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351 lines
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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** The activation operation creates an implicit contract from a
registered commitment present in the context. It is parametrized by
a public key hash (pkh) and a secret.
The commitments are composed of :
- half a pkh ;
- a blinded pkh that can be revealed by the secret ;
- an amount.
The commitments and the secrets are generated from
/scripts/create_genesis/create_genenis.py and should be coherent.
open Proto_alpha
open Alpha_context
open Test_utils
open Test_tez
(* Generated commitments and secrets *)
let commitments =
List.map (fun (bpkh, a) ->
blinded_public_key_hash=Blinded_public_key_hash.of_b58check_exn bpkh ;
amount = Tez_repr.of_mutez_exn (Int64.of_string a)}
[ ( "btz1bRL4X5BWo2Fj4EsBdUwexXqgTf75uf1qa", "23932454669343" ) ;
( "btz1SxjV1syBgftgKy721czKi3arVkVwYUFSv", "72954577464032" ) ;
( "btz1LtoNCjiW23txBTenALaf5H6NKF1L3c1gw", "217487035428349" ) ;
( "btz1SUd3mMhEBcWudrn8u361MVAec4WYCcFoy", "4092742372031" ) ;
( "btz1MvBXf4orko1tsGmzkjLbpYSgnwUjEe81r", "17590039016550" ) ;
( "btz1LoDZ3zsjgG3k3cqTpUMc9bsXbchu9qMXT", "26322312350555" ) ;
( "btz1RMfq456hFV5AeDiZcQuZhoMv2dMpb9hpP", "244951387881443" ) ;
( "btz1Y9roTh4A7PsMBkp8AgdVFrqUDNaBE59y1", "80065050465525" ) ;
( "btz1Q1N2ePwhVw5ED3aaRVek6EBzYs1GDkSVD", "3569618927693" ) ;
( "btz1VFFVsVMYHd5WfaDTAt92BeQYGK8Ri4eLy", "9034781424478" ) ;
type secret_account = {
account : public_key_hash ;
activation_code : Blinded_public_key_hash.activation_code ;
amount : Tez.t ;
let secrets () =
(* Exported from proto_alpha client - TODO : remove when relocated to lib_crypto *)
let read_key mnemonic email password =
match Bip39.of_words mnemonic with
| None -> assert false
| Some t ->
(* TODO: unicode normalization (NFKD)... *)
let sk = Bip39.to_seed ~passphrase:(email ^ password) t in
let sk = Cstruct.(to_bigarray (sub sk 0 32)) in
let sk : Signature.Secret_key.t =
Ed25519 (Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes_exn Ed25519.Secret_key.encoding sk) in
let pk = Signature.Secret_key.to_public_key sk in
let pkh = Signature.Public_key.hash pk in
(pkh, pk, sk)
List.map (fun (mnemonic, secret, amount, pkh, password, email) ->
let (pkh', pk, sk) = read_key mnemonic email password in
let pkh = Signature.Public_key_hash.of_b58check_exn pkh in
assert (Signature.Public_key_hash.equal pkh pkh');
let account = Account.{ pkh ; pk ; sk } in
Account.add_account account ;
{ account = account.pkh ;
activation_code = Blinded_public_key_hash.activation_code_of_hex secret ;
amount = Option.unopt_exn (Invalid_argument "tez conversion")
(Tez.of_mutez (Int64.of_string amount))
(["envelope"; "hospital"; "mind"; "sunset"; "cancel"; "muscle"; "leisure";
"thumb"; "wine"; "market"; "exit"; "lucky"; "style"; "picnic"; "success"],
(["flag"; "quote"; "will"; "valley"; "mouse"; "chat"; "hold"; "prosper";
"silk"; "tent"; "cruel"; "cause"; "demise"; "bottom"; "practice"],
(["library"; "away"; "inside"; "paper"; "wise"; "focus"; "sweet"; "expose";
"require"; "change"; "stove"; "planet"; "zone"; "reflect"; "finger"],
(["cruel"; "fluid"; "damage"; "demand"; "mimic"; "above"; "village"; "alpha";
"vendor"; "staff"; "absent"; "uniform"; "fire"; "asthma"; "milk"],
) ;
(["opera"; "divorce"; "easy"; "myself"; "idea"; "aim"; "dash"; "scout";
"case"; "resource"; "vote"; "humor"; "ticket"; "client"; "edge"],
) ;
(["token"; "similar"; "ginger"; "tongue"; "gun"; "sort"; "piano"; "month";
"hotel"; "vote"; "undo"; "success"; "hobby"; "shell"; "cart"],
) ;
(["shield"; "warrior"; "gorilla"; "birth"; "steak"; "neither"; "feel";
"only"; "liberty"; "float"; "oven"; "extend"; "pulse"; "suffer"; "vapor"],
) ;
(["waste"; "open"; "scan"; "tip"; "subway"; "dance"; "rent"; "copper";
"garlic"; "laundry"; "defense"; "clerk"; "another"; "staff"; "liar"],
) ;
(["fiber"; "next"; "property"; "cradle"; "silk"; "obey"; "gossip";
