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open Trace
open Types
module Errors = struct
let different_kinds a b () =
let title = (thunk "different kinds") in
let full () = Format.asprintf "(%a) VS (%a)" PP.type_value a PP.type_value b in
error title full ()
let different_constants a b () =
let title = (thunk "different constants") in
let full () = Format.asprintf "%s VS %s" a b in
error title full ()
let different_size_type name a b () =
let title () = name ^ " have different sizes" in
let full () = Format.asprintf "%a VS %a" PP.type_value a PP.type_value b in
error title full ()
let different_size_constants = different_size_type "constants"
let different_size_tuples = different_size_type "tuples"
let different_size_sums = different_size_type "sums"
let different_size_records = different_size_type "records"
module Free_variables = struct
type bindings = string list
let mem : string -> bindings -> bool = List.mem
let singleton : string -> bindings = fun s -> [ s ]
let union : bindings -> bindings -> bindings = (@)
let unions : bindings list -> bindings = List.concat
let empty : bindings = []
let of_list : string list -> bindings = fun x -> x
let rec expression : bindings -> expression -> bindings = fun b e ->
let self = annotated_expression b in
match e with
| E_lambda l -> lambda b l
| E_literal _ -> empty
| E_constant (_ , lst) -> unions @@ List.map self lst
| E_variable name -> (
match mem name b with
| true -> empty
| false -> singleton name
| E_application (a, b) -> unions @@ List.map self [ a ; b ]
| E_tuple lst -> unions @@ List.map self lst
| E_constructor (_ , a) -> self a
| E_record m -> unions @@ List.map self @@ Map.String.to_list m
| E_record_accessor (a, _) -> self a
| E_tuple_accessor (a, _) -> self a
| E_list lst -> unions @@ List.map self lst
| E_map m -> unions @@ List.map self @@ List.concat @@ List.map (fun (a, b) -> [ a ; b ]) m
| E_look_up (a , b) -> unions @@ List.map self [ a ; b ]
| E_matching (a , cs) -> union (self a) (matching_expression b cs)
| E_failwith a -> self a
and lambda : bindings -> lambda -> bindings = fun b l ->
let b' = union (singleton l.binder) b in
let (b'', frees) = block' b' l.body in
union (annotated_expression b'' l.result) frees
and annotated_expression : bindings -> annotated_expression -> bindings = fun b ae ->
expression b ae.expression
and instruction' : bindings -> instruction -> bindings * bindings = fun b i ->
match i with
| I_declaration n -> union (singleton n.name) b , (annotated_expression b n.annotated_expression)
| I_assignment n -> b , (annotated_expression b n.annotated_expression)
| I_skip -> b , empty
| I_do e -> b , annotated_expression b e
| I_loop (a , bl) -> b , union (annotated_expression b a) (block b bl)
| I_patch (_ , _ , a) -> b , annotated_expression b a
| I_matching (a , cs) -> b , union (annotated_expression b a) (matching_block b cs)
and block' : bindings -> block -> (bindings * bindings) = fun b bl ->
let aux = fun (binds, frees) cur ->
let (binds', frees') = instruction' binds cur in
(binds', union frees frees') in
List.fold_left aux (b , []) bl
and block : bindings -> block -> bindings = fun b bl ->
let (_ , frees) = block' b bl in
and matching_variant_case : type a . (bindings -> a -> bindings) -> bindings -> ((constructor_name * name) * a) -> bindings = fun f b ((_,n),c) ->
f (union (singleton n) b) c
and matching : type a . (bindings -> a -> bindings) -> bindings -> a matching -> bindings = fun f b m ->
match m with
| Match_bool { match_true = t ; match_false = fa } -> union (f b t) (f b fa)
| Match_list { match_nil = n ; match_cons = (hd, tl, c) } -> union (f b n) (f (union (of_list [hd ; tl]) b) c)
| Match_option { match_none = n ; match_some = ((opt, _), s) } -> union (f b n) (f (union (singleton opt) b) s)
| Match_tuple (lst , a) -> f (union (of_list lst) b) a
