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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
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(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Error_monad
class type simple = object
method call_service :
'm 'p 'q 'i 'o.
([< Resto.meth ] as 'm, unit, 'p, 'q, 'i, 'o) RPC_service.t ->
'p -> 'q -> 'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t
class type streamed = object
method call_streamed_service :
'm 'p 'q 'i 'o.
([< Resto.meth ] as 'm, unit, 'p, 'q, 'i, 'o) RPC_service.t ->
on_chunk: ('o -> unit) ->
on_close: (unit -> unit) ->
'p -> 'q -> 'i -> (unit -> unit) tzresult Lwt.t
class type t = object
inherit simple
inherit streamed
type error +=
| Not_found of { meth: RPC_service.meth ;
uri: Uri.t }
| Generic_error of { meth: RPC_service.meth ;
uri: Uri.t }
let base = Uri.make ~scheme:"ocaml" ()
let not_found s p q =
let { RPC_service.meth ; uri ; _ } =
RPC_service.forge_request s ~base p q in
fail (Not_found { meth ; uri })
let generic_error s p q =
let { RPC_service.meth ; uri ; _ } =
RPC_service.forge_request s ~base p q in
fail (Generic_error { meth ; uri })
let of_directory (dir : unit RPC_directory.t) : t = object
method call_service : 'm 'p 'q 'i 'o.
([< Resto.meth ] as 'm, unit, 'p, 'q, 'i, 'o) RPC_service.t ->
'p -> 'q -> 'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t =
fun s p q i ->
RPC_directory.transparent_lookup dir s p q i >>= function
| `Ok v -> return v
| `OkStream { next ; shutdown } -> begin
next () >>= function
| Some v -> shutdown () ; return v
| None -> shutdown () ; not_found s p q
| `Not_found None -> not_found s p q
| `Unauthorized _
| `Error _
| `Not_found _
| `Forbidden _
| `Created _
| `Conflict _
| `No_content -> generic_error s p q
method call_streamed_service : 'm 'p 'q 'i 'o.
([< Resto.meth ] as 'm, unit, 'p, 'q, 'i, 'o) RPC_service.t ->
on_chunk: ('o -> unit) ->
on_close: (unit -> unit) ->
'p -> 'q -> 'i -> (unit -> unit) tzresult Lwt.t =
fun s ~on_chunk ~on_close p q i ->
RPC_directory.transparent_lookup dir s p q i >>= function
| `OkStream { next; shutdown } ->
let rec loop () =
next () >>= function
| None -> on_close () ; Lwt.return_unit
| Some v -> on_chunk v ; loop () in
let _ = loop () in
return shutdown
| `Ok v ->
on_chunk v ; on_close () ;
return (fun () -> ())
| `Not_found None -> not_found s p q
| `Unauthorized _
| `Error _
| `Not_found (Some _)
| `Forbidden _
| `Created _
| `Conflict _
| `No_content -> generic_error s p q
let make_call s (ctxt : #simple) = ctxt#call_service s
let make_call1 s ctxt x = make_call s ctxt ((), x)
let make_call2 s ctxt x y = make_call s ctxt (((), x), y)
let make_call3 s ctxt x y z = make_call s ctxt ((((), x), y), z)
let make_err_call s ctxt p q i =
make_call s ctxt p q i >>=? Lwt.return
let make_err_call1 s ctxt x = make_err_call s ctxt ((), x)
let make_err_call2 s ctxt x y = make_err_call s ctxt (((), x), y)
type stopper = unit -> unit
let make_streamed_call s (ctxt : #streamed) p q i =
let stream, push = Lwt_stream.create () in
let on_chunk v = push (Some v)
and on_close () = push None in
ctxt#call_streamed_service s ~on_chunk ~on_close p q i >>=? fun close ->
return (stream, close)