ `Fixed of int
| `Variable ]
type enum =
[ `Dynamic
| `Variable ]
let combine name : t -> t -> t = fun k1 k2 ->
match k1, k2 with
| `Fixed n1, `Fixed n2 -> `Fixed (n1 + n2)
| `Dynamic, `Dynamic | `Fixed _, `Dynamic
| `Dynamic, `Fixed _ -> `Dynamic
| `Variable, (`Dynamic | `Fixed _)
| (`Dynamic | `Fixed _), `Variable -> `Variable
| `Variable, `Variable ->
Printf.ksprintf invalid_arg
"Cannot merge two %s with variable length. \
You should wrap one of them with Data_encoding.dynamic_size."
let merge : t -> t -> t = fun k1 k2 ->
match k1, k2 with
| `Fixed n1, `Fixed n2 when n1 = n2 -> `Fixed n1
| `Fixed _, `Fixed _ -> `Dynamic
| `Dynamic, `Dynamic | `Fixed _, `Dynamic
| `Dynamic, `Fixed _ -> `Dynamic
| `Variable, (`Dynamic | `Fixed _)
| (`Dynamic | `Fixed _), `Variable
| `Variable, `Variable -> `Variable
let merge_list sz : t list -> t = function
| [] -> assert false (* should be rejected by Data_encoding.union *)
| k :: ks ->
match List.fold_left merge k ks with
| `Fixed n -> `Fixed (n + tag_size sz)
| k -> k
type 'a desc =
| Null : unit desc
| Empty : unit desc
| Ignore : unit desc
| Constant : string -> unit desc
| Bool : bool desc
| Int8 : int desc
| Uint8 : int desc
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| Int16 : int desc
| Uint16 : int desc
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
| Int31 : int desc
| Int32 : Int32.t desc
| Int64 : Int64.t desc
| Float : float desc
| Bytes : Kind.length -> MBytes.t desc
| String : Kind.length -> string desc
| String_enum : Kind.length * (string * 'a) list -> 'a desc
| Array : 'a t -> 'a array desc
| List : 'a t -> 'a list desc
| Obj : 'a field -> 'a desc
| Objs : Kind.t * 'a t * 'b t -> ('a * 'b) desc
| Tup : 'a t -> 'a desc
| Tups : Kind.t * 'a t * 'b t -> ('a * 'b) desc
| Union : Kind.t * tag_size * 'a case list -> 'a desc
| Mu : Kind.enum * string * ('a t -> 'a t) -> 'a desc
| Conv :
{ proj : ('a -> 'b) ;
inj : ('b -> 'a) ;
encoding : 'b t ;
schema : Json_schema.schema option } -> 'a desc
| Describe :
{ title : string option ;
description : string option ;
encoding : 'a t } -> 'a desc
| Def : { name : string ;
encoding : 'a t } -> 'a desc
| Splitted :
{ encoding : 'a t ;
json_encoding : 'a Json_encoding.encoding } -> 'a desc
| Dynamic_size : 'a t -> 'a desc
and _ field =
| Req : string * 'a t -> 'a field
| Opt : Kind.enum * string * 'a t -> 'a option field
| Dft : string * 'a t * 'a -> 'a field
and 'a case =
| Case : { encoding : 'a t ;
proj : ('t -> 'a option) ;
inj : ('a -> 't) ;
tag : int option } -> 't case
and 'a t = {
encoding: 'a desc ;
mutable json_encoding: 'a Json_encoding.encoding option ;
type 'a encoding = 'a t
let rec classify : type a l. a t -> Kind.t = fun e ->
let open Kind in
match e.encoding with
(* Fixed *)
| Null -> `Fixed 0
| Empty -> `Fixed 0
| Constant _ -> `Fixed 0
| Bool -> `Fixed Size.bool
| Int8 -> `Fixed Size.int8
| Uint8 -> `Fixed Size.uint8
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
| Int16 -> `Fixed Size.int16
| Uint16 -> `Fixed Size.uint16
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
| Int31 -> `Fixed Size.int31
| Int32 -> `Fixed Size.int32
| Int64 -> `Fixed Size.int64
| Float -> `Fixed Size.float
(* Tagged *)
| Bytes kind -> (kind :> Kind.t)
| String kind -> (kind :> Kind.t)
| String_enum (kind, _) -> (kind :> Kind.t)
| Obj (Opt (kind, _, _)) -> (kind :> Kind.t)
| Objs (kind, _, _) -> kind
| Tups (kind, _, _) -> kind
| Union (kind, _, _) -> (kind :> Kind.t)
| Mu (kind, _, _) -> (kind :> Kind.t)
(* Variable *)
| Ignore -> `Variable
| Array _ -> `Variable
| List _ -> `Variable
(* Recursive *)
| Obj (Req (_, encoding)) -> classify encoding
| Obj (Dft (_, encoding, _)) -> classify encoding
| Tup encoding -> classify encoding
| Conv { encoding } -> classify encoding
| Describe { encoding } -> classify encoding
| Def { encoding } -> classify encoding
| Splitted { encoding } -> classify encoding
| Dynamic_size _ -> `Dynamic
let make ?json_encoding encoding = { encoding ; json_encoding }
module Json = struct
type pair_builder = {
build: 'a 'b. Kind.t -> 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
exception Parse_error of string
type nonrec json = json
let wrap_error f =
fun str ->
try f str
