2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Error_monad
open Logging.Node.Main
let genesis_block =
2016-11-25 22:46:50 +04:00
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let genesis_protocol =
2016-11-25 22:46:50 +04:00
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let test_protocol =
Some (Protocol_hash.of_b48check
2016-11-25 22:46:50 +04:00
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let genesis_time =
2016-11-25 22:46:50 +04:00
Time.of_notation_exn "2016-11-01T00:00:00Z"
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let genesis = {
Store.time = genesis_time ;
block = genesis_block ;
protocol = genesis_protocol ;
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let (//) = Filename.concat
let home =
try Sys.getenv "HOME"
with Not_found -> "/root"
let default_base_dir = home // ".tezos-node"
type cfg = {
(* cli *)
base_dir : string ;
sandbox : string option ;
sandbox_param : string option ;
(* db *)
store : string ;
context : string ;
protocol : string ;
(* net *)
min_connections : int ;
max_connections : int ;
expected_connections : int ;
net_addr : Ipaddr.t ;
net_port : int ;
local_discovery : int option ;
peers : (Ipaddr.t * int) list ;
peers_cache : string ;
closed : bool ;
(* rpc *)
rpc_addr : (Ipaddr.t * int) option ;
2016-12-06 16:58:21 +04:00
cors_origins : string list ;
cors_headers : string list ;
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
(* log *)
log_output : [`Stderr | `File of string | `Syslog | `Null] ;
log_level : Lwt_log.level option ;
let default_cfg_of_base_dir base_dir = {
(* cli *)
base_dir ;
sandbox = None ;
sandbox_param = None ;
(* db *)
store = base_dir // "store" ;
context = base_dir // "context" ;
protocol = base_dir // "protocol" ;
(* net *)
min_connections = 4 ;
max_connections = 400 ;
expected_connections = 20 ;
net_addr = Ipaddr.(V6 V6.unspecified) ;
net_port = 9732 ;
local_discovery = None ;
peers = [] ;
closed = false ;
peers_cache = base_dir // "peers_cache" ;
(* rpc *)
rpc_addr = None ;
2016-12-06 16:58:21 +04:00
cors_origins = [] ;
cors_headers = ["content-type"] ;
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
(* log *)
log_output = `Stderr ;
log_level = None ;
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let default_cfg = default_cfg_of_base_dir default_base_dir
let log_of_string s = match Utils.split ':' ~limit:2 s with
| ["stderr"] -> `Stderr
| ["file"; fn] -> `File fn
| ["syslog"] -> `Syslog
| ["null"] -> `Null
| _ -> invalid_arg "log_of_string"
let string_of_log = function
| `Stderr -> "stderr"
| `File fn -> "file:" ^ fn
| `Syslog -> "syslog"
| `Null -> "null"
let sockaddr_of_string str =
match String.rindex str ':' with
| exception Not_found -> `Error "not a sockaddr"
| pos ->
let len = String.length str in
let addr, port = String.sub str 0 pos, String.sub str (pos+1) (len - pos - 1) in
match Ipaddr.of_string_exn addr, int_of_string port with
| exception Failure _ -> `Error "not a sockaddr"
| ip, port -> `Ok (ip, port)
let sockaddr_of_string_exn str =
match sockaddr_of_string str with
| `Ok saddr -> saddr
| `Error msg -> invalid_arg msg
let pp_sockaddr fmt (ip, port) = Format.fprintf fmt "%a:%d" Ipaddr.pp_hum ip port
let string_of_sockaddr saddr = Format.asprintf "%a" pp_sockaddr saddr
module Cfg_file = struct
open Data_encoding
let db =
(opt "store" string)
(opt "context" string)
(opt "protocol" string)
let net =
(opt "min-connections" uint16)
(opt "max-connections" uint16)
(opt "expected-connections" uint16)
(opt "addr" string)
(opt "local-discovery" uint16)
(opt "peers" (list string))
(dft "closed" bool false)
(opt "peers-cache" string)
let rpc =
2016-12-06 16:58:21 +04:00
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
(opt "addr" string)
2016-12-06 16:58:21 +04:00
(dft "cors-origin" (list string) [])
(dft "cors-header" (list string) [])
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let log =
(opt "output" string)
let t =
(fun { store ; context ; protocol ;
2016-12-06 16:58:21 +04:00
min_connections ; max_connections ; expected_connections ;
net_addr ; net_port ; local_discovery ; peers ;
