
553 lines
19 KiB
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2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(* *)
2017-11-14 03:36:14 +04:00
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Tezos_context
type rpc_context = {
block_hash: Block_hash.t ;
2017-04-20 17:21:10 +04:00
block_header: Block_header.raw ;
operation_hashes: unit -> Operation_hash.t list list Lwt.t ;
operations: unit -> Operation.raw list list Lwt.t ;
context: Tezos_context.t ;
let rpc_init
({ block_hash ; block_header ;
operation_hashes ; operations ; context } : Updater.rpc_context) =
let level = Int32.succ in
let timestamp = in
let fitness = in
Tezos_context.init ~level ~timestamp ~fitness context >>=? fun context ->
return { block_hash ; block_header ; operation_hashes ; operations ; context }
let rpc_services = ref (RPC.Directory.empty : Updater.rpc_context RPC.Directory.t)
let register0_fullctxt s f =
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
rpc_services :=
RPC.Directory.register !rpc_services (s RPC.Path.open_root)
(fun ctxt q () ->
( rpc_init ctxt >>=? fun ctxt ->
f ctxt q) >>= RPC.Answer.return)
let register0 s f = register0_fullctxt s (fun { context ; _ } -> f context)
let register1_fullctxt s f =
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
rpc_services :=
RPC.Directory.register !rpc_services (s RPC.Path.open_root)
(fun ctxt q arg ->
( rpc_init ctxt >>=? fun ctxt ->
f ctxt q arg ) >>= RPC.Answer.return)
let register1 s f = register1_fullctxt s (fun { context ; _ } x -> f context x)
let register1_noctxt s f =
rpc_services :=
RPC.Directory.register !rpc_services (s RPC.Path.open_root)
(fun _ q arg -> f q arg >>= RPC.Answer.return)
let register2_fullctxt s f =
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
rpc_services :=
RPC.Directory.register !rpc_services (s RPC.Path.open_root)
(fun (ctxt, arg1) q arg2 ->
( rpc_init ctxt >>=? fun ctxt ->
f ctxt q arg1 arg2 ) >>= RPC.Answer.return)
let register2 s f = register2_fullctxt s (fun { context ; _ } q x y -> f context q x y)
(*-- Operations --------------------------------------------------------------*)
let () =
(fun { operation_hashes ; operations ; _ } () ->
operation_hashes () >>= fun operation_hashes ->
operations () >>= fun operations ->
(map2_s (fun x y -> Lwt.return (Operation.parse x y)))
operation_hashes operations)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2017-04-20 17:50:02 +04:00
let () =
(fun { block_header ; _ } () ->
2017-04-20 17:50:02 +04:00
Lwt.return (Block_header.parse block_header) >>=? fun block_header ->
return block_header) ;
(fun { block_header ; _ } () ->
2017-04-20 17:50:02 +04:00
Lwt.return (Block_header.parse block_header) >>=? fun block_header ->
return block_header.proto.priority) ;
(fun { block_header ; _ } () ->
2017-04-20 17:50:02 +04:00
Lwt.return (Block_header.parse block_header) >>=? fun block_header ->
return block_header.proto.seed_nonce_hash)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(*-- Constants ---------------------------------------------------------------*)
let cycle_length ctxt () =
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
return @@ Constants.cycle_length ctxt
let () = register0 Services.Constants.cycle_length cycle_length
let voting_period_length ctxt () =
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
return @@ Constants.voting_period_length ctxt
let () =
let time_before_reward ctxt () =
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
return @@ Constants.time_before_reward ctxt
let () = register0 Services.Constants.time_before_reward time_before_reward
let slot_durations ctxt () =
return @@ Constants.slot_durations ctxt
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let () = register0 Services.Constants.slot_durations slot_durations
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let first_free_baking_slot ctxt () =
2017-11-01 15:07:33 +04:00
return @@ Constants.first_free_baking_slot ctxt
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let () =
2017-11-01 15:07:33 +04:00
register0 Services.Constants.first_free_baking_slot first_free_baking_slot
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let max_signing_slot ctxt () =