with exn -> raise (Json_encoding.Cannot_destruct ([], exn))
let int64_encoding =
let open Json_encoding in
union [
(fun i ->
let j = Int64.to_int32 i in
if Compare.Int64.(=) (Int64.of_int32 j) i then Some j else None)
Int64.of_int32 ;
(fun i -> Some (Int64.to_string i))
let bytes_jsont =
let open Json_encoding in
let schema =
let open Json_schema in
{ title = None ;
description = None ;
default = None;
enum = None;
kind = String {
pattern = Some "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$";
min_length = 0;
max_length = None;
format = None ;
id = None } in
conv ~schema
(wrap_error Hex_encode.bytes_of_hex)
let rec lift_union : type a. a t -> a t = fun e ->
match e.encoding with
| Conv { proj ; inj ; encoding = e ; schema } -> begin
match lift_union e with
| { encoding = Union (kind, tag, cases) } ->
make @@
Union (kind, tag,
(fun (Case { encoding ; proj = proj' ; inj = inj' ; tag }) ->
Case { encoding ;
proj = (fun x -> proj' (proj x));
inj = (fun x -> inj (inj' x)) ;
tag })
| e -> make @@ Conv { proj ; inj ; encoding = e ; schema }
| Objs (p, e1, e2) ->
{ build = fun p e1 e2 -> make @@ Objs (p, e1, e2) }
p e1 e2
| Tups (p, e1, e2) ->
{ build = fun p e1 e2 -> make @@ Tups (p, e1, e2) }
p e1 e2
| _ -> e
and lift_union_in_pair
: type a a_l b b_l. pair_builder -> Kind.t -> a t -> b t -> (a * b) t
= fun b p e1 e2 ->
match lift_union e1, lift_union e2 with
| e1, { encoding = Union (_kind, tag, cases) } ->
make @@
Union (`Dynamic (* ignored *), tag,
(fun (Case { encoding = e2 ; proj ; inj ; tag }) ->
Case { encoding = lift_union_in_pair b p e1 e2 ;
proj = (fun (x, y) ->
match proj y with
| None -> None
| Some y -> Some (x, y)) ;
inj = (fun (x, y) -> (x, inj y)) ;
tag })
| { encoding = Union (_kind, tag, cases) }, e2 ->
make @@
Union (`Dynamic (* ignored *), tag,
(fun (Case { encoding = e1 ; proj ; inj ; tag }) ->
Case { encoding = lift_union_in_pair b p e1 e2 ;
proj = (fun (x, y) ->
match proj x with
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (x, y)) ;
inj = (fun (x, y) -> (inj x, y)) ;
tag })
| e1, e2 -> p e1 e2
let rec json : type a l. a desc -> a Json_encoding.encoding =
let open Json_encoding in
| Null -> null
| Empty -> empty
| Constant s -> string_enum [s, ()]
| Ignore -> unit
| Int8 -> ranged_int ~minimum:~-(1 lsl 7) ~maximum:((1 lsl 7) - 1) "int8"
| Uint8 -> ranged_int ~minimum:0 ~maximum:((1 lsl 8) - 1) "uint8"
| Int16 -> ranged_int ~minimum:~-(1 lsl 15) ~maximum:((1 lsl 15) - 1) "int16"
| Uint16 -> ranged_int ~minimum:0 ~maximum:((1 lsl 16) - 1) "uint16"
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
| Int31 -> int
| Int32 -> int32
| Int64 -> int64_encoding
| Bool -> bool
| Float -> float
| String _ -> string (* TODO: check length *)
| Bytes _ -> bytes_jsont (* TODO check length *)
| String_enum (_, l) -> string_enum l
| Array e -> array (get_json e)
| List e -> list (get_json e)
| Obj f -> obj1 (field_json f)
| Objs (_, e1, e2) ->
merge_objs (get_json e1) (get_json e2)
| Tup e -> tup1 (get_json e)
| Tups (_, e1, e2) ->
merge_tups (get_json e1) (get_json e2)
| Conv { proj ; inj ; encoding = e ; schema } -> conv ?schema proj inj (get_json e)
| Describe { title ; description ; encoding = e } ->
describe ?title ?description (get_json e)
| Def { name ; encoding = e } -> def name (get_json e)
| Mu (_, name, self) as ty ->
mu name (fun json_encoding -> get_json @@ self (make ~json_encoding ty))
| Union (_tag_size, _, cases) -> union ( case_json cases)
| Splitted { json_encoding } -> json_encoding
| Dynamic_size e -> get_json e
and field_json
: type a l. a field -> a Json_encoding.field =
let open Json_encoding in
| Req (name, e) -> req name (get_json e)
| Opt (_, name, e) -> opt name (get_json e)
| Dft (name, e, d) -> dft name (get_json e) d
and case_json : type a l. a case -> a =
let open Json_encoding in
| Case { encoding = e ; proj ; inj ; _ } -> case (get_json e) proj inj
and get_json : type a l. a t -> a Json_encoding.encoding = fun e ->
match e.json_encoding with
| None ->
let json_encoding = json (lift_union e).encoding in
e.json_encoding <- Some json_encoding ;
| Some json_encoding -> json_encoding
let convert = get_json
type path = path_item list
and path_item =
[ `Field of string