closed ; peers_cache ; rpc_addr ; cors_origins ; cors_headers ; log_output } ->
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let net_addr = string_of_sockaddr (net_addr, net_port) in
let rpc_addr = Utils.map_option string_of_sockaddr rpc_addr in
let peers = ListLabels.map peers ~f:string_of_sockaddr in
let log_output = string_of_log log_output in
((Some store, Some context, Some protocol),
(Some min_connections, Some max_connections, Some expected_connections,
Some net_addr, local_discovery, Some peers, closed, Some peers_cache),
2016-12-06 16:58:21 +04:00
(rpc_addr, cors_origins, cors_headers),
Some log_output))
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
(fun (
(store, context, protocol),
2016-12-06 16:58:21 +04:00
(min_connections, max_connections, expected_connections, net_addr,
local_discovery, peers, closed, peers_cache),
(rpc_addr, cors_origins, cors_headers),
log_output) ->
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let open Utils in
let store = unopt default_cfg.store store in
let context = unopt default_cfg.context context in
let protocol = unopt default_cfg.protocol protocol in
let net_addr = map_option sockaddr_of_string_exn net_addr in
let net_addr, net_port = unopt (default_cfg.net_addr, default_cfg.net_port) net_addr in
let rpc_addr = map_option sockaddr_of_string_exn rpc_addr in
let peers = unopt [] peers in
let peers = ListLabels.map peers ~f:sockaddr_of_string_exn in
let peers_cache = unopt default_cfg.peers_cache peers_cache in
let log_output = unopt default_cfg.log_output (map_option log_of_string log_output) in
let min_connections = unopt default_cfg.min_connections min_connections in
let max_connections = unopt default_cfg.max_connections max_connections in
let expected_connections = unopt default_cfg.expected_connections expected_connections in
{ default_cfg with
store ; context ; protocol ;
min_connections; max_connections; expected_connections;
net_addr; net_port ; local_discovery; peers; closed; peers_cache;
2016-12-06 16:58:21 +04:00
rpc_addr; cors_origins ; cors_headers ; log_output
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
(req "db" db)
(req "net" net)
(req "rpc" rpc)
(req "log" log))
let read fp =
2016-12-01 21:27:53 +04:00
Data_encoding_ezjsonm.read_file fp >|= function
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
| None -> None
2016-12-01 21:27:53 +04:00
| Some json -> Some (Data_encoding.Json.destruct t json)
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let from_json json = Data_encoding.Json.destruct t json
let write out cfg =
2016-12-01 21:27:53 +04:00
Utils.write_file ~bin:false out
(Data_encoding.Json.construct t cfg |>
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
module Cmdline = struct
open Cmdliner
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
(* custom converters *)
let sockaddr_converter = sockaddr_of_string, pp_sockaddr
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
(* cli args *)
let misc_sect = "MISC"
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let base_dir =
2016-12-01 03:18:35 +04:00
let doc = "The directory where the Tezos node will store all its data." in
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ~docs:"CONFIG" ~doc ~docv:"DIR" ["base-dir"])
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let config_file =
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let doc = "The main configuration file." in
Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ~docs:"CONFIG" ~doc ~docv:"FILE" ["config-file"])
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let sandbox =
2016-12-01 03:18:35 +04:00
let doc = "Run the daemon in a sandbox (P2P is disabled, data is stored in a custom directory)." in
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ~docs:"NETWORK" ~doc ~docv:"DIR" ["sandbox"])
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let sandbox_param =
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let doc = "Custom parameter for the economical protocol." in
Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ~docs:"NETWORK" ~doc ["sandbox-param"])
let v =
2016-12-01 03:18:35 +04:00
