
186 lines
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2019-05-12 20:56:22 +00:00
type pre_token = {
name : string ;
pattern : string ;
let make name pattern = { name ; pattern }
let keyword = fun k ->
let regexp = Str.regexp "[^0-9a-zA-Z]" in
let constructor_name =
Str.global_replace regexp "_"
@@ String.uppercase_ascii k
make constructor_name k
let symbol = fun sym name -> make name sym
module Print_mly = struct
open Format
let token = fun ppf pre_token ->
fprintf ppf "%%token %s"
let tokens = fun ppf tokens ->
let open Simple_utils.PP_helpers in
fprintf ppf "%%token EOF\n" ;
fprintf ppf "%%token <int> INT\n" ;
fprintf ppf "%%token <int> NAT\n" ;
fprintf ppf "%%token <int> TZ\n" ;
fprintf ppf "%%token <string> STRING\n" ;
fprintf ppf "%%token <string> NAME\n" ;
fprintf ppf "%%token <string> CONSTRUCTOR_NAME\n" ;
fprintf ppf "\n%a\n\n" (list_sep token (const "\n")) tokens ;
fprintf ppf "%%%%\n"
module Print_mll = struct
open Format
let token = fun ppf {name;pattern} ->
fprintf ppf "| \"%s\" { %s }" pattern name
let pre =
open Token
exception Error of string
exception Unexpected_character of string
(* This rule analyzes a single line and turns it into a stream of
tokens. *)
rule token = parse
| "//" ([^ '\n']* ) (['\n' '\r']+)
{ Lexing.new_line lexbuf ; token lexbuf }
| ('\r'? '\n' '\r'?)
{ Lexing.new_line lexbuf; token lexbuf }
| '"' { string "" lexbuf }
| [' ' '\t']
{ token lexbuf }
| (['0'-'9']+ as i) 'p'
{ NAT (int_of_string i) }
| (['0'-'9']+ as n) '.' (['0'-'9']['0'-'9'] as d) "tz" { TZ ((int_of_string n) * 100 + (int_of_string d)) }
| (['0'-'9']+ as i)
{ INT (int_of_string i) }
let post =
| (['a'-'z''_']['a'-'z''A'-'Z''0'-'9''_']*) as v
{ NAME v }
| (['A'-'Z']['a'-'z''A'-'Z''0'-'9''_']*) as v
| eof { EOF }
| "(*" { comment 1 lexbuf }
| _
{ raise (Unexpected_character (Printf.sprintf "At offset %d: unexpected character.\n" (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf))) }
and string s = parse
| "\\\"" { string (s ^ "\"") lexbuf }
| "\\\\" { string (s ^ "\\") lexbuf }
| '"' { STRING s }
| eof { raise (Unexpected_character "missing string terminator") }
| _ as c { string (s ^ (String.make 1 c)) lexbuf }
and comment n = parse
| "*)" { if n = 1 then token lexbuf else comment (n - 1) lexbuf }
| "(*" { comment (n + 1) lexbuf }
| '"' ( [^ '"' '\\'] | ( '\\' [^ '"'] ) ) '"' { comment n lexbuf }
| eof { raise (Unexpected_character "missing comment terminator") }
| ('\r'? '\n' '\r'?) { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; comment n lexbuf }
| _ { comment n lexbuf }
let tokens = fun ppf tokens ->
let open Simple_utils.PP_helpers in
fprintf ppf "%s%a\n%s" pre (list_sep token (const "\n")) tokens post
module Print_ml = struct
open Format
let token = fun ppf {name} ->
fprintf ppf " | %s -> \"%s\"" name name
let pre =
{pre|include Token_type
let to_string : token -> string = function
| NAME _ -> "NAME s"
| INT _ -> "INT n"
| NAT _ -> "NAT n"
| TZ _ -> "TZ n"
| EOF -> "EOF"
let tokens = fun ppf tokens ->
let open Simple_utils.PP_helpers in
fprintf ppf "%s%a" pre (list_sep token (const "\n")) tokens
let tokens = [
keyword "let%init" ;
keyword "let%entry" ;
keyword "let" ;
keyword "type" ;
keyword "in" ;
keyword "if" ;
keyword "then" ;
keyword "else" ;
(* keyword "block" ;
* keyword "for" ;
* keyword "const" ; *)
keyword "fun" ;
keyword "match" ;
keyword "with" ;
symbol "()" "UNIT" ;
symbol "+" "PLUS" ;
symbol "~" "TILDE" ;
symbol "->" "ARROW" ;
symbol "<-" "LEFT_ARROW" ;
symbol "<=" "LE" ;
symbol "<>" "UNEQUAL" ;
symbol "<" "LT" ;
symbol ">" "GT" ;
symbol "-" "MINUS" ;
symbol "*" "TIMES" ;
symbol "/" "DIV" ;
symbol "=" "EQUAL" ;
symbol "|" "VBAR" ;
symbol "[" "LSQUARE" ;
symbol "]" "RSQUARE" ;
symbol "(" "LPAREN" ;
symbol ")" "RPAREN" ;
symbol "{" "LBRACKET" ;
symbol "}" "RBRACKET" ;
symbol ";;" "DOUBLE_SEMICOLON" ;
symbol ";" "SEMICOLON" ;
symbol "::" "DOUBLE_COLON" ;
symbol ":" "COLON" ;
symbol "," "COMMA" ;
symbol "." "DOT" ;
let () =
let argn = Array.length Sys.argv in
if argn = 1 then exit 1 ;
let arg = Sys.argv.(1) in
let open Simple_utils.PP_helpers in
match arg with
| "mll" -> (
Format.printf "%a@.%a\n" comment "Generated .mll" Print_mll.tokens tokens
| "mly" -> (
Format.printf "%a@.%a\n" comment "Generated .mly" Print_mly.tokens tokens
| "ml" -> (
Format.printf "%a@.%a\n" comment "Generated .ml" Print_ml.tokens tokens
| _ -> exit 1