(** A field in an object. *)
| `Index of int
(** An index in an array. *)
| `Star
(** Any / every field or index. *)
| `Next
(** The next element after an array. *) ]
include Json_encoding
let construct e v = construct (get_json e) v
let destruct e v = destruct (get_json e) v
let schema e = schema (get_json e)
let cannot_destruct fmt =
(fun msg -> raise (Cannot_destruct ([], Failure msg)))
module Encoding = struct
module Fixed = struct
let string n = make @@ String (`Fixed n)
let bytes n = make @@ Bytes (`Fixed n)
module Variable = struct
let string = make @@ String `Variable
let bytes = make @@ Bytes `Variable
let check_not_variable name e =
match classify e with
| `Variable ->
Printf.ksprintf invalid_arg
"Cannot insert variable length element in %s. \
You should wrap the contents using Data_encoding.dynamic_size." name
| `Dynamic | `Fixed _ -> ()
let array e =
check_not_variable "an array" e ;
make @@ Array e
let list e =
check_not_variable "a list" e ;
make @@ List e
let string_enum l = make @@ String_enum (`Variable, l)
let dynamic_size e =
make @@ Dynamic_size e
let null = make @@ Null
let empty = make @@ Empty
let constant s = make @@ Constant s
let bool = make @@ Bool
let int8 = make @@ Int8
let uint8 = make @@ Uint8
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let int16 = make @@ Int16
let uint16 = make @@ Uint16
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let int31 = make @@ Int31
let int32 = make @@ Int32
let int64 = make @@ Int64
let float = make @@ Float
let string = dynamic_size Variable.string
let bytes = dynamic_size Variable.bytes
let array e = dynamic_size (Variable.array e)
let list e = dynamic_size (Variable.list e)
let conv (type l) proj inj ?schema encoding =
make @@ Conv { proj ; inj ; encoding ; schema }
let string_enum l = dynamic_size (Variable.string_enum l)
let describe ?title ?description encoding =
match title, description with
| None, None -> encoding
| _, _ -> make @@ Describe { title ; description ; encoding }
let def name encoding = make @@ Def { name ; encoding }
let req ?title ?description n t =
Req (n, describe ?title ?description t)
let opt ?title ?description n encoding =
let kind =
match classify encoding with
| `Variable -> `Variable
| `Fixed _ | `Dynamic -> `Dynamic in
Opt (kind, n, make @@ Describe { title ; description ; encoding })
let varopt ?title ?description n encoding =
Opt (`Variable, n, make @@ Describe { title ; description ; encoding })
let dft ?title ?description n t d =
Dft (n, describe ?title ?description t, d)
let raw_splitted ~json ~binary =
make @@ Splitted { encoding = binary ; json_encoding = json }
let splitted ~json ~binary =
let json = Json.convert json in
raw_splitted ~binary ~json
let json =
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let binary =
(fun json ->
(module Json_repr.Ezjsonm)
(module Json_repr_bson.Repr)
json |>
Json_repr_bson.bson_to_bytes |>
(fun s -> try
Bytes.of_string s |>
Json_repr_bson.bytes_to_bson ~copy:false |>
(module Json_repr_bson.Repr)
(module Json_repr.Ezjsonm)
| Json_repr_bson.Bson_decoding_error (msg, _, _) ->
raise (Json.Parse_error msg))
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string in
let json =
Json_encoding.any_ezjson_value in
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raw_splitted ~binary ~json
let json_schema =
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let raw_merge_objs e1 e2 =
let kind = Kind.combine "objects" (classify e1) (classify e2) in
make @@ Objs (kind, e1, e2)
let obj1 f1 = make @@ Obj f1
let obj2 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj1 f2) (obj1 f1)
let obj3 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj1 f3) (obj2 f2 f1)
let obj4 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj2 f4 f3) (obj2 f2 f1)
let obj5 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj1 f5) (obj4 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let obj6 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj2 f6 f5) (obj4 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let obj7 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj3 f7 f6 f5) (obj4 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let obj8 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj4 f8 f7 f6 f5) (obj4 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let obj9 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj1 f9) (obj8 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let obj10 f10 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj2 f10 f9) (obj8 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let merge_objs o1 o2 =
