2019-10-07 16:33:34 +02:00
[@@@warning "-42"]
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
open AST
open! Region
(* Printing the tokens with their source locations *)
let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
let offsets = ref true
let mode = ref `Point
let compact (region: Region.t) =
region#compact ~offsets:!offsets !mode
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let print_nsepseq buffer sep print (head,tail) =
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let print_aux ((sep_reg:Region.t), item) =
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let sep_line = sprintf "%s: %s\n" (compact sep_reg) sep
in Buffer.add_string buffer sep_line;
print buffer item
in print buffer head; List.iter print_aux tail
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let print_sepseq buffer sep print = function
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
None -> ()
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
| Some seq -> print_nsepseq buffer sep print seq
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let print_csv buffer print {value; _} =
print_nsepseq buffer "," print value
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let print_token buffer (reg: Region.t) conc =
let line = sprintf "%s: %s\n" (compact reg) conc
in Buffer.add_string buffer line
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let print_var buffer Region.{region; value} =
let line = sprintf "%s: Ident %s\n" (compact region) value
in Buffer.add_string buffer line
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let print_constr buffer {region; value=lexeme} =
let line = sprintf "%s: Constr \"%s\"\n"
(compact region) lexeme
in Buffer.add_string buffer line
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let print_pvar buffer Region.{region; value} =
let line = sprintf "%s: PVar %s\n" (compact region) value
in Buffer.add_string buffer line
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let print_uident buffer Region.{region; value} =
let line = sprintf "%s: Uident %s\n" (compact region) value
in Buffer.add_string buffer line
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let print_string buffer Region.{region; value} =
let line = sprintf "%s: StrLit %s\n" (compact region) value
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
in Buffer.add_string buffer line
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let print_bytes buffer Region.{region; value=lexeme, abstract} =
let line = sprintf "%s: Bytes (\"%s\", \"0x%s\")\n"
(compact region) lexeme (Hex.to_string abstract)
in Buffer.add_string buffer line
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let print_int buffer Region.{region; value=lex,z} =
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let line = sprintf "Int %s (%s)" lex (Z.to_string z)
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
in print_token buffer region line
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let print_nat buffer {region; value = lexeme, abstract} =
let line = sprintf "%s: Nat (\"%s\", %s)\n"
(compact region) lexeme
(Z.to_string abstract)
in Buffer.add_string buffer line
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let rec print_tokens buffer {decl;eof} =
Utils.nseq_iter (print_statement buffer) decl;
print_token buffer eof "EOF"
and print_statement buffer = function
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Let {value=kwd_let, let_binding; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_token buffer kwd_let "let";
print_let_binding buffer let_binding
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| TypeDecl {value={kwd_type; name; eq; type_expr}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_token buffer kwd_type "type";
print_var buffer name;
print_token buffer eq "=";
print_type_expr buffer type_expr
and print_type_expr buffer = function
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
TProd prod -> print_cartesian buffer prod
| TSum {value; _} -> print_nsepseq buffer "|" print_variant value
| TRecord t -> print_rec_type_expr buffer t
| TApp app -> print_type_app buffer app
| TPar par -> print_type_par buffer par
| TVar var -> print_var buffer var
| TFun t -> print_fun_type buffer t
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_fun_type buffer {value; _} =
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let domain, arrow, range = value in
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_type_expr buffer domain;
print_token buffer arrow "->";
print_type_expr buffer range
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_type_app buffer {value; _} =
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let type_constr, type_tuple = value in
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_type_tuple buffer type_tuple;
print_var buffer type_constr
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_type_tuple buffer {value; _} =
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let {lpar; inside; rpar} = value in
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_token buffer lpar "(";
print_nsepseq buffer "," print_type_expr inside;
print_token buffer rpar ")"
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_type_par buffer {value={lpar;inside=t;rpar}; _} =
print_token buffer lpar "(";
print_type_expr buffer t;
print_token buffer rpar ")"
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
and print_projection buffer {value; _} =
let {struct_name; selector; field_path} = value in
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_var buffer struct_name;
print_token buffer selector ".";
print_nsepseq buffer "." print_selection field_path
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_selection buffer = function
