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2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(* *)
2018-02-06 00:17:03 +04:00
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include Logging.Make(struct let name = "client.denunciation" end)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
open Proto_alpha
open Alpha_context
open Client_baking_blocks
module HLevel = Hashtbl.Make(struct
include Raw_level
let hash lvl = Int32.to_int (to_int32 lvl)
module Delegate_Map = Map.Make(Signature.Public_key_hash)
type state = {
(* Endorsements seen so far *)
endorsements_table : Kind.endorsement operation Delegate_Map.t HLevel.t ;
(* Blocks received so far *)
blocks_table : Block_hash.t Delegate_Map.t HLevel.t ;
(* Maximum delta of level to register *)
preserved_levels : int ;
(* Highest level seen in a block *)
mutable highest_level_encountered : Raw_level.t ;
let create_state ~preserved_levels =
Lwt.return { endorsements_table = HLevel.create preserved_levels ;
blocks_table = HLevel.create preserved_levels ;
preserved_levels ;
highest_level_encountered = Raw_level.root (* 0l *) }
(* get the delegate that had the right to bake for a specific level/slot *)
let fetch_baker (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) ~chain ~block =
Alpha_block_services.metadata cctxt ~chain ~block () >>=? fun
{ protocol_data = { Alpha_context.Block_header.baker } } ->
return baker
(* We choose a previous offset (5 blocks from head) to ensure that the
injected operation is branched from a valid predecessor. *)
let get_block_offset level =
match Alpha_environment.wrap_error (Raw_level.of_int32 5l) with
| Ok min_level ->
(if Raw_level.(level < min_level) then
`Head 0
`Head 5)
| Error errs ->
lwt_log_error "Invalid level conversion : %a" pp_print_error errs >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return (`Head 0)
let process_endorsements (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) state ~chain
(endorsements : Alpha_block_services.operation list) level =
iter_s (fun { ; receipt ; hash ; protocol_data ; _ } ->
match protocol_data, receipt with
| (Operation_data ({ contents = Single (Endorsement _) ; _ } as protocol_data)),
Operation_metadata { contents = Single_result (Endorsement_result { delegate ; _ }) }) ->
let new_endorsement : Kind.endorsement Alpha_context.operation = { shell ; protocol_data } in
let map = match HLevel.find_opt state.endorsements_table level with
| None -> Delegate_Map.empty
| Some x -> x in
(* If a previous endorsement made by this pkh is found for
the same level we inject a double_endorsement *)
begin match Delegate_Map.find_opt delegate map with
| None -> return @@ HLevel.add state.endorsements_table level
(Delegate_Map.add delegate new_endorsement map)
| Some existing_endorsement ->
get_block_offset level >>= fun block ->
(* TODO : verify that the chains are coherent *)
Alpha_block_services.hash cctxt ~chain:`Main ~block () >>=? fun block_hash ->
cctxt (`Main, block) ~branch:block_hash
~op2:new_endorsement () >>=? fun bytes ->
let bytes = Signature.concat bytes in
lwt_log_notice "Double endorsement detected" >>= fun () ->
(* A denunciation may have already occured *)
Shell_services.Injection.operation cctxt ~chain bytes >>=? fun op_hash ->
lwt_log_notice "Double endorsement evidence injected %a"
Operation_hash.pp op_hash >>= fun () ->
return @@ HLevel.replace state.endorsements_table level
(Delegate_Map.add delegate new_endorsement map)
| _ ->
lwt_log_error "Inconsistent endorsement found %a"
Operation_hash.pp hash >>= fun () ->
return ()
) endorsements >>=? fun () ->
return ()
let process_block (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) state ~chain (header : Alpha_block_services.block_info) =
let { Alpha_block_services.hash ; metadata = { protocol_data = { baker ; level = { level } } } } = header in
let map = match HLevel.find_opt state.blocks_table level with
| None -> Delegate_Map.empty
| Some x -> x in
begin match Delegate_Map.find_opt baker map with
| None -> return @@ HLevel.add state.blocks_table level
(Delegate_Map.add baker hash map)
| Some existing_hash when Block_hash.(=) existing_hash hash ->
(* This case should never happen *)
lwt_debug "Double baking detected but block hashes are equivalent. Skipping..." >>= fun () ->
return @@ HLevel.replace state.blocks_table level
(Delegate_Map.add baker hash map)
| Some existing_hash ->
(* If a previous endorsement made by this pkh is found for
the same level we inject a double_endorsement *)
(* TODO : verify that the chains are coherent *)
Alpha_block_services.header cctxt ~chain ~block:(`Hash (existing_hash, 0)) () >>=?