let rec is_obj : type a l. a t -> bool = fun e ->
match e.encoding with
| Obj _ -> true
| Objs _ (* by construction *) -> true
| Conv { encoding = e } -> is_obj e
| Union (_,_,cases) ->
List.for_all (fun (Case { encoding = e }) -> is_obj e) cases
| Empty -> true
| Ignore -> true
| _ -> false in
if is_obj o1 && is_obj o2 then
raw_merge_objs o1 o2
invalid_arg "Json_encoding.merge_objs"
let raw_merge_tups e1 e2 =
let kind = Kind.combine "tuples" (classify e1) (classify e2) in
make @@ Tups (kind, e1, e2)
let tup1 e1 = make @@ Tup e1
let tup2 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup1 e2) (tup1 e1)
let tup3 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup1 e3) (tup2 e2 e1)
let tup4 e4 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup2 e4 e3) (tup2 e2 e1)
let tup5 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup1 e5) (tup4 e4 e3 e2 e1)
let tup6 e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup2 e6 e5) (tup4 e4 e3 e2 e1)
let tup7 e7 e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup3 e7 e6 e5) (tup4 e4 e3 e2 e1)
let tup8 e8 e7 e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup4 e8 e7 e6 e5) (tup4 e4 e3 e2 e1)
let tup9 e9 e8 e7 e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup1 e9) (tup8 e8 e7 e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1)
let tup10 e10 e9 e8 e7 e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup2 e10 e9) (tup8 e8 e7 e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1)
let merge_tups t1 t2 =
let rec is_tup : type a l. a t -> bool = fun e ->
match e.encoding with
| Tup _ -> true
| Tups _ (* by construction *) -> true
| Conv { encoding = e } -> is_tup e
| Union (_,_,cases) ->
List.for_all (function Case { encoding = e} -> is_tup e) cases
| _ -> false in
if is_tup t1 && is_tup t2 then
raw_merge_tups t1 t2
invalid_arg "Tezos_serial.Encoding.merge_tups"
let conv3 ty =
(fun (c, b, a) -> (c, (b, a)))
(fun (c, (b, a)) -> (c, b, a))
let obj3 f3 f2 f1 = conv3 (obj3 f3 f2 f1)
let tup3 f3 f2 f1 = conv3 (tup3 f3 f2 f1)
let conv4 ty =
(fun (d, c, b, a) -> ((d, c), (b, a)))
(fun ((d, c), (b, a)) -> (d, c, b, a))
let obj4 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv4 (obj4 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let tup4 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv4 (tup4 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let conv5 ty =
(fun (e, d, c, b, a) -> (e, ((d, c), (b, a))))
(fun (e, ((d, c), (b, a))) -> (e, d, c, b, a))
let obj5 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv5 (obj5 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let tup5 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv5 (tup5 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let conv6 ty =
(fun (f, e, d, c, b, a) -> ((f, e), ((d, c), (b, a))))
(fun ((f, e), ((d, c), (b, a))) -> (f, e, d, c, b, a))
let obj6 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv6 (obj6 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let tup6 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv6 (tup6 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let conv7 ty =
(fun (g, f, e, d, c, b, a) -> ((g, (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a))))
(fun ((g, (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a))) -> (g, f, e, d, c, b, a))
let obj7 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv7 (obj7 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let tup7 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv7 (tup7 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let conv8 ty =
conv (fun (h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a) ->
(((h, g), (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a))))
(fun (((h, g), (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a))) ->