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
return @@ Constants.max_signing_slot ctxt
let () = register0 Services.Constants.max_signing_slot max_signing_slot
let instructions_per_transaction ctxt () =
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
return @@ Constants.instructions_per_transaction ctxt
let () =
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let proof_of_work_threshold ctxt () =
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
return @@ Constants.proof_of_work_threshold ctxt
let () =
register0 Services.Constants.proof_of_work_threshold
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let () =
register1_noctxt Services.Constants.errors
(fun () () ->
Lwt.return (Data_encoding.Json.(schema error_encoding)))
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(*-- Context -----------------------------------------------------------------*)
type error += Unexpected_level_in_context
let level ctxt () =
let level = Level.current ctxt in
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
match Level.pred ctxt level with
| None -> fail Unexpected_level_in_context
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
| Some level -> return level
let () = register0 Services.Context.level level
let next_level ctxt () =
return (Level.current ctxt)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let () =
register0 Services.Context.next_level next_level
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let () =
register0 Services.Context.roll_value
(fun ctxt () -> return (Roll.value ctxt))
let () =
register0 Services.Context.next_roll
(fun ctxt () -> ctxt)
let () =
register0 Services.Context.voting_period_kind
(fun ctxt () -> Vote.get_current_period_kind ctxt)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(*-- Context.Nonce -----------------------------------------------------------*)
let nonce ctxt () raw_level () =
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let level = Level.from_raw ctxt raw_level in
Nonce.get ctxt level >>= function
| Ok (Revealed nonce) -> return (Services.Context.Nonce.Revealed nonce)
| Ok (Unrevealed { nonce_hash ; _ }) ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
return (Services.Context.Nonce.Missing nonce_hash)
| Error _ -> return Services.Context.Nonce.Forgotten
let () = register2 Services.Context.Nonce.get nonce
let nonce_hash ctxt () =
level ctxt () >>=? fun level ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
Nonce.get ctxt level >>=? function
| Unrevealed { nonce_hash ; _ } -> return nonce_hash
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
| _ -> assert false
let () = register0 Services.Context.Nonce.hash nonce_hash
(*-- Context.Key -------------------------------------------------------------*)
let get_key ctxt () hash () =
Delegates_pubkey.get ctxt hash >>=? fun pk ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
return (hash, pk)
let () = register2 Services.Context.Key.get get_key
let () =
register0 Services.Context.Key.list
(fun t () -> Delegates_pubkey.list t >>= return)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(*-- Context.Contract --------------------------------------------------------*)
let () =
register0 Services.Context.Contract.list
(fun ctxt () -> Contract.list ctxt >>= return)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let () =
let register2 s f =
rpc_services :=
RPC.Directory.register !rpc_services (s RPC.Path.open_root)
(fun (ctxt, contract) () arg ->
( rpc_init ctxt >>=? fun { context = ctxt ; _ } ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
Contract.exists ctxt contract >>=? function
| true -> f ctxt contract arg
| false -> raise Not_found ) >>= RPC.Answer.return) in
let register2' s f = register2 s (fun ctxt a1 () -> f ctxt a1) in
register2' Services.Context.Contract.balance Contract.get_balance ;
register2' Services.Context.Contract.manager Contract.get_manager ;
register2' Services.Context.Contract.delegate Contract.get_delegate_opt ;
register2' Services.Context.Contract.counter Contract.get_counter ;
register2' Services.Context.Contract.spendable Contract.is_spendable ;
