170 lines
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170 lines
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[@@@warning "-30"]
module S = Ast_simplified
module SMap = Map.String
type name = string
type type_name = string
type constructor_name = string
type 'a name_map = 'a SMap.t
type 'a type_name_map = 'a SMap.t
type program = declaration Location.wrap list
and declaration =
| Declaration_constant of (named_expression * full_environment)
(* | Macro_declaration of macro_declaration *)
and environment_element_definition =
| ED_binder
| ED_declaration of expression
and environment_element = {
type_value : type_value ;
source_environment : full_environment ;
definition : environment_element_definition ;
and environment = (string * environment_element) list
and type_environment = (string * type_value) list
and small_environment = (environment * type_environment)
and full_environment = small_environment List.Ne.t
and annotated_expression = {
expression: expression ;
type_annotation: tv ;
environment: full_environment ;
dummy_field: unit ;
and named_expression = {
name: name ;
annotated_expression: ae ;
and tv = type_value
and ae = annotated_expression
and tv_map = type_value type_name_map
and ae_map = annotated_expression name_map
and type_value' =
| T_tuple of tv list
| T_sum of tv_map
| T_record of tv_map
| T_constant of type_name * tv list
| T_function of (tv * tv)
and type_value = {
type_value' : type_value' ;
simplified : S.type_expression option ;
and named_type_value = {
type_name: name ;
type_value : type_value ;
and lambda = {
binder: name ;
input_type: tv ;
output_type: tv ;
result: ae ;
body: block ;
and expression =
(* Base *)
| E_literal of literal
| E_constant of (name * ae list) (* For language constants, like (Cons hd tl) or (plus i j) *)
| E_variable of name
| E_application of (ae * ae)
| E_lambda of lambda
(* Tuple *)
| E_tuple of ae list
| E_tuple_accessor of (ae * int) (* Access n'th tuple's element *)
(* Sum *)
| E_constructor of (name * ae) (* For user defined constructors *)
(* Record *)
| E_record of ae_map
| E_record_accessor of (ae * string)
(* Data Structures *)
| E_map of (ae * ae) list
| E_list of ae list
| E_look_up of (ae * ae)
(* Advanced *)
| E_matching of (ae * matching_expr)
| E_failwith of ae
and value = annotated_expression (* todo (for refactoring) *)
and literal =
| Literal_unit
| Literal_bool of bool
| Literal_int of int
| Literal_nat of int
| Literal_tez of int
| Literal_string of string
| Literal_bytes of bytes
| Literal_address of string
| Literal_operation of Memory_proto_alpha.Alpha_context.packed_internal_operation
and block = instruction list
and b = block
and instruction =
| I_declaration of named_expression
| I_assignment of named_expression
| I_matching of ae * matching_instr
| I_loop of ae * b
| I_do of ae
| I_skip
| I_patch of named_type_value * access_path * ae
and access =
| Access_tuple of int
| Access_record of string
| Access_map of ae
and access_path = access list
and 'a matching =
| Match_bool of {
match_true : 'a ;
match_false : 'a ;
| Match_list of {
match_nil : 'a ;
match_cons : name * name * 'a ;
| Match_option of {
match_none : 'a ;
match_some : (name * type_value) * 'a ;
| Match_tuple of (name list * 'a)
| Match_variant of (((constructor_name * name) * 'a) list * type_value)
and matching_instr = b matching
and matching_expr = ae matching
open Trace
let get_entry (p:program) (entry : string) : annotated_expression result =
let aux (d:declaration) =
match d with
| Declaration_constant ({name ; annotated_expression} , _) when entry = name -> Some annotated_expression
| Declaration_constant _ -> None
let%bind result =
trace_option (simple_error "no entry point with given name") @@
List.find_map aux (List.map Location.unwrap p) in
ok result
let get_functional_entry (p:program) (entry : string) : (lambda * type_value) result =
let%bind entry = get_entry p entry in
match entry.expression with
| E_lambda l -> ok (l, entry.type_annotation)
| _ -> simple_fail "given entry point is not functional"