(h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a))
let obj8 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv8 (obj8 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let tup8 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv8 (tup8 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let conv9 ty =
(fun (i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a) ->
(i, (((h, g), (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a)))))
(fun (i, (((h, g), (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a)))) ->
(i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a))
let obj9 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
conv9 (obj9 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let tup9 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
conv9 (tup9 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let conv10 ty =
(fun (j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a) ->
((j, i), (((h, g), (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a)))))
(fun ((j, i), (((h, g), (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a)))) ->
(j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a))
let obj10 f10 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
conv10 (obj10 f10 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let tup10 f10 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
conv10 (tup10 f10 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let check_cases tag_size cases =
if cases = [] then
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.union: empty list of cases." ;
let max_tag =
match tag_size with
| `Uint8 -> 256
| `Uint16 -> 256 * 256 in
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ignore @@
(fun others (Case { tag }) ->
match tag with
| None -> others
| Some tag ->
if List.mem tag others then raise (Duplicated_tag tag) ;
if tag < 0 || max_tag <= tag then
raise (Invalid_tag (tag, tag_size)) ;
tag :: others
[] cases
let union ?(tag_size = `Uint8) cases =
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
check_cases tag_size cases ;
let kinds = (fun (Case { encoding }) -> classify encoding) cases in
let kind = Kind.merge_list tag_size kinds in
make @@ Union (kind, tag_size, cases)
let case ?tag encoding proj inj = Case { encoding ; proj ; inj ; tag }
let option ty =
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
[ case ~tag:1 ty
(fun x -> x)
(fun x -> Some x) ;
case ~tag:0 empty
(function None -> Some () | Some _ -> None)
(fun () -> None) ;
let mu name self =
let kind =
match classify (self (make @@ Mu (`Dynamic, name, self))) with
| `Fixed _ | `Dynamic -> `Dynamic
| `Variable -> raise Exit
with Exit | _ (* TODO variability error *) ->
ignore @@ classify (self (make @@ Mu (`Variable, name, self))) ;
`Variable in
make @@ Mu (kind, name, self)
let assoc enc =
let json = Json_encoding.assoc (Json.get_json enc) in
let binary = list (tup2 string enc) in
raw_splitted ~json ~binary
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
include Encoding
module Binary = struct
type 'l writer = {
write: 'a. 'a t -> 'a -> MBytes.t -> int -> int ;
type 'l reader = {
read: 'a. 'a t -> MBytes.t -> int -> int -> (int * 'a) ;
let rec length : type x. x t -> x -> int = fun e ->
let open Kind in
match e.encoding with
(* Fixed *)
| Null -> fun _ -> 0
| Empty -> fun _ -> 0
| Constant _ -> fun _ -> 0
| Bool -> fun _ -> Size.bool
| Int8 -> fun _ -> Size.int8
| Uint8 -> fun _ -> Size.uint8
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
| Int16 -> fun _ -> Size.int16
| Uint16 -> fun _ -> Size.uint16
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
| Int31 -> fun _ -> Size.int31
| Int32 -> fun _ -> Size.int32
| Int64 -> fun _ -> Size.int64
| Float -> fun _ -> Size.float
| Bytes `Fixed n -> fun _ -> n
| String `Fixed n -> fun _ -> n
| String_enum (`Fixed n, _) -> fun _ -> n
| Objs (`Fixed n, _, _) -> fun _ -> n
| Tups (`Fixed n, _, _) -> fun _ -> n
| Union (`Fixed n, _, _) -> fun _ -> n
(* Dynamic *)
| Objs (`Dynamic, e1, e2) ->
let length1 = length e1 in
let length2 = length e2 in
fun (v1, v2) -> length1 v1 + length2 v2
| Tups (`Dynamic, e1, e2) ->
let length1 = length e1 in
let length2 = length e2 in
fun (v1, v2) -> length1 v1 + length2 v2
