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[@@@warning "-42"]
open Simple_utils.Region
open AST
(* See [ParToken.mly] for the definition of tokens. *)
(* Entry points *)
%start contract interactive_expr
%type <AST.t> contract
%type <AST.expr> interactive_expr
(* RULES *)
(* The rule [sep_or_term(item,sep)] ("separated or terminated list")
parses a non-empty list of items separated by [sep], and optionally
terminated by [sep]. *)
nsepseq(item,sep) {
$1, None
| nseq(item sep {$1,$2}) {
let (first,sep), tail = $1 in
let rec trans (seq, prev_sep as acc) = function
[] -> acc
| (item,next_sep)::others ->
trans ((prev_sep,item)::seq, next_sep) others in
let list, term = trans ([],sep) tail
in (first, List.rev list), Some term }
(* Compound constructs *)
"(" X ")" {
let region = cover $1 $3
and value = {lpar=$1; inside=$2; rpar=$3}
in {region; value} }
(* Sequences
Series of instances of the same syntactical category have often to
be parsed, like lists of expressions, patterns etc. The simplest of
all is the possibly empty sequence (series), parsed below by
[seq]. The non-empty sequence is parsed by [nseq]. Note that the
latter returns a pair made of the first parsed item (the parameter
[X]) and the rest of the sequence (possibly empty). This way, the
OCaml typechecker can keep track of this information along the
static control-flow graph. See module [Utils] for the types
corresponding to the semantic actions of those rules.
(* Possibly empty sequence of items *)
(**) { [] }
| item seq(item) { $1::$2 }
(* Non-empty sequence of items *)
item seq(item) { $1,$2 }
(* Non-empty separated sequence of items *)
item { $1, [] }
| item sep nsepseq(item,sep) { let h,t = $3 in $1, ($2,h)::t }
(* Helpers *)
%inline type_name : "<ident>" { $1 }
%inline field_name : "<ident>" { $1 }
%inline struct_name : "<ident>" { $1 }
%inline module_name : "<constr>" { $1 }
(* Non-empty comma-separated values (at least two values) *)
item "," nsepseq(item,",") { let h,t = $3 in $1,($2,h)::t }
(* Possibly empty semicolon-separated values between brackets *)
2020-01-27 16:05:47 +01:00
"[" sep_or_term_list(item,";")? "]" {
let compound = Brackets ($1,$3)
and region = cover $1 $3 in
let elements, terminator =
match $2 with
None -> None, None
| Some (elements, terminator) ->
Some elements, terminator in
let value = {compound; elements; terminator}
in {region; value} }
(* Main *)
declarations EOF { {decl=$1; eof=$2} }
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
declaration { $1,[] : AST.declaration Utils.nseq }
| declaration declarations { Utils.nseq_cons $1 $2 }
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
type_decl { TypeDecl $1 }
| let_declaration { Let $1 }
(* Type declarations *)
"type" type_name "=" type_expr {
Scoping.check_reserved_name $2;
let region = cover $1 (type_expr_to_region $4) in
let value = {
kwd_type = $1;
name = $2;
eq = $3;
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
type_expr = $4}
in {region; value} }
fun_type | sum_type | record_type { $1 }
cartesian { $1 }
| cartesian "->" fun_type {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let start = type_expr_to_region $1
and stop = type_expr_to_region $3 in
let region = cover start stop in
TFun {region; value=$1,$2,$3} }
core_type { $1 }
| core_type "*" nsepseq(core_type,"*") {
let value = Utils.nsepseq_cons $1 $2 $3 in
let region = nsepseq_to_region type_expr_to_region value
in TProd {region; value} }
type_name { TVar $1 }
| par(type_expr) { TPar $1 }
| "<string>" { TString $1 }
| module_name "." type_name {
let module_name = $1.value in
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let type_name = $3.value in
let value = module_name ^ "." ^ type_name in
let region = cover $1.region $3.region
in TVar {region; value}
| core_type type_name {
let arg, constr = $1, $2 in
let start = type_expr_to_region arg
and stop = constr.region in
let region = cover start stop in
let lpar, rpar = ghost, ghost in
let value = {lpar; inside=arg,[]; rpar} in
let arg = {region=start; value}
in TApp {region; value = constr,arg}
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| type_tuple type_name {
let arg, constr = $1, $2 in
let region = cover arg.region constr.region
in TApp {region; value = constr,arg} }
par(tuple(type_expr)) { $1 }
ioption("|") nsepseq(variant,"|") {
Scoping.check_variants (Utils.nsepseq_to_list $2);
let region = nsepseq_to_region (fun x -> x.region) $2