register2' Services.Context.Contract.delegatable Contract.is_delegatable ;
register2' Services.Context.Contract.script Contract.get_script ;
register2' Contract.get_storage ;
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
register2' Services.Context.Contract.get (fun ctxt contract ->
Contract.get_balance ctxt contract >>=? fun balance ->
Contract.get_manager ctxt contract >>=? fun manager ->
Contract.get_delegate_opt ctxt contract >>=? fun delegate ->
Contract.get_counter ctxt contract >>=? fun counter ->
Contract.is_delegatable ctxt contract >>=? fun delegatable ->
Contract.is_spendable ctxt contract >>=? fun spendable ->
Contract.get_script ctxt contract >>=? fun script ->
return { Services.Context.Contract.manager ; balance ;
spendable ; delegate = (delegatable, delegate) ;
2017-03-20 18:15:39 +04:00
script ; counter }) ;
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(*-- Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------*)
let minimal_timestamp ctxt prio =
let prio = match prio with None -> 0 | Some p -> p in
2017-11-01 19:42:37 +04:00
Baking.minimal_time ctxt prio
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let () = register1
(fun ctxt () slot ->
let timestamp = Tezos_context.Timestamp.current ctxt in
minimal_timestamp ctxt slot timestamp)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let () =
(* ctxt accept_failing_script baker_contract pred_block block_prio operation *)
register1 Services.Helpers.apply_operation
(fun ctxt () (pred_block, hash, forged_operation, signature) ->
match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes
forged_operation with
| None -> Operation.Cannot_parse_operation
| Some (shell, contents) ->
let operation = { hash ; shell ; contents ; signature } in
let level = Tezos_context.Level.current ctxt in
Baking.baking_priorities ctxt level >>=? fun (Misc.LCons (baker_pkh, _)) ->
let baker_contract = Contract.default_contract baker_pkh in
let block_prio = 0 in
ctxt (Some baker_contract) pred_block block_prio operation
>>=? function
| (_ctxt, _, Some script_err) -> Lwt.return (Error script_err)
| (_ctxt, contracts, None) -> Lwt.return (Ok contracts)) ;
let run_parameters ctxt (script, storage, input, amount, contract, origination_nonce) =
let contract =
match contract with
| Some contract -> contract
| None ->
(List.hd (Bootstrap.accounts ctxt)).Bootstrap.public_key_hash in
let qta =
Constants.instructions_per_transaction ctxt in
let origination_nonce =
match origination_nonce with
| Some origination_nonce -> origination_nonce
| None ->
(Operation_hash.hash_string [ "FAKE " ; "FAKE" ; "FAKE" ]) in
(script, storage, input, amount, contract, qta, origination_nonce) in
register1 Services.Helpers.run_code
(fun ctxt () parameters ->
let (code, storage, input, amount, contract, qta, origination_nonce) =
run_parameters ctxt parameters in
contract (* transaction initiator *)
contract (* script owner *)
ctxt { storage ; code } amount input
qta >>=? fun (sto, ret, _qta, _ctxt, _) ->
Error_monad.return (sto, ret)) ;
register1 Services.Helpers.trace_code
(fun ctxt () parameters ->
let (code, storage, input, amount, contract, qta, origination_nonce) =
run_parameters ctxt parameters in
contract (* transaction initiator *)
contract (* script owner *)
ctxt { storage ; code } amount input
qta >>=? fun ((sto, ret, _qta, _ctxt, _), trace) ->
Error_monad.return (sto, ret, trace))
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let () =
register1 Services.Helpers.typecheck_code
(fun ctxt () -> Script_ir_translator.typecheck_code ctxt)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let () =
register1 Services.Helpers.typecheck_data
(fun ctxt () -> Script_ir_translator.typecheck_data ctxt)
let () =
register1 Services.Helpers.hash_data
(fun _ctxt () expr -> return (Script.hash_expr expr))
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let () =
register2 Services.Helpers.level
(fun ctxt () raw offset -> return (Level.from_raw ctxt ?offset raw))
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let () =
register2 Services.Helpers.levels
(fun ctxt () cycle () ->
let levels = Level.levels_in_cycle ctxt cycle in
let first = List.hd (List.rev levels) in