| Match_variant (lst , _) -> unions @@ List.map (matching_variant_case f b) lst
and matching_expression = fun x -> matching annotated_expression x
and matching_block = fun x -> matching block x
(* module Dependencies = struct
* type bindings = string list
* let mem : string -> bindings -> bool = List.mem
* let singleton : string -> bindings = fun s -> [ s ]
* let union : bindings -> bindings -> bindings = (@)
* let unions : bindings list -> bindings = List.concat
* let empty : bindings = []
* let of_list : string list -> bindings = fun x -> x
* let rec expression : bindings -> full_environment -> expression -> bindings = fun b _env e ->
* let self = annotated_expression b in
* match e with
* | E_lambda l ->
* let b' = union (singleton l.binder) b in
* let (b'', frees) = block' b' l.body in
* union (annotated_expression b'' l.result) frees
* | E_literal _ -> empty
* | E_constant (_ , lst) -> unions @@ List.map self lst
* | E_variable name -> (
* match mem name b with
* | true -> empty
* | false -> singleton name
* )
* | E_application (a, b) -> unions @@ List.map self [ a ; b ]
* | E_tuple lst -> unions @@ List.map self lst
* | E_constructor (_ , a) -> self a
* | E_record m -> unions @@ List.map self @@ Map.String.to_list m
* | E_record_accessor (a, _) -> self a
* | E_tuple_accessor (a, _) -> self a
* | E_list lst -> unions @@ List.map self lst
* | E_map m -> unions @@ List.map self @@ List.concat @@ List.map (fun (a, b) -> [ a ; b ]) m
* | E_look_up (a , b) -> unions @@ List.map self [ a ; b ]
* | E_matching (a , cs) -> union (self a) (matching_expression b cs)
* | E_failwith a -> self a
* and annotated_expression : bindings -> annotated_expression -> bindings = fun b ae ->
* let open Combinators in
* expression b (get_environment ae) (get_expression ae)
* and instruction' : bindings -> instruction -> bindings * bindings = fun b i ->
* match i with
* | I_declaration n -> union (singleton n.name) b , (annotated_expression b n.annotated_expression)
* | I_assignment n -> b , (annotated_expression b n.annotated_expression)
* | I_skip -> b , empty
* | I_do e -> b , annotated_expression b e
* | I_loop (a , bl) -> b , union (annotated_expression b a) (block b bl)
* | I_patch (_ , _ , a) -> b , annotated_expression b a
* | I_matching (a , cs) -> b , union (annotated_expression b a) (matching_block b cs)
* and block' : bindings -> block -> (bindings * bindings) = fun b bl ->
* let aux = fun (binds, frees) cur ->
* let (binds', frees') = instruction' binds cur in
* (binds', union frees frees') in
* List.fold_left aux (b , []) bl
* and block : bindings -> block -> bindings = fun b bl ->
* let (_ , frees) = block' b bl in
* frees
* and matching_variant_case : type a . (bindings -> a -> bindings) -> bindings -> ((constructor_name * name) * a) -> bindings = fun f b ((_,n),c) ->
* f (union (singleton n) b) c
* and matching : type a . (bindings -> a -> bindings) -> bindings -> a matching -> bindings = fun f b m ->
* match m with
* | Match_bool { match_true = t ; match_false = fa } -> union (f b t) (f b fa)
* | Match_list { match_nil = n ; match_cons = (hd, tl, c) } -> union (f b n) (f (union (of_list [hd ; tl]) b) c)
* | Match_option { match_none = n ; match_some = ((opt, _), s) } -> union (f b n) (f (union (singleton opt) b) s)
* | Match_tuple (lst , a) -> f (union (of_list lst) b) a
* | Match_variant (lst , _) -> unions @@ List.map (matching_variant_case f b) lst
* and matching_expression = fun x -> matching annotated_expression x
* and matching_block = fun x -> matching block x
* end *)
open Errors
let rec assert_type_value_eq (a, b: (type_value * type_value)) : unit result = match (a.type_value', b.type_value') with
| T_tuple ta, T_tuple tb -> (
let%bind _ =
trace_strong (fun () -> (different_size_tuples a b ()))