in TSum {region; value=$2} }
"<constr>" { {$1 with value={constr=$1; arg=None}} }
| "<constr>" "of" fun_type {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let region = cover $1.region (type_expr_to_region $3)
and value = {constr=$1; arg = Some ($2,$3)}
in {region; value} }
"{" sep_or_term_list(field_decl,";") "}" {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let ne_elements, terminator = $2 in
let () = Utils.nsepseq_to_list ne_elements
|> Scoping.check_fields in
let region = cover $1 $3
and value = {compound = Braces ($1,$3); ne_elements; terminator}
in TRecord {region; value} }
field_name ":" type_expr {
let stop = type_expr_to_region $3 in
let region = cover $1.region stop
and value = {field_name=$1; colon=$2; field_type=$3}
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
in {region; value} }
2020-03-11 11:18:39 +01:00
(* Top-level definitions *)
"let" ioption("rec") let_binding seq(Attr) {
2020-01-16 19:36:04 +00:00
let kwd_let = $1 in
let kwd_rec = $2 in
let attributes = $4 in
let binding = $3 in
let value = kwd_let, kwd_rec, binding, attributes in
2020-01-16 19:36:04 +00:00
let stop = expr_to_region binding.let_rhs in
let region = cover $1 stop
in {region; value} }
"<ident>" nseq(sub_irrefutable) type_annotation? "=" expr {
Scoping.check_reserved_name $1;
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let binders = Utils.nseq_cons (PVar $1) $2 in
Utils.nseq_iter Scoping.check_pattern binders;
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
{binders; lhs_type=$3; eq=$4; let_rhs=$5}
| irrefutable type_annotation? "=" expr {
Scoping.check_pattern $1;
{binders=$1,[]; lhs_type=$2; eq=$3; let_rhs=$4} }
":" type_expr { $1,$2 }
(* Patterns *)
sub_irrefutable { $1 }
| tuple(sub_irrefutable) {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let hd, tl = $1 in
let start = pattern_to_region hd in
let stop = last fst tl in
let region = cover start stop
in PTuple {region; value=$1} }
"<ident>" { PVar $1 }
| "_" { PWild $1 }
| unit { PUnit $1 }
| record_pattern { PRecord $1 }
| par(closed_irrefutable) { PPar $1 }
| "<constr>" { PConstr (PConstrApp {$1 with value = $1,None}) }
| typed_pattern { $1 }
| "<constr>" sub_pattern {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let stop = pattern_to_region $2 in
let region = cover $1.region stop
and value = $1, Some $2 in
PConstr (PConstrApp {region; value}) }
irrefutable ":" type_expr {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let start = pattern_to_region $1 in
let stop = type_expr_to_region $3 in
let region = cover start stop in
let value = {pattern=$1; colon=$2; type_expr=$3}
in PTyped {region; value} }
core_pattern { $1 }
| sub_pattern "::" tail {
let start = pattern_to_region $1 in
let stop = pattern_to_region $3 in
let region = cover start stop in
PList (PCons {region; value=$1,$2,$3})
2019-10-07 16:33:34 +02:00
| tuple(sub_pattern) {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let start = pattern_to_region (fst $1) in
let stop = last fst (snd $1) in
let region = cover start stop
in PTuple {region; value=$1} }
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
par(tail) { PPar $1 }
| core_pattern { $1 }
"<ident>" { PVar $1 }
| "_" { PWild $1 }
| "<int>" { PInt $1 }
| "<nat>" { PNat $1 }
| "<bytes>" { PBytes $1 }
| "<string>" { PString $1 }
2020-04-27 11:31:16 +02:00
| "<verbatim>" { PVerbatim $1 }
| unit { PUnit $1 }
| "false" { PFalse $1 }
| "true" { PTrue $1 }
| par(ptuple) { PPar $1 }
2020-01-27 16:05:47 +01:00
| list__(tail) { PList (PListComp $1) }
| constr_pattern { PConstr $1 }
| record_pattern { PRecord $1 }
"{" sep_or_term_list(field_pattern,";") "}" {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let ne_elements, terminator = $2 in
let region = cover $1 $3 in
let value = {compound = Braces ($1,$3); ne_elements; terminator}
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
in {region; value} }
field_name "=" sub_pattern {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let start = $1.region
and stop = pattern_to_region $3 in
let region = cover start stop
and value = {field_name=$1; eq=$2; pattern=$3}
in {region; value} }
"None" { PNone $1 }
| "Some" sub_pattern {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let stop = pattern_to_region $2 in
let region = cover $1 stop
and value = $1,$2
in PSomeApp {region; value}
| "<constr>" {
PConstrApp {$1 with value=$1,None}