| Union (`Dynamic, sz, cases) ->
let case_length = function
| Case { tag = None } -> None
| Case { encoding = e ; proj ; tag = Some _ } ->
let length v = tag_size sz + length e v in
Some (fun v -> Utils.map_option length (proj v)) in
apply (Utils.filter_map case_length cases)
| Mu (`Dynamic, _name, self) ->
fun v -> length (self e) v
| Obj (Opt (`Dynamic, _, e)) ->
let length = length e in
(function None -> 1 | Some x -> 1 + length x)
(* Variable *)
| Ignore -> fun _ -> 0
| Bytes `Variable -> MBytes.length
| String `Variable -> String.length
| String_enum (`Variable, l) -> begin
fun v ->
let l = (fun (x,y) -> (y,x)) l in
String.length (List.assoc v l)
with Not_found -> raise No_case_matched
| Array e ->
let length = length e in
fun v ->
(fun acc v -> length v + acc)
0 v
| List e ->
let length = length e in
fun v ->
(fun acc v -> length v + acc)
0 v
| Objs (`Variable, e1, e2) ->
let length1 = length e1 in
let length2 = length e2 in
fun (v1, v2) -> length1 v1 + length2 v2
| Tups (`Variable, e1, e2) ->
let length1 = length e1
and length2 = length e2 in
fun (v1, v2) -> length1 v1 + length2 v2
| Obj (Opt (`Variable, _, e)) ->
let length = length e in
(function None -> 0 | Some x -> length x)
| Union (`Variable, sz, cases) ->
let case_length = function
| Case { tag = None } -> None
| Case { encoding = e ; proj ; tag = Some _ } ->
let length v = tag_size sz + length e v in
Some (fun v ->
match proj v with
| None -> None
| Some v -> Some (length v)) in
apply (Utils.filter_map case_length cases)
| Mu (`Variable, _name, self) ->
fun v -> length (self e) v
(* Recursive*)
| Obj (Req (_, e)) -> length e
| Obj (Dft (_, e, _)) -> length e
| Tup e -> length e
| Conv { encoding = e ; proj } ->
let length = length e in
fun v -> length (proj v)
| Describe { encoding = e } -> length e
| Def { encoding = e } -> length e
| Splitted { encoding = e } -> length e
| Dynamic_size e ->
let length = length e in
fun v -> Size.int32 + length v
(** Writer *)
module Writer = struct
let int8 v buf ofs =
if (v < - (1 lsl 7) || v >= 1 lsl 7) then
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.Writer.int8" ;
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
MBytes.set_int8 buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.int8
let uint8 v buf ofs =
if (v < 0 || v >= 1 lsl 8) then
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.Writer.uint8" ;
MBytes.set_int8 buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.uint8
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let char v buf ofs =
uint8 (Char.code v) buf ofs
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let bool v buf ofs =
uint8 (if v then 255 else 0) buf ofs
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let int16 v buf ofs =
if (v < - (1 lsl 15) || v >= 1 lsl 15) then
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.Writer.int16" ;
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
MBytes.set_int16 buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.int16
let uint16 v buf ofs =
if (v < 0 || v >= 1 lsl 16) then
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.Writer.uint16" ;
MBytes.set_int16 buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.uint16
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let int31 v buf ofs =
MBytes.set_int32 buf ofs (Int32.of_int v);
ofs + Size.int31
let int32 v buf ofs =
MBytes.set_int32 buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.int32
let int64 v buf ofs =
MBytes.set_int64 buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.int64
let float v buf ofs =
MBytes.set_float buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.float
let fixed_kind_bytes length s buf ofs =
MBytes.blit s 0 buf ofs length;
ofs + length
let variable_length_bytes s buf ofs =
let length = MBytes.length s in
MBytes.blit s 0 buf ofs length ;
ofs + length
let fixed_kind_string length s buf ofs =
if String.length s <> length then invalid_arg "fixed_kind_string";
MBytes.blit_from_string s 0 buf ofs length;
ofs + length
let variable_length_string s buf ofs =
let length = String.length s in
MBytes.blit_from_string s 0 buf ofs length ;
ofs + length
let objs w1 w2 (v1,v2) buf ofs =
w1 v1 buf ofs |> w2 v2 buf