@@ Assert.assert_true List.(length ta = length tb) in
bind_list_iter assert_type_value_eq (List.combine ta tb)
| T_tuple _, _ -> fail @@ different_kinds a b
| T_constant (ca, lsta), T_constant (cb, lstb) -> (
let%bind _ =
trace_strong (different_size_constants a b)
@@ Assert.assert_true List.(length lsta = length lstb) in
let%bind _ =
trace_strong (different_constants ca cb)
@@ Assert.assert_true (ca = cb) in
trace (simple_error "constant sub-expression")
@@ bind_list_iter assert_type_value_eq (List.combine lsta lstb)
| T_constant _, _ -> fail @@ different_kinds a b
| T_sum sa, T_sum sb -> (
let sa' = SMap.to_kv_list sa in
let sb' = SMap.to_kv_list sb in
let aux ((ka, va), (kb, vb)) =
let%bind _ =
Assert.assert_true ~msg:"different keys in sum types"
@@ (ka = kb) in
assert_type_value_eq (va, vb)
let%bind _ =
trace_strong (different_size_sums a b)
@@ Assert.assert_list_same_size sa' sb' in
trace (simple_error "sum type") @@
bind_list_iter aux (List.combine sa' sb')
| T_sum _, _ -> fail @@ different_kinds a b
| T_record ra, T_record rb -> (
let ra' = SMap.to_kv_list ra in
let rb' = SMap.to_kv_list rb in
let aux ((ka, va), (kb, vb)) =
let%bind _ =
let error =
let title () = "different props in record" in
let content () = Format.asprintf "%s vs %s" ka kb in
error title content in
trace_strong error @@
Assert.assert_true (ka = kb) in
assert_type_value_eq (va, vb)
let%bind _ =
trace_strong (different_size_records a b)
@@ Assert.assert_list_same_size ra' rb' in
trace (simple_error "record type")
@@ bind_list_iter aux (List.combine ra' rb')
| T_record _, _ -> fail @@ different_kinds a b
| T_function (param, result), T_function (param', result') ->
let%bind _ = assert_type_value_eq (param, param') in
let%bind _ = assert_type_value_eq (result, result') in
ok ()
| T_function _, _ -> fail @@ different_kinds a b
(* No information about what made it fail *)
let type_value_eq ab = Trace.to_bool @@ assert_type_value_eq ab
let assert_literal_eq (a, b : literal * literal) : unit result =
match (a, b) with
| Literal_bool a, Literal_bool b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_bool _, Literal_bool _ -> simple_fail "different bools"
| Literal_bool _, _ -> simple_fail "bool vs non-bool"
| Literal_int a, Literal_int b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_int _, Literal_int _ -> simple_fail "different ints"
| Literal_int _, _ -> simple_fail "int vs non-int"
| Literal_nat a, Literal_nat b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_nat _, Literal_nat _ -> simple_fail "different nats"
| Literal_nat _, _ -> simple_fail "nat vs non-nat"
| Literal_tez a, Literal_tez b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_tez _, Literal_tez _ -> simple_fail "different tezs"
| Literal_tez _, _ -> simple_fail "tez vs non-tez"
| Literal_string a, Literal_string b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_string _, Literal_string _ -> simple_fail "different strings"
| Literal_string _, _ -> simple_fail "string vs non-string"
| Literal_bytes a, Literal_bytes b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_bytes _, Literal_bytes _ -> simple_fail "different bytess"
| Literal_bytes _, _ -> simple_fail "bytes vs non-bytes"
| Literal_unit, Literal_unit -> ok ()
| Literal_unit, _ -> simple_fail "unit vs non-unit"
| Literal_address a, Literal_address b when a = b -> ok ()
| Literal_address _, Literal_address _ -> simple_fail "different addresss"
| Literal_address _, _ -> simple_fail "address vs non-address"
| Literal_operation _, Literal_operation _ -> simple_fail "can't compare operations"
| Literal_operation _, _ -> simple_fail "operation vs non-operation"
let rec assert_value_eq (a, b: (value*value)) : unit result =
let error_content () =
Format.asprintf "\n%a vs %a" PP.value a PP.value b
trace (fun () -> error (thunk "not equal") error_content ()) @@