| "<constr>" sub_pattern {
let region = cover $1.region (pattern_to_region $2)
in PConstrApp {region; value = $1, Some $2} }
2019-10-07 16:33:34 +02:00
tuple(tail) {
let hd, tl = $1 in
let start = pattern_to_region hd in
let stop = last fst tl in
let region = cover start stop
in PTuple {region; value=$1} }
"(" ")" { {region = cover $1 $2; value = ghost, ghost} }
sub_pattern { $1 }
| sub_pattern "::" tail {
let start = pattern_to_region $1 in
let stop = pattern_to_region $3 in
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let region = cover start stop in
PList (PCons {region; value=$1,$2,$3}) }
(* Expressions *)
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
expr EOF { $1 }
base_cond__open(expr) | match_expr(base_cond) { $1 }
base_expr(x) | conditional(x) { $1 }
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
base_cond__open(base_cond) { $1 }
| let_expr(right_expr)
| fun_expr(right_expr)
| disj_expr_level { $1 }
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
tuple(disj_expr_level) {
let start = expr_to_region (fst $1) in
let stop = last fst (snd $1) in
let region = cover start stop
in ETuple {region; value=$1} }
if_then_else(right_expr) | if_then(right_expr) { $1 }
"if" expr "then" closed_if "else" right_expr {
let region = cover $1 (expr_to_region $6)
and value = {kwd_if = $1;
test = $2;
kwd_then = $3;
ifso = $4;
kwd_else = $5;
ifnot = $6}
in ECond {region; value} }
"if" expr "then" right_expr {
let the_unit = ghost, ghost in
let ifnot = EUnit (wrap_ghost the_unit) in
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let stop = expr_to_region $4 in
let region = cover $1 stop in
let value = {kwd_if = $1;
test = $2;
kwd_then = $3;
ifso = $4;
kwd_else = ghost;
in ECond {region; value} }
base_expr(x) | if_then_else(x) { $1 }
base_if_then_else__open(base_if_then_else) { $1 }
| match_expr(base_if_then_else) { $1 }
"match" expr "with" "|"? cases(right_expr) {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let cases = {
value = Utils.nsepseq_rev $5;
region = nsepseq_to_region (fun x -> x.region) $5}
and stop =
match $5 with
{region; _}, [] -> region
| _, tl -> last fst tl in
let region = cover $1 stop
and value = {kwd_match = $1;
expr = $2;
kwd_with = $3;
lead_vbar = $4;
in ECase {region; value} }
2019-10-07 16:33:34 +02:00
case_clause(right_expr) {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let start = pattern_to_region $1.pattern
and stop = expr_to_region $1.rhs in
let region = cover start stop
in {region; value=$1}, []
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| cases(base_cond) "|" case_clause(right_expr) {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let start =
match $1 with
only_case, [] -> only_case.region
| _, other_cases -> last fst other_cases
and stop = expr_to_region $3.rhs in
let region = cover start stop in
let fst_case = {region; value=$3}
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
and snd_case, others = $1
in fst_case, ($2,snd_case)::others }
pattern "->" right_expr {
Scoping.check_pattern $1;
{pattern=$1; arrow=$2; rhs=$3} }
2020-02-20 22:31:47 +01:00
"let" ioption("rec") let_binding seq(Attr) "in" right_expr {
let stop = expr_to_region $6 in
let region = cover $1 stop
and value = {kwd_let = $1;
kwd_rec = $2;
binding = $3;
attributes = $4;
kwd_in = $5;
body = $6}
in ELetIn {region; value} }
"fun" nseq(irrefutable) "->" right_expr {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let stop = expr_to_region $4 in
let region = cover $1 stop in
2020-01-16 19:36:04 +00:00
let value = {kwd_fun = $1;
binders = $2;
lhs_type = None;
arrow = $3;
body = $4}
in EFun {region; value} }
bin_op(disj_expr_level, "||", conj_expr_level)
| bin_op(disj_expr_level, "or", conj_expr_level) {
ELogic (BoolExpr (Or $1)) }
| conj_expr_level { $1 }
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
arg1 op arg2 {
let start = expr_to_region $1 in
let stop = expr_to_region $3 in
let region = cover start stop
and value = {arg1=$1; op=$2; arg2=$3}
in {region; value} }
bin_op(conj_expr_level, "&&", comp_expr_level) {
ELogic (BoolExpr (And $1)) }
| comp_expr_level { $1 }
bin_op(comp_expr_level, "<", cat_expr_level) {
ELogic (CompExpr (Lt $1)) }
| bin_op(comp_expr_level, "<=", cat_expr_level) {
ELogic (CompExpr (Leq $1)) }
| bin_op(comp_expr_level, ">", cat_expr_level) {
ELogic (CompExpr (Gt $1)) }
| bin_op(comp_expr_level, ">=", cat_expr_level) {
ELogic (CompExpr (Geq $1)) }
