2018-03-21 14:59:09 +01:00
#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import json
import bitcoin
import binascii
import numpy as np
import pysodium
from pyblake2 import blake2b
2018-04-12 11:08:07 +02:00
import unicodedata
import pysodium
from hashlib import sha256
import random
import string
def get_keys(mnemonic, email, password):
salt = unicodedata.normalize(
"NFKD", (email + password).decode("utf8")).encode("utf8")
seed = bitcoin.mnemonic_to_seed(mnemonic, salt)
pk, sk = pysodium.crypto_sign_seed_keypair(seed[0:32])
pkh = blake2b(pk,20).digest()
pkhb58 = bitcoin.bin_to_b58check(pkh, magicbyte=434591)
return (sk, pk, pkh, pkhb58)
def random_email():
rnd = lambda n: ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(n))
return '%s.%s@tezos.example.org' % (rnd(8),rnd(8))
2018-03-21 14:59:09 +01:00
def tez_to_int(amount):
return int(round(amount * 1e6, 0))
def allocate_with_subthreshold( w ):
from_ether = sum(x[u'tezzies'] for x in w[u'ethDeposits'])
def discount_level( level ):
if level >= 2000:
return 0
return 6000 - (level/400)*250
from_bitcoin = sum(x[u'satoshis'] * discount_level(x[u'crowdfund_level']) for x in w[u'utxos'])
return from_ether + from_bitcoin * 1e-8
def get_wallets(path):
wallets = {}
for fn in os.listdir(path):
# ignore misc files
if not fn.startswith("tz1"):
w = json.load(open(os.path.join(path, fn), "r"))
# if not u'allocated_tezzies' in w.keys():
# continue
wallets[fn.split(".")[0]] = allocate_with_subthreshold(w)
return wallets
def secret_code(pkh, blind):
return blake2b(pkh, 20, key=blind).digest()
def genesis_commitments(wallets, blind):
commitments = []
for pkh_b58, amount in wallets.iteritems():
# Public key hash corresponding to this Tezos address.
pkh = bitcoin.b58check_to_bin(pkh_b58)[2:]
# The redemption code is unique to the public key hash and deterministically
# constructed using a secret blinding value.
secret = secret_code(pkh, blind)
# The redemption code is used to blind the pkh
blinded_pkh = blake2b(pkh, 20, key=secret).digest()
commitment = {
2018-04-12 11:08:07 +02:00
'blinded_pkh': bitcoin.bin_to_b58check(blinded_pkh, magicbyte=16921055),
'amount': amount
2018-03-21 14:59:09 +01:00
return commitments
# Generate dummy genesis information for a centralized alphanet faucet
def make_dummy_wallets(n, blind):
# Not a realistic shape, but for an alphanet faucet it's better to
# have less variance.
amounts = np.random.pareto(10.0, n)
2018-04-12 11:08:07 +02:00
amounts = amounts / sum(amounts) * 700e6
2018-03-21 14:59:09 +01:00
wallets = {}
2018-04-12 11:08:07 +02:00
secrets = {}
2018-03-21 14:59:09 +01:00
for i in range(0, n):
2018-04-12 11:08:07 +02:00
entropy = blake2b(str(i), 20, key=blind).digest()
mnemonic = bitcoin.mnemonic.entropy_to_words(entropy)
password = ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for _ in range(10))
email = random_email()
sk, pk, pkh, pkh_b58 = get_keys(' '.join(mnemonic), email, password)
2018-03-21 14:59:09 +01:00
amount = tez_to_int(amounts[i])
wallets[pkh_b58] = amount
secret = secret_code(pkh, blind)
2018-04-12 11:08:07 +02:00
secrets[pkh_b58] = (mnemonic, email, password, amount, binascii.hexlify(secret))
return wallets, secrets
2018-03-21 14:59:09 +01:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print "Usage: python create_genesis_info.py /path/to/json blind [dummy]"
blind = sys.argv[2]
if len(sys.argv) == 4 and sys.argv[3] == "dummy":
2018-04-12 11:08:07 +02:00
wallets, secrets = make_dummy_wallets(30000, blind)
2018-03-21 14:59:09 +01:00
with open('secret_seeds.json', 'w') as f:
2018-04-12 11:08:07 +02:00
json.dump([ { "pkh" : pkh,
"mnemonic" : mnemonic,
"email" : email,
"password" : password,
"amount" : str(amount),
"secret" : secret }
for pkh, (mnemonic, email, password, amount, secret) in secrets.iteritems()], f, indent=1)
2018-03-21 14:59:09 +01:00
wallets = get_wallets( sys.argv[1] )
commitments = genesis_commitments(wallets, blind)
2018-04-12 11:08:07 +02:00
with open('commitments.json', 'w') as f:
2018-05-29 14:29:12 +02:00
"bootstrap_accounts": [
2018-04-12 11:08:07 +02:00
[ "edsk4X12XaKRPHgDkgvMe4UWEiygx8AVrt9rpktmhu1uT2GCPU4dp7",
"12000000000000" ],
[ "edsk46ypB8PztxMDPMdVnEgjQmJhca7zMJvTMDrdwJaJ4mgm4qNmwE",
"12000000000000" ],
[ "edsk4JsBpWJH5cDtanNADY2D5Ygma1dUtxko8qaM2Af8FHGU52yLcW",
"12000000000000" ],
[ "edsk3b5GrQdRF1Pt3ccRjvyoNHTFrSXUKZufg2zQYhBumqS8kMfeGC",
"12000000000000" ],
[ "edsk3T8CRr8YK2vnjsZK2vDzCjpcWpMEUXMAzjeR1GWjmyhGaDHTNV",
"12000000000000" ]
2018-05-29 14:29:12 +02:00
"commitments": [
(commitment['blinded_pkh'], str(commitment['amount']))
for commitment in commitments if commitment['amount'] > 0
"no_rewards_cycles": 7,
"security_deposit_ramp_up_cycles": 64
2018-05-26 17:07:37 +02:00
}, f, indent=1)