let last = List.hd levels in
return (first.level, last.level))
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(*-- Helpers.Rights ----------------------------------------------------------*)
2017-11-01 15:07:33 +04:00
let default_max_baking_priority ctxt arg =
let default = Constants.first_free_baking_slot ctxt in
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
match arg with
| None -> 2 * default
| Some m -> m
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2017-11-01 15:07:33 +04:00
let baking_rights ctxt level max =
let max = default_max_baking_priority ctxt max in
2017-11-01 19:42:37 +04:00
Baking.baking_priorities ctxt level >>=? fun contract_list ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let rec loop l n =
match n with
| 0 -> return []
| n ->
let Misc.LCons (h, t) = l in
t () >>=? fun t ->
loop t (pred n) >>=? fun t ->
return (h :: t)
loop contract_list max >>=? fun prio ->
return (level.level, prio)
let () =
2017-11-01 15:07:33 +04:00
register1 Services.Helpers.Rights.baking_rights
(fun ctxt () max ->
let level = Level.current ctxt in
2017-11-01 15:07:33 +04:00
baking_rights ctxt level max >>=? fun (raw_level, slots) ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
Lwt_list.filter_map_p (fun x -> x) @@
(fun prio c ->
let timestamp = Timestamp.current ctxt in
2017-11-01 19:42:37 +04:00
Baking.minimal_time ctxt prio timestamp >>= function
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
| Error _ -> Lwt.return None
| Ok minimal_timestamp -> Lwt.return (Some (c, minimal_timestamp)))
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
end >>= fun timed_slots ->
return (raw_level, timed_slots))
let () =
2017-11-01 15:07:33 +04:00
register2 Services.Helpers.Rights.baking_rights_for_level
(fun ctxt () raw_level max ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let level = Level.from_raw ctxt raw_level in
2017-11-01 15:07:33 +04:00
baking_rights ctxt level max)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2017-11-01 15:07:33 +04:00
let baking_rights_for_delegate
ctxt () contract (max_priority, min_level, max_level) =
2017-11-01 15:07:33 +04:00
let max_priority = default_max_baking_priority ctxt max_priority in
let current_level = Level.current ctxt in
2017-05-19 07:14:14 +04:00
let min_level = match min_level with
| None -> current_level
| Some l -> Level.from_raw ctxt l in
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let max_level =
match max_level with
2017-05-19 07:14:14 +04:00
| Some max_level -> Level.from_raw ctxt max_level
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
| None ->
Level.last_level_in_cycle ctxt @@
2017-05-19 07:14:14 +04:00
current_level.cycle in
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let rec loop level =
if Level.(>) level max_level
then return []
loop (Level.succ ctxt level) >>=? fun t ->
2017-11-01 19:42:37 +04:00
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
ctxt ~max_priority contract level >>=? fun priorities ->
let raw_level = level.level in
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(fun priority ->
let timestamp = Timestamp.current ctxt in
2017-11-01 19:42:37 +04:00
Baking.minimal_time ctxt priority timestamp >>=? fun time ->
return (raw_level, priority, time))
priorities >>=? fun priorities ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
return (priorities @ t)
loop min_level
let () =
2017-11-01 15:07:33 +04:00
register2 Services.Helpers.Rights.baking_rights_for_delegate
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let default_max_endorsement_priority ctxt arg =
let default = Constants.max_signing_slot ctxt in
match arg with
| None -> default
| Some m -> m
let endorsement_rights ctxt level max =
let max = default_max_endorsement_priority ctxt max in
2017-11-01 19:42:37 +04:00
Baking.endorsement_priorities ctxt level >>=? fun contract_list ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let rec loop l n =
match n with
| 0 -> return []
| n ->
let Misc.LCons (h, t) = l in
t () >>=? fun t ->
loop t (pred n) >>=? fun t ->
return (h :: t)
loop contract_list max >>=? fun prio ->
return (level.level, prio)
let () =