| bin_op(comp_expr_level, "=", cat_expr_level) {
ELogic (CompExpr (Equal $1)) }
| bin_op(comp_expr_level, "<>", cat_expr_level) {
ELogic (CompExpr (Neq $1)) }
| cat_expr_level { $1 }
bin_op(cons_expr_level, "^", cat_expr_level) { EString (Cat $1) }
(*| reg(append_expr) {
bin_op(cons_expr_level, "@", cat_expr_level) { EList (Append $1) } *)
| cons_expr_level { $1 }
bin_op(add_expr_level, "::", cons_expr_level) { EList (ECons $1) }
| add_expr_level { $1 }
bin_op(add_expr_level, "+", mult_expr_level) { EArith (Add $1) }
| bin_op(add_expr_level, "-", mult_expr_level) { EArith (Sub $1) }
| mult_expr_level { $1 }
bin_op(mult_expr_level, "*", unary_expr_level) { EArith (Mult $1) }
| bin_op(mult_expr_level, "/", unary_expr_level) { EArith (Div $1) }
| bin_op(mult_expr_level, "mod", unary_expr_level) { EArith (Mod $1) }
| unary_expr_level { $1 }
call_expr_level { $1 }
| "-" call_expr_level {
let start = $1 in
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let stop = expr_to_region $2 in
let region = cover start stop
and value = {op=$1; arg=$2}
in EArith (Neg {region; value})
| "not" call_expr_level {
let start = $1 in
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let stop = expr_to_region $2 in
let region = cover start stop
and value = {op=$1; arg=$2} in
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
ELogic (BoolExpr (Not ({region; value}))) }
call_expr | constr_expr | core_expr { $1 }
"None" {
EConstr (ENone $1)
| "Some" core_expr {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let region = cover $1 (expr_to_region $2)
in EConstr (ESomeApp {region; value=$1,$2})
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| "<constr>" core_expr {
let region = cover $1.region (expr_to_region $2) in
EConstr (EConstrApp {region; value=$1, Some $2})
| "<constr>" {
EConstr (EConstrApp {$1 with value=$1, None}) }
core_expr nseq(core_expr) {
let start = expr_to_region $1 in
2019-10-07 16:33:34 +02:00
let stop = match $2 with
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
e, [] -> expr_to_region e
| _, l -> last expr_to_region l in
let region = cover start stop in
ECall {region; value=$1,$2} }
"<int>" { EArith (Int $1) }
| "<mutez>" { EArith (Mutez $1) }
| "<nat>" { EArith (Nat $1) }
| "<bytes>" { EBytes $1 }
| "<ident>" | module_field { EVar $1 }
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| projection { EProj $1 }
| "<string>" { EString (String $1) }
2020-04-27 11:31:16 +02:00
| "<verbatim>" { EString (Verbatim $1) }
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| unit { EUnit $1 }
| "false" { ELogic (BoolExpr (False $1)) }
| "true" { ELogic (BoolExpr (True $1)) }
2020-01-27 16:05:47 +01:00
| list__(expr) { EList (EListComp $1) }
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| sequence { ESeq $1 }
| record_expr { ERecord $1 }
2020-01-09 18:23:37 +01:00
| update_record { EUpdate $1 }
| par(expr) { EPar $1 }
| par(expr ":" type_expr {$1,$2,$3}) { EAnnot $1 }
module_name "." module_fun {
let region = cover $1.region $3.region in
{region; value = $1.value ^ "." ^ $3.value} }
field_name { $1 }
| "or" { {value="or"; region=$1} }
struct_name "." nsepseq(selection,".") {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let start = $1.region in
let stop = nsepseq_to_region selection_to_region $3 in
let region = cover start stop in
let value = {struct_name=$1; selector=$2; field_path=$3}
in {region; value}
| module_name "." field_name "." nsepseq(selection,".") {
let value = $1.value ^ "." ^ $3.value in
let struct_name = {$1 with value} in
let start = $1.region in
let stop = nsepseq_to_region selection_to_region $5 in
let region = cover start stop in
let value = {struct_name; selector=$4; field_path=$5}
in {region; value} }
2019-10-07 16:33:34 +02:00
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
field_name { FieldName $1 }
| "<int>" { Component $1 }
"{" sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,";") "}" {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let ne_elements, terminator = $2 in
let region = cover $1 $3 in
let value = {compound = Braces ($1,$3);
in {region; value} }
2020-01-09 18:23:37 +01:00
"{" path "with" sep_or_term_list(field_path_assignment,";") "}" {
2020-01-09 18:23:37 +01:00
let region = cover $1 $5 in
2020-01-10 16:41:47 +01:00
let ne_elements, terminator = $4 in
2020-01-09 18:23:37 +01:00
let value = {
2020-01-10 16:41:47 +01:00
lbrace = $1;
record = $2;