let doc = "Increase log level. Use several times to increase log level, e.g. `-vv'." in
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
Arg.(value & flag_all & info ~docs:misc_sect ~doc ["v"])
(* net args *)
let min_connections =
2016-12-01 03:18:35 +04:00
let doc = "The number of connections below which aggressive peer discovery mode is entered." in
2016-12-05 20:55:09 +04:00
Arg.(value & opt (some int) None & info ~docs:"NETWORK" ~doc ~docv:"NUM" ["min-connections"])
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let max_connections =
2016-12-01 03:18:35 +04:00
let doc = "The number of connections above which some connections will be closed." in
2016-12-05 20:55:09 +04:00
Arg.(value & opt (some int) None & info ~docs:"NETWORK" ~doc ~docv:"NUM" ["max-connections"])
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let expected_connections =
let doc = "The minimum number of connections to be ensured by the cruise control." in
2016-12-05 20:55:09 +04:00
Arg.(value & opt (some int) None & info ~docs:"NETWORK" ~doc ~docv:"NUM" ["expected-connections"])
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let net_addr =
2016-12-01 03:18:35 +04:00
let doc = "The TCP address and port at which this instance can be reached." in
2016-12-05 20:55:09 +04:00
Arg.(value & opt (some sockaddr_converter) None & info ~docs:"NETWORK" ~doc ~docv:"ADDR:PORT" ["net-addr"])
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let local_discovery =
let doc = "Automatic discovery of peers on the local network." in
2016-12-05 20:55:09 +04:00
Arg.(value & opt (some int) None & info ~docs:"NETWORK" ~doc ~docv:"ADDR:PORT" ["local-discovery"])
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let peers =
2016-12-01 03:18:35 +04:00
let doc = "A peer to bootstrap the network from. Can be used several times to add several peers." in
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
Arg.(value & opt_all sockaddr_converter [] & info ~docs:"NETWORK" ~doc ~docv:"ADDR:PORT" ["peer"])
let closed =
let doc = "Only accept connections from the bootstrap peers." in
Arg.(value & flag & info ~docs:"NETWORK" ~doc ["closed"])
let reset_config =
let doc = "Overwrite config file with factory defaults." in
Arg.(value & flag & info ~docs:"CONFIG" ~doc ["reset-config"])
let update_config =
let doc = "Update config file with values from the command line." in
Arg.(value & flag & info ~docs:"CONFIG" ~doc ["update-config"])
(* rpc args *)
let rpc_addr =
2016-12-01 03:18:35 +04:00
let doc = "The TCP socket address at which this RPC server instance can be reached" in
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
Arg.(value & opt (some sockaddr_converter) None & info ~docs:"RPC" ~doc ~docv:"ADDR:PORT" ["rpc-addr"])
2016-12-06 16:58:21 +04:00
let cors_origins =
let doc = "CORS origin allowed by the RPC server via Access-Control-Allow-Origin; may be used multiple times" in
Arg.(value & opt_all string [] & info ~docs:"RPC" ~doc ~docv:"ORIGIN" ["cors-origin"])
let cors_headers =
let doc = "Header reported by Access-Control-Allow-Headers reported during CORS preflighting; may be used multiple times" in
Arg.(value & opt_all string [] & info ~docs:"RPC" ~doc ~docv:"HEADER" ["cors-header"])
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let parse base_dir config_file sandbox sandbox_param log_level
min_connections max_connections expected_connections
2016-12-06 16:58:21 +04:00
net_saddr local_discovery peers closed rpc_addr cors_origins cors_headers reset_cfg update_cfg =
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let base_dir = Utils.(unopt (unopt default_cfg.base_dir base_dir) sandbox) in
let config_file = Utils.(unopt ((unopt base_dir sandbox) // "config")) config_file in
let no_config () =
warn "Found no config file at %s" config_file;
warn "Using factory defaults";
default_cfg_of_base_dir base_dir
let corrupted_config msg =
log_error "Config file %s corrupted: %s" config_file msg;
warn "Using factory defaults";
default_cfg_of_base_dir base_dir
let cfg =
2016-12-01 21:27:53 +04:00
match Utils.read_file ~bin:false config_file |> Data_encoding_ezjsonm.from_string with
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