register1 Services.Helpers.Rights.endorsement_rights
(fun ctxt () max ->
let level = Level.current ctxt in
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
endorsement_rights ctxt (Level.succ ctxt level) max) ;
register2 Services.Helpers.Rights.endorsement_rights_for_level
(fun ctxt () raw_level max ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let level = Level.from_raw ctxt raw_level in
endorsement_rights ctxt level max)
let endorsement_rights_for_delegate
ctxt () contract (max_priority, min_level, max_level) =
let current_level = Level.current ctxt in
let max_priority = default_max_endorsement_priority ctxt max_priority in
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let min_level = match min_level with
| None -> Level.succ ctxt current_level
| Some l -> Level.from_raw ctxt l in
2017-05-19 07:14:14 +04:00
let max_level =
match max_level with
| None -> min_level
| Some l -> Level.from_raw ctxt l in
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let rec loop level =
if Level.(>) level max_level
then return []
loop (Level.succ ctxt level) >>=? fun t ->
2017-11-01 19:42:37 +04:00
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
ctxt ~max_priority contract level >>=? fun slots ->
let raw_level = level.level in
let slots = List.rev_map (fun slot -> (raw_level, slot)) slots in
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
return (List.rev_append slots t)
loop min_level
let () =
register2 Services.Helpers.Rights.endorsement_rights_for_delegate
(*-- Helpers.Forge -----------------------------------------------------------*)
let operation_public_key ctxt = function
| None -> return None
| Some public_key ->
let hash = Ed25519.Public_key.hash public_key in
Delegates_pubkey.get_option ctxt hash >>=? function
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
| None -> return (Some public_key)
| Some _ -> return None
let forge_operations _ctxt () (shell, proto) =
return (Operation.forge shell proto)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let () = register1 Services.Helpers.Forge.operations forge_operations
let forge_block_proto_header _ctxt
(priority, seed_nonce_hash, proof_of_work_nonce) : MBytes.t tzresult Lwt.t =
return (Block_header.forge_unsigned_proto_header
{ priority ; seed_nonce_hash ; proof_of_work_nonce })
let () =
register1 Services.Helpers.Forge.block_proto_header
(fun ctxt () -> forge_block_proto_header ctxt)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(*-- Helpers.Parse -----------------------------------------------------------*)
let dummy_hash = Operation_hash.hash_bytes []
let check_signature ctxt signature shell contents =
match contents with
| Anonymous_operations _ -> return ()
| Sourced_operations (Manager_operations op) ->
match op.public_key with
| Some key -> return key
| None ->
Contract.get_manager ctxt op.source >>=? fun manager ->
Delegates_pubkey.get ctxt manager
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
end >>=? fun public_key ->
Operation.check_signature public_key
{ signature ; shell ; contents ; hash = dummy_hash }
| Sourced_operations (Delegate_operations { source ; _ }) ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
Operation.check_signature source
{ signature ; shell ; contents ; hash = dummy_hash }
| Sourced_operations (Dictator_operation _) ->
let key = Constants.dictator_pubkey ctxt in
Operation.check_signature key
{ signature ; shell ; contents ; hash = dummy_hash }
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let parse_operations ctxt () (operations, check) =
map_s begin fun raw ->
2017-03-30 16:31:16 +04:00
(Operation.parse (Tezos_data.Operation.hash raw) raw) >>=? fun op ->
2017-03-30 16:31:16 +04:00
begin match check with
| Some true -> check_signature ctxt op.signature op.contents
| Some false | None -> return ()
end >>|? fun () -> op
2017-03-30 16:31:16 +04:00
end operations
let () =
register1 Services.Helpers.Parse.operations parse_operations
let () =
register1 Services.Helpers.Parse.block
(fun _ctxt () raw_block ->
Lwt.return (Block_header.parse raw_block) >>=? fun { proto ; _ } ->
return proto)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let rpc_services = !rpc_services