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(* ocplib-resto *)
(* Copyright (C) 2016, OCamlPro. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms *)
(* of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
open Resto
module Answer : sig
(** Return type for service handler *)
type ('o, 'e) t =
[ `Ok of 'o (* 200 *)
| `OkStream of 'o stream (* 200 *)
| `Created of string option (* 201 *)
| `No_content (* 204 *)
| `Unauthorized of 'e option (* 401 *)
| `Forbidden of 'e option (* 403 *)
| `Not_found of 'e option (* 404 *)
| `Conflict of 'e option (* 409 *)
| `Error of 'e option (* 500 *)
and 'a stream = {
next: unit -> 'a option Lwt.t ;
shutdown: unit -> unit ;
val return: 'o -> ('o, 'e) t Lwt.t
val return_stream: 'o stream -> ('o, 'e) t Lwt.t
2017-12-07 17:43:21 +01:00
module Make (Encoding : ENCODING) : sig
module Service : (module type of (struct include Resto.MakeService(Encoding) end))
(** Possible error while registring services. *)
type step =
| Static of string
| Dynamic of Arg.descr
| DynamicTail of Arg.descr
type conflict =
| CService of meth | CDir | CBuilder | CTail
| CTypes of Arg.descr *
| CType of Arg.descr * string list
type ('query, 'input, 'output, 'error) types = {
query : 'query Resto.Query.t ;
input : 'input Service.input ;
output : 'output Encoding.t ;
error : 'error Encoding.t ;
type registered_service =
| Service :
{ types : ('q, 'i, 'o, 'e) types ;
handler : ('q -> 'i -> ('o, 'e) Answer.t Lwt.t) ;
} -> registered_service
(** Dispatch tree *)
type 'prefix t
type 'prefix directory = 'prefix t
type lookup_error =
[ `Not_found (* 404 *)
| `Method_not_allowed of meth list (* 405 *)
| `Cannot_parse_path of string list * Arg.descr * string (* 400 *)
(** Resolve a service. *)
val lookup:
'prefix directory -> 'prefix ->
meth -> string list -> (registered_service, [> lookup_error ]) result Lwt.t
val allowed_methods:
'prefix directory -> 'prefix -> string list ->
(meth list, [> lookup_error ]) result Lwt.t
val transparent_lookup:
'prefix directory ->
('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) Service.t ->
'params -> 'query -> 'input -> [> ('output, 'error) Answer.t ] Lwt.t
(** Empty tree *)
val empty: 'prefix directory
val map: ('a -> 'b) -> 'b directory -> 'a directory
val prefix: ('pr, 'p) Path.path -> 'p directory -> 'pr directory
val merge: 'a directory -> 'a directory -> 'a directory
exception Conflict of step list * conflict
(** Registring handler in service tree. *)
val register:
'prefix directory ->
('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) Service.t ->
('params -> 'query -> 'input -> [< ('output, 'error) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
(** Registring handler in service tree. Curryfied variant. *)
val register0:
unit directory ->
('m, unit, unit, 'q, 'i, 'o, 'e) Service.t ->
('q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
unit directory
val register1:
'prefix directory ->
('m, 'prefix, unit * 'a, 'q , 'i, 'o, 'e) Service.t ->
('a -> 'q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register2:
'prefix directory ->
('m, 'prefix, (unit * 'a) * 'b, 'q , 'i, 'o, 'e) Service.t ->
('a -> 'b -> 'q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register3:
'prefix directory ->
('m, 'prefix, ((unit * 'a) * 'b) * 'c, 'q , 'i, 'o, 'e) Service.t ->
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register4:
'prefix directory ->
('m, 'prefix, (((unit * 'a) * 'b) * 'c) * 'd, 'q , 'i, 'o, 'e) Service.t ->
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register5:
'prefix directory ->
('m, 'prefix, ((((unit * 'a) * 'b) * 'c) * 'd) * 'f, 'q , 'i, 'o, 'e) Service.t ->
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'f -> 'q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
(** Registring dynamic subtree. *)
val register_dynamic_directory:
?descr:string ->
'prefix directory ->
('prefix, 'a) Path.path -> ('a -> 'a directory Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
(** Registring dynamic subtree. (Curryfied variant) *)
val register_dynamic_directory1:
?descr:string ->
'prefix directory ->
('prefix, unit * 'a) Path.path ->
('a -> (unit * 'a) directory Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register_dynamic_directory2:
?descr:string ->
'prefix directory ->
('prefix, (unit * 'a) * 'b) Path.path ->
('a -> 'b -> ((unit * 'a) * 'b) directory Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register_dynamic_directory3:
?descr:string ->
'prefix directory ->
('prefix, ((unit * 'a) * 'b) * 'c) Path.path ->
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> (((unit * 'a) * 'b) * 'c) directory Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
(** Registring a description service. *)
val register_describe_directory_service:
'prefix directory ->
('prefix, 'prefix, 'error) Service.description_service ->
'prefix directory
val describe_directory:
recurse:bool ->
?arg:'a ->
'a directory -> Encoding.schema Resto.Description.directory Lwt.t
module Curry: sig
type (_,_,_,_,_,_) conv =
| Z : (unit, 'g, 'g, unit, 'f, 'f) conv
| S : ('t, 'g, 'b * 's, 'rt, 'f, 'r) conv ->
('t * 'b, 'g, 's, 'a * 'rt, 'a -> 'f, 'r) conv
val curry : ('a, 'b, unit, 'b, 'c, 'd) conv -> 'c -> 'a -> 'd