"push"; "key"; "second"; "across"; "minimum"; "nice"; "boil"; "age"],
) ;
(["print"; "labor"; "budget"; "speak"; "poem"; "diet"; "chunk"; "eternal";
"book"; "saddle"; "pioneer"; "ankle"; "happy"; "only"; "exclude"],
) ;
let activation_init () =
Context.init ~commitments 1 >>=? fun (b, cs) ->
secrets () |> fun ss ->
return (b, cs, ss)
let simple_init_with_commitments () =
activation_init () >>=? fun (blk, _contracts, _secrets) ->
Block.bake blk >>=? fun _ ->
return ()
(** A single activation *)
let single_activation () =
activation_init () >>=? fun (blk, _contracts, secrets) ->
let { account ; activation_code ; amount=expected_amount ; _ } as _first_one = List.hd secrets in
(* Contract does not exist *)
Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (B blk) (Contract.implicit_contract account) Tez.zero >>=? fun () ->
Op.activation (B blk) account activation_code >>=? fun operation ->
Block.bake ~operation blk >>=? fun blk ->
(* Contract does exist *)
Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (B blk) (Contract.implicit_contract account) expected_amount
(** 10 activations, one per bake *)
let multi_activation_1 () =
activation_init () >>=? fun (blk, _contracts, secrets) ->
Error_monad.fold_left_s (fun blk { account ; activation_code ; amount = expected_amount ; _ } ->
Op.activation (B blk) account activation_code >>=? fun operation ->
Block.bake ~operation blk >>=? fun blk ->
Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (B blk) (Contract.implicit_contract account) expected_amount >>=? fun () ->
return blk
) blk secrets >>=? fun _ ->
return ()
(** All in one bake *)
let multi_activation_2 () =
activation_init () >>=? fun (blk, _contracts, secrets) ->
Error_monad.fold_left_s (fun ops { account ; activation_code ; _ } ->
Op.activation (B blk) account activation_code >>=? fun op ->
return (op::ops)
) [] secrets >>=? fun ops ->
Block.bake ~operations:ops blk >>=? fun blk ->
Error_monad.iter_s (fun { account ; amount = expected_amount ; _ } ->
(* Contract does exist *)
Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (B blk) (Contract.implicit_contract account) expected_amount
) secrets
(** Transfer with activated account *)
let activation_and_transfer () =
activation_init () >>=? fun (blk, contracts, secrets) ->
let { account ; activation_code ; _ } as _first_one = List.hd secrets in
let bootstrap_contract = List.hd contracts in
let first_contract = Contract.implicit_contract account in
Op.activation (B blk) account activation_code >>=? fun operation ->
Block.bake ~operation blk >>=? fun blk ->
Context.Contract.balance (B blk) bootstrap_contract >>=? fun amount ->
Tez.(/?) amount 2L >>?= fun half_amount ->
Context.Contract.balance (B blk) first_contract >>=? fun activated_amount_before ->
Op.transaction (B blk) bootstrap_contract first_contract half_amount >>=? fun operation ->
Block.bake ~operation blk >>=? fun blk ->
Assert.balance_was_credited ~loc:__LOC__ (B blk) (Contract.implicit_contract account) activated_amount_before half_amount
(** Transfer to an unactivated account and then activating it *)
let transfer_to_unactivated_then_activate () =
activation_init () >>=? fun (blk, contracts, secrets) ->
let { account ; activation_code ; amount } as _first_one = List.hd secrets in
let bootstrap_contract = List.hd contracts in
let unactivated_commitment_contract = Contract.implicit_contract account in
Context.Contract.balance (B blk) bootstrap_contract >>=? fun b_amount ->
Tez.(/?) b_amount 2L >>?= fun b_half_amount ->
Incremental.begin_construction blk >>=? fun inc ->
Op.transaction (I inc) bootstrap_contract unactivated_commitment_contract b_half_amount >>=? fun op ->
Incremental.add_operation inc op >>=? fun inc ->
Op.activation (I inc) account activation_code >>=? fun op' ->
Incremental.add_operation inc op' >>=? fun inc ->
Incremental.finalize_block inc >>=? fun blk2 ->
