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2019-05-12 20:56:22 +00:00
open Types
open Combinators
type element = environment_element
let make_element : type_value -> full_environment -> environment_element_definition -> element =
fun type_value source_environment definition -> {type_value ; source_environment ; definition}
let make_element_binder = fun t s -> make_element t s ED_binder
let make_element_declaration = fun t s d -> make_element t s (ED_declaration d)
module Small = struct
type t = small_environment
let empty : t = ([] , [])
let get_environment : t -> environment = fst
let get_type_environment : t -> type_environment = snd
let map_environment : _ -> t -> t = fun f (a , b) -> (f a , b)
let map_type_environment : _ -> t -> t = fun f (a , b) -> (a , f b)
let add : string -> element -> t -> t = fun k v -> map_environment (fun x -> (k , v) :: x)
let add_type : string -> type_value -> t -> t = fun k v -> map_type_environment (fun x -> (k , v) :: x)
let get_opt : string -> t -> element option = fun k x -> List.assoc_opt k (get_environment x)
let get_type_opt : string -> t -> type_value option = fun k x -> List.assoc_opt k (get_type_environment x)
type t = full_environment
let empty : environment = Small.(get_environment empty)
let full_empty : t = List.Ne.singleton Small.empty
let add : string -> element -> t -> t = fun k v -> List.Ne.hd_map (Small.add k v)
let add_ez_binder : string -> type_value -> t -> t = fun k v e ->
List.Ne.hd_map (Small.add k (make_element_binder v e)) e
let add_ez_declaration : string -> type_value -> expression -> t -> t = fun k v expr e ->
List.Ne.hd_map (Small.add k (make_element_declaration v e expr)) e
let add_ez_ae : string -> annotated_expression -> t -> t = fun k ae e ->
add_ez_declaration k (get_type_annotation ae) (get_expression ae) e
let add_type : string -> type_value -> t -> t = fun k v -> List.Ne.hd_map (Small.add_type k v)
let get_opt : string -> t -> element option = fun k x -> List.Ne.find_map (Small.get_opt k) x
let get_type_opt : string -> t -> type_value option = fun k x -> List.Ne.find_map (Small.get_type_opt k) x
let get_constructor : string -> t -> (type_value * type_value) option = fun k x -> (* Left is the constructor, right is the sum type *)
let aux = fun x ->
let aux = fun (_type_name , x) ->
match x.type_value' with
| T_sum m when Map.String.mem k m -> Some (Map.String.find k m , x)
| _ -> None
List.find_map aux (Small.get_type_environment x) in
List.Ne.find_map aux x
module PP = struct
open Format
open PP_helpers
let list_sep_scope x = list_sep x (const " | ")
let environment_element = fun ppf (k , (ele : environment_element)) ->
fprintf ppf "%s -> %a" k PP.type_value ele.type_value
let type_environment_element = fun ppf (k , tv) ->
fprintf ppf "%s -> %a" k PP.type_value tv
let environment : _ -> environment -> unit = fun ppf lst ->
fprintf ppf "E[%a]" (list_sep environment_element (const " , ")) lst
let type_environment = fun ppf lst ->
fprintf ppf "T[%a]" (list_sep type_environment_element (const " , ")) lst
let small_environment : _ -> small_environment -> unit = fun ppf e ->
fprintf ppf "- %a\t%a"
environment (Small.get_environment e)
type_environment (Small.get_type_environment e)
let full_environment : _ -> full_environment -> unit = fun ppf e ->
fprintf ppf "@[%a]"
(ne_list_sep small_environment (tag "@;")) e