fun ( { shell ; protocol_data } : Alpha_block_services.block_header) ->
let bh1 = { = shell ; protocol_data = protocol_data } in
Alpha_block_services.header cctxt ~chain ~block:(`Hash (hash, 0)) () >>=?
fun ( { shell ; protocol_data } : Alpha_block_services.block_header) ->
let bh2 = { = shell ; protocol_data = protocol_data } in
get_block_offset level >>= fun block ->
Alpha_block_services.hash cctxt ~chain:`Main ~block () >>=? fun block_hash ->
Alpha_services.Forge.double_baking_evidence cctxt (`Main, block) ~branch:block_hash
~bh1 ~bh2 () >>=? fun bytes ->
let bytes = Signature.concat bytes in
lwt_log_notice "Double baking detected" >>= fun () ->
(* A denunciation may have already occured *)
Shell_services.Injection.operation cctxt ~chain bytes >>=? fun op_hash ->
lwt_log_notice "Double baking evidence injected %a"
Operation_hash.pp op_hash >>= fun () ->
return @@ HLevel.replace state.blocks_table level
(Delegate_Map.add baker hash map)
(* Remove levels that are lower than the [highest_level_encountered] minus [preserved_levels] *)
let cleanup_old_operations state =
let highest_level_encountered =
Int32.to_int (Raw_level.to_int32 state.highest_level_encountered)
let diff = highest_level_encountered - state.preserved_levels in
let threshold = begin if diff < 0 then
Raw_level.of_int32 (Int32.of_int diff) |> function
| Ok threshold -> threshold
| Error _ -> Raw_level.root
end in
let filter hmap =
HLevel.filter_map_inplace (fun level x ->
if Raw_level.(level < threshold) then
Some x
) hmap in
filter state.endorsements_table ; filter state.blocks_table ;
let endorsements_index = 0
(* Each new block is processed :
- Checking that every endorser operated only once at this level
- Checking that every baker injected only once at this level
let process_new_block (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) state { hash ; chain_id ; level ; protocol ; next_protocol } =
if Protocol_hash.(protocol <> next_protocol) then
lwt_log_error "Protocol changing detected. Skipping the block." >>= fun () ->
return ()
lwt_debug "Block level : %a" Raw_level.pp level >>= fun () ->
let chain = `Hash chain_id in
let block = `Hash (hash, 0) in
state.highest_level_encountered <- Raw_level.max level state.highest_level_encountered ;
(* Processing blocks *)
begin cctxt ~chain ~block () >>= function
| Ok block_info ->
process_block cctxt state ~chain block_info
| Error errs ->
lwt_log_error "Error while fetching operations in block %a@\n%a"
Block_hash.pp_short hash
pp_print_error errs >>= fun () ->
return ()
end >>=? fun () ->
(* Processing endorsements *)
begin Alpha_block_services.Operations.operations cctxt ~chain ~block () >>= function
| Ok operations ->
if List.length operations > endorsements_index then
let endorsements = List.nth operations endorsements_index in
process_endorsements cctxt state ~chain endorsements level
else return ()
| Error errs ->
lwt_log_error "Error while fetching operations in block %a@\n%a"
Block_hash.pp_short hash
pp_print_error errs >>= fun () ->
return ()
end >>=? fun () ->
cleanup_old_operations state ;
return ()
let create (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) ~preserved_levels valid_blocks_stream =
let process_block cctxt state bi =
process_new_block cctxt state bi >>= function
| Ok () ->
"Block %a registered"
Block_hash.pp_short bi.Client_baking_blocks.hash
>>= return
| Error errs ->
lwt_log_error "Error while processing block %a@\n%a"
Block_hash.pp_short bi.hash
pp_print_error errs
>>= return
let state_maker _ _ =
create_state ~preserved_levels >>= return
~pre_loop:(fun _ _ _ -> return ())
~compute_timeout:(fun _ -> Lwt_utils.never_ending ())
~timeout_k:(fun _ _ () -> return ())