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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Proto_alpha
let error ~loc v f =
match v with
| Error err when List.exists f err ->
return ()
| Ok _ ->
failwith "Unexpected successful result (%s)" loc
| Error err ->
failwith "@[Unexpected error (%s): %a@]" loc pp_print_error err
let proto_error ~loc v f =
error ~loc v
| Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error err -> f err
| _ -> false)
let equal ~loc (cmp : 'a -> 'a -> bool) msg pp a b =
if not (cmp a b) then
failwith "@[@[[%s]@] - @[%s : %a is not equal to %a@]@]" loc msg pp a pp b
return ()
let not_equal ~loc (cmp : 'a -> 'a -> bool) msg pp a b =
if cmp a b then
failwith "@[@[[%s]@] - @[%s : %a is equal to %a@]@]" loc msg pp a pp b
return ()
let equal_tez ~loc (a:Alpha_context.Tez.t) (b:Alpha_context.Tez.t) =
let open Alpha_context in
equal ~loc Tez.(=) "Tez aren't equal" Tez.pp a b
let not_equal_tez ~loc (a:Alpha_context.Tez.t) (b:Alpha_context.Tez.t) =
let open Alpha_context in
not_equal ~loc Tez.(=) "Tez are equal" Tez.pp a b
let equal_int ~loc (a:int) (b:int) =
equal ~loc (=) "Integers aren't equal" Format.pp_print_int a b
let not_equal_int ~loc (a:int) (b:int) =
not_equal ~loc (=) "Integers are equal" Format.pp_print_int a b
let equal_bool ~loc (a:bool) (b:bool) =
equal ~loc (=) "Booleans aren't equal" Format.pp_print_bool a b
let not_equal_bool ~loc (a:bool) (b:bool) =
not_equal ~loc (=) "Booleans are equal" Format.pp_print_bool a b
open Context
(* Some asserts for account operations *)
(** [balance_is b c amount] checks that the current balance of contract [c] is
Default balance type is [Main], pass [~kind] with [Deposit], [Fees] or
[Rewards] for the others. *)
let balance_is ~loc b contract ?(kind = Contract.Main) expected =
Contract.balance b contract ~kind >>=? fun balance ->
equal_tez ~loc balance expected
(** [balance_was_operated ~operand b c old_balance amount] checks that the
current balance of contract [c] is [operand old_balance amount] and
returns the current balance.
Default balance type is [Main], pass [~kind] with [Deposit], [Fees] or
[Rewards] for the others. *)
let balance_was_operated ~(operand) ~loc b contract ?(kind = Contract.Main) old_balance amount =
operand old_balance amount |>
Alpha_environment.wrap_error |> Lwt.return >>=? fun expected ->
balance_is ~loc b contract ~kind expected
let balance_was_credited = balance_was_operated ~operand:Alpha_context.Tez.(+?)
let balance_was_debited = balance_was_operated ~operand:Alpha_context.Tez.(-?)
(* debug *)
let print_balances ctxt id =
Contract.balance ~kind:Main ctxt id >>=? fun main ->
Contract.balance ~kind:Deposit ctxt id >>=? fun deposit ->
Contract.balance ~kind:Fees ctxt id >>=? fun fees ->
Contract.balance ~kind:Rewards ctxt id >>|? fun rewards ->
Format.printf "\nMain: %s\nDeposit: %s\nFees: %s\nRewards: %s\n"
(Alpha_context.Tez.to_string main)
(Alpha_context.Tez.to_string deposit)
(Alpha_context.Tez.to_string fees)
(Alpha_context.Tez.to_string rewards)