Assert.balance_was_credited ~loc:__LOC__ (B blk2) (Contract.implicit_contract account) amount b_half_amount
(* The following test scenarios are supposed to raise errors. *)
(** Invalid pkh activation : expected to fail as the context does not
contain any commitment *)
let invalid_activation_with_no_commitments () =
Context.init 1 >>=? fun (blk, _) ->
let secrets = secrets () in
let { account ; activation_code ; _ } as _first_one = List.hd secrets in
Op.activation (B blk) account activation_code >>=? fun operation ->
Block.bake ~operation blk >>= fun res ->
Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function
| Apply.Invalid_activation _ -> true
| _ -> false
(** Wrong activation : wrong secret given in the operation *)
let invalid_activation_wrong_secret () =
activation_init () >>=? fun (blk, _, secrets) ->
let { account ; _ } as _first_one = List.nth secrets 0 in
let { activation_code ; _ } as _second_one = List.nth secrets 1 in
Op.activation (B blk) account activation_code >>=? fun operation ->
Block.bake ~operation blk >>= fun res ->
Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function
| Apply.Invalid_activation _ -> true
| _ -> false
(** Invalid pkh activation : expected to fail as the context does not
contain an associated commitment *)
let invalid_activation_inexistent_pkh () =
activation_init () >>=? fun (blk, _, secrets) ->
let { activation_code ; _ } as _first_one = List.hd secrets in
let inexistent_pkh = Signature.Public_key_hash.of_b58check_exn
"tz1PeQHGKPWSpNoozvxgqLN9TFsj6rDqNV3o" in
Op.activation (B blk) inexistent_pkh activation_code >>=? fun operation ->
Block.bake ~operation blk >>= fun res ->
Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function
| Apply.Invalid_activation _ -> true
| _ -> false
(** Invalid pkh activation : expected to fail as the commitment has
already been claimed *)
let invalid_double_activation () =
activation_init () >>=? fun (blk, _, secrets) ->
let { account ; activation_code ; _ } as _first_one = List.hd secrets in
Incremental.begin_construction blk >>=? fun inc ->
Op.activation (I inc) account activation_code >>=? fun op ->
Incremental.add_operation inc op >>=? fun inc ->
Op.activation (I inc) account activation_code >>=? fun op' ->
Incremental.add_operation inc op' >>= fun res ->
Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function
| Apply.Invalid_activation _ -> true
| _ -> false
(** Transfer from an unactivated commitment account *)
let invalid_transfer_from_unactived_account () =
activation_init () >>=? fun (blk, contracts, secrets) ->
let { account ; _ } as _first_one = List.hd secrets in
let bootstrap_contract = List.hd contracts in
let unactivated_commitment_contract = Contract.implicit_contract account in
(* No activation *)
Op.transaction (B blk) unactivated_commitment_contract bootstrap_contract Tez.one >>=? fun operation ->
Block.bake ~operation blk >>= fun res ->
Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function
| Contract_storage.Empty_implicit_contract pkh -> if pkh = account then true else false
| _ -> false
let tests = [
Test.tztest "init with commitments" `Quick simple_init_with_commitments ;
Test.tztest "single activation" `Quick single_activation ;
Test.tztest "multi-activation one-by-one" `Quick multi_activation_1 ;
Test.tztest "multi-activation all at a time" `Quick multi_activation_2 ;
Test.tztest "activation and transfer" `Quick activation_and_transfer ;
Test.tztest "transfer to unactivated account then activate" `Quick transfer_to_unactivated_then_activate ;
Test.tztest "invalid activation with no commitments" `Quick invalid_activation_with_no_commitments ;
Test.tztest "invalid activation with commitments" `Quick invalid_activation_inexistent_pkh ;
Test.tztest "invalid double activation" `Quick invalid_double_activation ;
Test.tztest "wrong activation code" `Quick invalid_activation_wrong_secret ;
Test.tztest "invalid transfer from unactivated account" `Quick invalid_transfer_from_unactived_account