2020-01-09 18:23:37 +01:00
kwd_with = $3;
updates = {value = {compound = Braces($1,$5);
2020-01-10 16:41:47 +01:00
region = cover $3 $5};
rbrace = $5}
2020-01-09 18:23:37 +01:00
in {region; value} }
field_path_assignment :
nsepseq(field_name,".") "=" expr {
let start = nsepseq_to_region (fun x -> x.region) $1 in
let region = cover start (expr_to_region $3) in
let value = {field_path = $1;
assignment = $2;
field_expr = $3}
in {region; value}}
field_name "=" expr {
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer - AST.ml/AST.mli: - The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`. - I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity, e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`. - I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`. - I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when those were not records. - The type of the argument to a data constructor is now `type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`. - I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`). - I renamed the node `Sugar` into `PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension"). - Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration. - Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`, which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing. - Components of tuples in a selection must not be written between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now `a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO. - LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll - I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`. - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml) - Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but with `Error Invalid_symbol`. - Lexer.mll (shared) - I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`). - I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash" (from a Gitlab issue). - ParToken.mly - I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll) - Parser.mly - Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed). - I removed syntax support for Liquidity. - I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they are the only constructors of their types. - I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns. - Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like `a.b.1.0`. - I refactored the semantic actions. - I added the empty sequence `begin end`. - ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli - I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations). - ParserMain.ml - The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`. - The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`. - ligodity.ml (simplifier) - I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with `Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like `Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.) - Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty lists. - I ported all the changes to the AST above. - region.ml (vendors) - I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above) - I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let start = $1.region in
let stop = expr_to_region $3 in
let region = cover start stop in
let value = {field_name = $1;
assignment = $2;
field_expr = $3}
in {region; value} }
path :
"<ident>" { Name $1 }
| projection { Path $1 }
"begin" series? "end" {
let region = cover $1 $3
and compound = BeginEnd ($1,$3) in
let elements, terminator =
match $2 with
None -> None, None
| Some (ne_elements, terminator) ->
Some ne_elements, terminator in
let value = {compound; elements; terminator}
in {region; value} }
2020-01-09 18:23:37 +01:00
last_expr {
let expr, term = $1 in (expr, []), term
| seq_expr ";" series {
let rest, term = $3 in
let seq = Utils.nsepseq_cons $1 $2 rest
in seq, term }
seq_expr ";"?
| fun_expr(seq_expr) ";"?
| match_expr(seq_expr) ";"? {
| "let" ioption("rec") let_binding seq(Attr) "in" series {
let seq, term = $6 in
let stop = nsepseq_to_region expr_to_region seq in
let region = cover $1 stop in
let compound = BeginEnd (Region.ghost, Region.ghost) in
let elements = Some seq in
let value = {compound; elements; terminator=term} in
let body = ESeq {region; value} in
let value = {kwd_let = $1;
kwd_rec = $2;
binding = $3;
attributes = $4;
kwd_in = $5;
in ELetIn {region; value}, term }
disj_expr_level | if_then_else (seq_expr) { $1 }