| exception _ -> no_config ()
| Error msg -> corrupted_config msg
| Ok cfg -> try Cfg_file.from_json cfg with
| Invalid_argument msg
| Failure msg -> corrupted_config msg
let log_level = match List.length log_level with
| 0 -> None
| 1 -> Some Lwt_log.Info
| _ -> Some Lwt_log.Debug
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let cfg =
{ cfg with
base_dir ;
2016-12-05 20:55:09 +04:00
sandbox = Utils.first_some sandbox cfg.sandbox ;
sandbox_param = Utils.first_some sandbox_param cfg.sandbox_param ;
log_level = Utils.first_some log_level cfg.log_level ;
min_connections = Utils.unopt cfg.min_connections min_connections ;
max_connections = Utils.unopt cfg.max_connections max_connections ;
expected_connections = Utils.unopt cfg.expected_connections expected_connections ;
net_addr = (match net_saddr with None -> cfg.net_addr | Some (addr, _) -> addr) ;
net_port = (match net_saddr with None -> cfg.net_port | Some (_, port) -> port) ;
local_discovery = Utils.first_some local_discovery cfg.local_discovery ;
peers = (match peers with [] -> cfg.peers | _ -> peers) ;
closed = closed || cfg.closed ;
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
rpc_addr = Utils.first_some rpc_addr cfg.rpc_addr ;
2016-12-06 16:58:21 +04:00
cors_origins = (match cors_origins with [] -> cfg.cors_origins | _ -> cors_origins) ;
cors_headers = (match cors_headers with [] -> cfg.cors_headers | _ -> cors_headers) ;
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
log_output = cfg.log_output ;
if update_cfg then Cfg_file.write config_file cfg;
`Ok (config_file, reset_cfg, update_cfg, cfg)
let cmd =
let open Term in
ret (const parse $ base_dir $ config_file
$ sandbox $ sandbox_param $ v
$ min_connections $ max_connections $ expected_connections
2016-12-06 16:58:21 +04:00
$ net_addr $ local_discovery $ peers $ closed
$ rpc_addr $ cors_origins $ cors_headers
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
$ reset_config $ update_config
let doc = "The Tezos daemon" in
let man = [
`S "RPC";
`S misc_sect;
`P "Use `$(mname) --sandbox /path/to/a/custom/data/dir --rpc-addr :::8732' \
to run a single instance in sandbox mode, \
listening to RPC commands at localhost port 8732.";
`P "Use `$(mname)' for a node that accepts network connections.";
`S "BUGS"; `P "Check bug reports at https://github.com/tezos/tezos/issues.";
info ~sdocs:misc_sect ~man ~doc "tezos-node"
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let parse () = Term.eval cmd
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let init_logger { log_output ; log_level } =
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let open Logging in
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
Utils.iter_option log_level ~f:(Lwt_log_core.add_rule "*") ;
match log_output with
| `Stderr -> Logging.init Stderr
| `File fp -> Logging.init (File fp)
| `Null -> Logging.init Null
| `Syslog -> Logging.init Syslog
let init_node { sandbox ; sandbox_param ;
store ; context ;
min_connections ; max_connections ; expected_connections ;
net_port ; peers ; peers_cache ; local_discovery ; closed } =
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let patch_context json ctxt =
let module Proto = (val Updater.get_exn genesis_protocol) in
(fun () ->
Proto.configure_sandbox ctxt json >|= function
| Error _ ->
warn "Error while configuring ecoproto for the sandboxed mode." ;
| Ok ctxt -> ctxt)
(fun exn ->
warn "Error while configuring ecoproto for the sandboxed mode. (%s)"
(Printexc.to_string exn) ;
Lwt.return ctxt) in
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
match sandbox with
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
| None -> Lwt.return_none
| Some _ ->
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
match sandbox_param with
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
| None -> Lwt.return (Some (patch_context None))
| Some file ->
2016-12-01 21:27:53 +04:00
Data_encoding_ezjsonm.read_file file >>= function
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
| None ->
2016-12-01 03:18:35 +04:00
"Can't parse sandbox parameters. (%s)" file >>= fun () ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