let array w a buf ofs =
Array.fold_left (fun ofs v -> w v buf ofs) ofs a
let list w l buf ofs =
List.fold_left (fun ofs v -> w v buf ofs) ofs l
let conv proj w v buf ofs =
w (proj v) buf ofs
let write_tag = function
| `Uint8 -> uint8
| `Uint16 -> uint16
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let union w sz cases =
let writes_case = function
| Case { tag = None } ->
(fun _ -> None)
| Case { encoding = e ; proj ; tag = Some tag } ->
let write = w.write e in
let write v buf ofs =
write_tag sz tag buf ofs |> write v buf in
fun v ->
match proj v with
| None -> None
| Some v -> Some (write v) in
apply ( writes_case cases)
let rec write_rec
: type a l. a t -> a -> MBytes.t -> int -> int = fun e ->
let open Kind in
let open Writer in
match e.encoding with
| Null -> (fun () _buf ofs -> ofs)
| Empty -> (fun () _buf ofs -> ofs)
| Constant _ -> (fun () _buf ofs -> ofs)
| Ignore -> (fun () _buf ofs -> ofs)
| Bool -> bool
| Int8 -> int8
| Uint8 -> uint8
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| Int16 -> int16
| Uint16 -> uint16
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| Int31 -> int31
| Int32 -> int32
| Int64 -> int64
| Float -> float
| Bytes (`Fixed n) -> fixed_kind_bytes n
| String (`Fixed n) -> fixed_kind_string n
| Bytes `Variable -> variable_length_bytes
| String `Variable -> variable_length_string
| Array t -> array (write_rec t)
| List t -> list (write_rec t)
| String_enum (kind, l) -> begin
fun v ->
let l = (fun (x,y) -> (y,x)) l in
write_rec (make @@ String kind) (List.assoc v l)
with Not_found -> raise No_case_matched
| Obj (Req (_, e)) -> write_rec e
| Obj (Opt (`Dynamic, _, e)) ->
let write = write_rec e in
(function None -> int8 0
| Some x -> fun buf ofs -> int8 1 buf ofs |> write x buf)
| Obj (Opt (`Variable, _, e)) ->
let write = write_rec e in
(function None -> fun _buf ofs -> ofs
| Some x -> write x)
| Obj (Dft (_, e, _)) -> write_rec e
| Objs (_, e1, e2) ->
objs (write_rec e1) (write_rec e2)
| Tup e -> write_rec e
| Tups (_, e1, e2) ->
objs (write_rec e1) (write_rec e2)
| Conv { encoding = e; proj } -> conv proj (write_rec e)
| Describe { encoding = e } -> write_rec e
| Def { encoding = e } -> write_rec e
| Splitted { encoding = e } -> write_rec e
| Union (_, sz, cases) -> union { write = write_rec } sz cases
| Mu (_, _, self) -> fun v buf ofs -> write_rec (self e) v buf ofs
| Dynamic_size e ->
let length = length e
and write = write_rec e in
fun v buf ofs ->
int32 (Int32.of_int @@ length v) buf ofs |> write v buf
let write t v buf ofs =
try Some (write_rec t v buf ofs)
with _ -> None
let to_bytes t v =
let length = length t v in
let bytes = MBytes.create length in
let ofs = write_rec t v bytes 0 in
assert(ofs = length);
(** Reader *)
module Reader = struct
let int8 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.int8, MBytes.get_int8 buf ofs
let uint8 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.uint8, MBytes.get_uint8 buf ofs
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let char buf ofs len =
let ofs, v = int8 buf ofs len in
ofs, Char.chr v
let bool buf ofs len =
let ofs, v = int8 buf ofs len in
ofs, v <> 0
let int16 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.int16, MBytes.get_int16 buf ofs
let uint16 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.uint16, MBytes.get_uint16 buf ofs
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let int31 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.int31, Int32.to_int (MBytes.get_int32 buf ofs)
let int32 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.int32, MBytes.get_int32 buf ofs
let int64 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.int64, MBytes.get_int64 buf ofs
let float buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.float, MBytes.get_float buf ofs
let int_of_int32 i =
let i' = Int32.to_int i in
let i'' = Int32.of_int i' in
if i'' = i then
invalid_arg "int_of_int32 overflow"
let fixed_length_bytes length buf ofs _len =
let s = MBytes.sub buf ofs length in
ofs + length, s
let fixed_length_string length buf ofs _len =
let s = MBytes.substring buf ofs length in
ofs + length, s
let seq r1 r2 buf ofs len =
let ofs', v1 = r1 buf ofs len in