match (a.expression, b.expression) with
| E_literal a, E_literal b ->
assert_literal_eq (a, b)
| E_constant (ca, lsta), E_constant (cb, lstb) when ca = cb -> (
let%bind lst =
generic_try (simple_error "constants with different number of elements")
(fun () -> List.combine lsta lstb) in
let%bind _all = bind_list @@ List.map assert_value_eq lst in
ok ()
| E_constant _, E_constant _ ->
simple_fail "different constants"
| E_constant _, _ ->
let error_content () =
Format.asprintf "%a vs %a"
PP.annotated_expression a
PP.annotated_expression b
fail @@ (fun () -> error (thunk "comparing constant with other stuff") error_content ())
| E_constructor (ca, a), E_constructor (cb, b) when ca = cb -> (
let%bind _eq = assert_value_eq (a, b) in
ok ()
| E_constructor _, E_constructor _ ->
simple_fail "different constructors"
| E_constructor _, _ ->
simple_fail "comparing constructor with other stuff"
| E_tuple lsta, E_tuple lstb -> (
let%bind lst =
generic_try (simple_error "tuples with different number of elements")
(fun () -> List.combine lsta lstb) in
let%bind _all = bind_list @@ List.map assert_value_eq lst in
ok ()
| E_tuple _, _ ->
simple_fail "comparing tuple with other stuff"
| E_record sma, E_record smb -> (
let aux _ a b =
match a, b with
| Some a, Some b -> Some (assert_value_eq (a, b))
| _ -> Some (simple_fail "different record keys")
let%bind _all = bind_smap @@ SMap.merge aux sma smb in
ok ()
| E_record _, _ ->
simple_fail "comparing record with other stuff"
| E_map lsta, E_map lstb -> (
let%bind lst = generic_try (simple_error "maps of different lengths")
(fun () ->
let lsta' = List.sort compare lsta in
let lstb' = List.sort compare lstb in
List.combine lsta' lstb') in
let aux = fun ((ka, va), (kb, vb)) ->
let%bind _ = assert_value_eq (ka, kb) in
let%bind _ = assert_value_eq (va, vb) in
ok () in
let%bind _all = bind_map_list aux lst in
ok ()
| E_map _, _ ->
simple_fail "comparing map with other stuff"
| E_list lsta, E_list lstb -> (
let%bind lst =
generic_try (simple_error "list of different lengths")
(fun () -> List.combine lsta lstb) in
let%bind _all = bind_map_list assert_value_eq lst in
ok ()
| E_list _, _ ->
simple_fail "comparing list with other stuff"
| _, _ -> simple_fail "comparing not a value"
let merge_annotation (a:type_value option) (b:type_value option) : type_value result =
match a, b with
| None, None -> simple_fail "no annotation"
| Some a, None -> ok a
| None, Some b -> ok b
| Some a, Some b ->
let%bind _ = assert_type_value_eq (a, b) in
match a.simplified, b.simplified with
| _, None -> ok a
| _, Some _ -> ok b
open Combinators
let program_to_main : program -> string -> lambda result = fun p s ->
let%bind (main , input_type , output_type) =
let pred = fun d ->
match d with
| Declaration_constant (d , _) when d.name = s -> Some d.annotated_expression
| Declaration_constant _ -> None
let%bind main =
trace_option (simple_error "no main with given name") @@
List.find_map (Function.compose pred Location.unwrap) p in
let%bind (input_ty , output_ty) =
match (get_type' @@ get_type_annotation main) with
| T_function (i , o) -> ok (i , o)
| _ -> simple_fail "program main isn't a function" in
ok (main , input_ty , output_ty)
let body =
let aux : declaration -> instruction = fun d ->
match d with
| Declaration_constant (d , _) -> I_declaration d in
List.map (Function.compose aux Location.unwrap) p in
let env =
let aux = fun _ d ->
match d with
| Declaration_constant (_ , env) -> env in
List.fold_left aux Environment.full_empty (List.map Location.unwrap p) in
let binder = "@contract_input" in
let result =
let input_expr = e_a_variable binder input_type env in
let main_expr = e_a_variable s (get_type_annotation main) env in
e_a_application main_expr input_expr env in
ok {
binder ;
input_type ;
output_type ;
body ;
result ;