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(* *)
2017-11-14 00:36:14 +01:00
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
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(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Tezos_micheline
open Micheline_parser
open Micheline
type parsed =
{ source : string ;
unexpanded : string canonical ;
expanded : Michelson_v1_primitives.prim canonical ;
expansion_table : (int * (Micheline_parser.location * int list)) list ;
unexpansion_table : (int * int) list }
let expand_all source ast errors =
let unexpanded, loc_table =
extract_locations ast in
let rec expand expr =
match Michelson_macros.expand expr with
| Seq (loc, items, annot) ->
Seq (loc, expand items, annot)
| Prim (loc, name, args, annot) ->
Prim (loc, name, expand args, annot)
| Int _ | String _ as atom -> atom in
let expanded, unexpansion_table =
extract_locations (expand (root unexpanded)) in
let expansion_table =
let sorted =
List.sort (fun (_, a) (_, b) -> compare a b) unexpansion_table in
let grouped =
let rec group = function
| acc, [] -> acc
| [], (u, e) :: r ->
group ([ (e, [ u ]) ], r)
| ((pe, us) :: racc as acc), (u, e) :: r ->
if e = pe then
group (((e, u :: us) :: racc), r)
group (((e, [ u ]) :: acc), r) in
group ([], sorted) in
(fun (l, ploc) (l', elocs) ->
assert (l = l') ;
(l, (ploc, elocs)))
(List.sort compare loc_table)
(List.sort compare grouped) in
match Environment.wrap_error (Michelson_v1_primitives.prims_of_strings expanded) with
| Ok expanded ->
{ source ; unexpanded ; expanded ;
expansion_table ; unexpansion_table },
| Error errs ->
{ source ; unexpanded ;
expanded = Micheline.strip_locations (Seq ((), [], None)) ;
expansion_table ; unexpansion_table },
errs @ errors
let parse_toplevel ?check source =
let tokens, lexing_errors = Micheline_parser.tokenize source in
let asts, parsing_errors = Micheline_parser.parse_toplevel ?check tokens in
let ast = match asts with
| [ ast ] -> ast
| asts ->
let start = min_point asts and stop = max_point asts in
2017-11-13 14:29:28 +01:00
Seq ({ start ; stop }, asts, None) in
expand_all source ast (lexing_errors @ parsing_errors)
let parse_expression ?check source =
let tokens, lexing_errors = Micheline_parser.tokenize source in
let ast, parsing_errors = Micheline_parser.parse_expression ?check tokens in
expand_all source ast (lexing_errors @ parsing_errors)