let ofs'', v2 = r2 buf ofs' (len - (ofs' - ofs)) in
ofs'', (v1, v2)
let varseq r e1 e2 buf ofs len =
let k1 = classify e1
and k2 = classify e2 in
match k1, k2 with
| (`Dynamic | `Fixed _), `Variable ->
let ofs', v1 = e1 buf ofs len in
let ofs'', v2 = e2 buf ofs' (len - (ofs' - ofs)) in
ofs'', (v1, v2)
| `Variable, `Fixed n ->
let ofs', v1 = e1 buf ofs (len - n) in
let ofs'', v2 = e2 buf ofs' n in
ofs'', (v1, v2)
| _ -> assert false (* Should be rejected by Kind.combine *)
let list read buf ofs len =
let rec loop acc ofs len =
if len <= 0
then ofs, List.rev acc
let ofs', v = read buf ofs len in
loop (v :: acc) ofs' (len - (ofs' - ofs))
loop [] ofs len
let array read buf ofs len =
let ofs, l = list read buf ofs len in
ofs, Array.of_list l
let conv inj r buf ofs len =
let ofs, v = r buf ofs len in
ofs, inj v
let read_tag = function
| `Uint8 -> uint8
| `Uint16 -> uint16
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let union r sz cases =
let read_cases =
| (Case { tag = None }) -> None
| (Case { encoding = e ; inj ; tag = Some tag }) ->
let read = e in
Some (tag, fun len buf ofs ->
let ofs, v = read len buf ofs in
ofs, inj v))
cases in
fun buf ofs len ->
let ofs, tag = read_tag sz buf ofs len in
try List.assoc tag read_cases buf ofs (len - tag_size sz)
with Not_found -> raise (Unexpected_tag tag)
let rec read_rec : type a l. a t-> MBytes.t -> int -> int -> int * a = fun e ->
let open Kind in
let open Reader in
match e.encoding with
| Null -> (fun _buf ofs _len -> ofs, ())
| Empty -> (fun _buf ofs _len -> ofs, ())
| Constant _ -> (fun _buf ofs _len -> ofs, ())
| Ignore -> (fun _buf ofs len -> ofs + len, ())
| Bool -> bool
| Int8 -> int8
| Uint8 -> uint8
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| Int16 -> int16
| Uint16 -> uint16
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| Int31 -> int31
| Int32 -> int32
| Int64 -> int64
| Float -> float
| Bytes (`Fixed n) -> fixed_length_bytes n
| String (`Fixed n) -> fixed_length_string n
| Bytes `Variable -> fun buf ofs len -> fixed_length_bytes len buf ofs len
| String `Variable -> fun buf ofs len -> fixed_length_string len buf ofs len
| String_enum (kind, l) -> begin
fun buf ofs len ->
let ofs, str = read_rec (make @@ (String kind)) buf ofs len in
try ofs, List.assoc str l
with Not_found -> raise (Unexpected_enum (str, fst l))
| Array e -> array (read_rec e)
| List e -> list (read_rec e)
| Obj (Req (_, e)) -> read_rec e
| Obj (Opt (`Dynamic, _, t)) ->
let read = read_rec t in
(fun buf ofs len ->
let ofs, v = int8 buf ofs len in
if v = 0 then ofs, None
else let ofs, v = read buf ofs (len - Size.int8) in ofs, Some v)
| Obj (Opt (`Variable, _, t)) ->
let read = read_rec t in
(fun buf ofs len ->
if len = 0 then ofs, None
let ofs', v = read buf ofs len in
assert (ofs' = ofs + len) ;
ofs + len, Some v)
| Obj (Dft (_, e, _)) -> read_rec e
| Objs ((`Fixed _ | `Dynamic), e1, e2) ->
seq (read_rec e1) (read_rec e2)
| Objs (`Variable, e1, e2) ->
varseq { read = fun t -> read_rec t } e1 e2
| Tup e -> read_rec e
| Tups ((`Fixed _ | `Dynamic), e1, e2) ->
seq (read_rec e1) (read_rec e2)
| Tups (`Variable, e1, e2) ->
varseq { read = fun t -> read_rec t } e1 e2
| Conv { inj ; encoding = e } -> conv inj (read_rec e)
| Describe { encoding = e } -> read_rec e
| Def { encoding = e } -> read_rec e
| Splitted { encoding = e } -> read_rec e
| Union (_, sz, cases) ->
union { read = fun t -> read_rec t } sz cases
| Mu (_, _, self) -> fun buf ofs len -> read_rec (self e) buf ofs len
| Dynamic_size e ->
let read = read_rec e in
fun buf ofs len ->
let ofs, sz = int32 buf ofs len in
read buf ofs (Int32.to_int sz)
let read t buf ofs len =
try Some (read_rec t buf ofs len)
with _ -> None
let write = write
let of_bytes ty buf =
let len = MBytes.length buf in
match read ty buf 0 len with
| None -> None
| Some (read_len, r) -> if read_len <> len then None else Some r
let to_bytes = to_bytes
let length = length
let fixed_length e =
match classify e with
| `Fixed n -> Some n
| `Dynamic | `Variable -> None
let fixed_length_exn e =
match fixed_length e with
| Some n -> n
| None -> invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.fixed_length_exn"
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