
96 lines
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2020-01-27 16:05:47 +01:00
(* Auxiliary scanner for boolean expressions of the C# preprocessor *)
(* Concrete syntax of tokens. See module [Eparser]. *)
let string_of_token =
let open Eparser
in function True -> "true"
| False -> "false"
| Ident id -> id
| OR -> "||"
| AND -> "&&"
| EQ -> "=="
| NEQ -> "!="
| NOT -> "!"
| LPAR -> "("
| RPAR -> ")"
| EOL -> "EOL"
(* Regular expressions for literals *)
(* White space *)
let newline = '\n' | '\r' | "\r\n"
let blank = ' ' | '\t'
(* Unicode escape sequences *)
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let hexdigit = digit | ['A'-'F' 'a'-'f']
let four_hex = hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit
let uni_esc = "\\u" four_hex | "\\U" four_hex four_hex
(* Identifiers *)
let lowercase = ['a'-'z']
let uppercase = ['A'-'Z']
let letter = lowercase | uppercase | uni_esc
let start = '_' | letter
let alphanum = letter | digit | '_'
let ident = start alphanum*
(* Rules *)
rule token = parse
blank+ { token lexbuf }
| newline { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; Eparser.EOL }
| eof { Eparser.EOL }
| "true" { Eparser.True }
| "false" { Eparser.False }
| ident as id { Eparser.Ident id }
| '(' { Eparser.LPAR }
| ')' { Eparser.RPAR }
| "||" { Eparser.OR }
| "&&" { Eparser.AND }
| "==" { Eparser.EQ }
| "!=" { Eparser.NEQ }
| "!" { Eparser.NOT }
| "//" { inline_com lexbuf }
| _ as c { let code = Char.code c in
let msg = "Invalid character " ^ String.make 1 c
^ " (" ^ string_of_int code ^ ")."
in raise Error.(Lexer (msg, mk_seg lexbuf, 1))
and inline_com = parse
newline { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; Eparser.EOL }
| eof { Eparser.EOL }
| _ { inline_com lexbuf }
(* Standalone lexer for debugging purposes. See module [Topexp]. *)
type filename = string
let trace (name: filename) =
match open_in name with
cin ->
let buffer = Lexing.from_channel cin
and cout = stdout in
let rec iter () =
match token buffer with
Eparser.EOL -> close_in cin; close_out cout
| t -> begin
output_string cout (string_of_token t);
output_string cout "\n";
flush cout;
iter ()
| exception Error.Lexer diag -> Error.print "Lexical" diag
in iter ()
| exception Sys_error msg -> prerr_endline msg