Lwt.return (Some (patch_context None))
| Some _ as json ->
Lwt.return (Some (patch_context json))
end >>= fun patch_context ->
let net_params =
let open P2p in
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
match sandbox with
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
| Some _ -> None
| None ->
let limits =
2016-11-29 01:18:00 +04:00
{ max_message_size = 10_000 ;
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
peer_answer_timeout = 5. ;
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
expected_connections ;
min_connections ;
max_connections ;
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
blacklist_time = 30. }
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let config =
{ incoming_port = Some net_port ;
discovery_port = local_discovery ;
known_peers = peers ;
peers_file = peers_cache ;
closed_network = closed }
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
Some (config, limits) in
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2016-12-06 16:58:21 +04:00
let init_rpc { rpc_addr ; cors_origins ; cors_headers } node =
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
match rpc_addr with
| None ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
lwt_log_notice "Not listening to RPC calls." >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return None
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
| Some (_addr, port) ->
lwt_log_notice "Starting the RPC server listening on port %d." port >>= fun () ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
let dir = Node_rpc.build_rpc_directory node in
2016-12-06 16:58:21 +04:00
RPC_server.launch port dir cors_origins cors_headers >>= fun server ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
Lwt.return (Some server)
let init_signal () =
2016-12-01 21:27:53 +04:00
let handler id = try Lwt_exit.exit id with _ -> () in
2016-10-10 16:23:14 +04:00
ignore (Lwt_unix.on_signal Sys.sigint handler : Lwt_unix.signal_handler_id)
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
let main cfg =
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
Random.self_init () ;
Sodium.Random.stir () ;
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
init_logger cfg;
Updater.init cfg.protocol;
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
lwt_log_notice "Starting the Tezos node..." >>= fun () ->
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
init_node cfg >>=? fun node ->
init_rpc cfg node >>= fun rpc ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
init_signal ();
lwt_log_notice "The Tezos node is now running!" >>= fun () ->
2016-12-01 21:27:53 +04:00
Lwt_exit.termination_thread >>= fun x ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
lwt_log_notice "Shutting down the Tezos node..." >>= fun () ->
Node.shutdown node >>= fun () ->
lwt_log_notice "Shutting down the RPC server..." >>= fun () ->
2016-12-01 21:27:53 +04:00
Lwt_utils.may RPC_server.shutdown rpc >>= fun () ->
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
lwt_log_notice "BYE (%d)" x >>= fun () ->
return ()
let () =
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
match Cmdline.parse () with
| `Error _ -> exit 1
| `Help -> exit 1
| `Version -> exit 1
2016-12-01 03:18:35 +04:00
| `Ok (config_file, was_reset, updated, cfg) ->
if was_reset then log_notice "Overwriting %s with factory defaults." config_file;
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
if updated then log_notice "Updated %s from command line arguments." config_file;
Lwt_main.run begin
if not @@ Sys.file_exists cfg.base_dir then begin
Unix.mkdir cfg.base_dir 0o700;
log_notice "Created base directory %s." cfg.base_dir
2016-12-01 03:18:35 +04:00
log_notice "Using config file %s." config_file;
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
if not @@ Sys.file_exists config_file then begin
Cfg_file.write config_file cfg;
2016-12-01 03:18:35 +04:00
log_notice "Created config file %s." config_file
2016-11-30 17:12:42 +04:00
main cfg >>= function
| Ok () -> Lwt.return_unit
| Error err ->
lwt_log_error "%a@." Error_monad.pp_print_error err