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
FieldName id -> print_var buffer id
| Component c -> print_int buffer c
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_cartesian buffer Region.{value;_} =
print_nsepseq buffer "*" print_type_expr value
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
and print_variant buffer {value = {constr; arg}; _} =
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_uident buffer constr;
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
match arg with
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
None -> ()
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| Some (kwd_of, t_expr) ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_token buffer kwd_of "of";
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
print_type_expr buffer t_expr
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
and print_rec_type_expr buffer {value; _} =
let {compound; ne_elements; terminator} = value in
print_open_compound buffer compound;
print_nsepseq buffer ";" print_field_decl ne_elements;
print_terminator buffer terminator;
print_close_compound buffer compound
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_field_decl buffer {value; _} =
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let {field_name; colon; field_type} = value
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
in print_var buffer field_name;
print_token buffer colon ":";
print_type_expr buffer field_type
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
and print_injection :
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
'a.Buffer.t -> (Buffer.t -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a injection reg -> unit =
fun buffer print {value; _} ->
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let {compound; elements; terminator} = value in
print_open_compound buffer compound;
print_sepseq buffer ";" print elements;
print_terminator buffer terminator;
print_close_compound buffer compound
and print_ne_injection :
'a.Buffer.t -> (Buffer.t -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a ne_injection reg -> unit =
fun buffer print {value; _} ->
let {compound; ne_elements; terminator} = value in
print_open_compound buffer compound;
print_nsepseq buffer ";" print ne_elements;
print_terminator buffer terminator;
print_close_compound buffer compound
and print_open_compound buffer = function
BeginEnd (kwd_begin,_) -> print_token buffer kwd_begin "begin"
| Braces (lbrace,_) -> print_token buffer lbrace "{"
| Brackets (lbracket,_) -> print_token buffer lbracket "["
and print_close_compound buffer = function
BeginEnd (_,kwd_end) -> print_token buffer kwd_end "end"
| Braces (_,rbrace) -> print_token buffer rbrace "}"
| Brackets (_,rbracket) -> print_token buffer rbracket "]"
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_terminator buffer = function
Some semi -> print_token buffer semi ";"
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| None -> ()
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
and print_let_binding buffer {binders; lhs_type; eq; let_rhs} =
let () = Utils.nseq_iter (print_pattern buffer) binders in
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let () =
match lhs_type with
None -> ()
| Some (colon, type_expr) ->
print_token buffer colon ":";
print_type_expr buffer type_expr in
let () = print_token buffer eq "="
in print_expr buffer let_rhs
and print_pattern buffer = function
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
PTuple ptuple ->
print_csv buffer print_pattern ptuple
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
| PList p ->
print_list_pattern buffer p
| PVar v ->
print_pvar buffer v
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| PInt i -> print_int buffer i
| PNat i -> print_nat buffer i
| PBytes b -> print_bytes buffer b
| PString s -> print_string buffer s
| PWild wild -> print_token buffer wild "_"
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| PPar {value={lpar;inside=p;rpar}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_token buffer lpar "(";
print_pattern buffer p;
print_token buffer rpar ")"
| PConstr p ->
print_constr_pattern buffer p
| PRecord r ->
print_record_pattern buffer r
| PTyped t ->
print_typed_pattern buffer t
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| PUnit p -> print_unit buffer p
| PFalse kwd_false -> print_token buffer kwd_false "false"
| PTrue kwd_true -> print_token buffer kwd_true "true"
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_list_pattern buffer = function
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
PListComp p -> print_injection buffer print_pattern p
| PCons p -> print_raw buffer p
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_raw buffer {value=p1,c,p2; _} =
print_pattern buffer p1;
print_token buffer c "::";
print_pattern buffer p2
and print_typed_pattern buffer {value; _} =
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let {pattern; colon; type_expr} = value in
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_pattern buffer pattern;
print_token buffer colon ":";
print_type_expr buffer type_expr
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_record_pattern buffer record_pattern =
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
print_ne_injection buffer print_field_pattern record_pattern
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_field_pattern buffer {value; _} =
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let {field_name; eq; pattern} = value in
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_var buffer field_name;
print_token buffer eq "=";
print_pattern buffer pattern
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
and print_constr_pattern buffer = function
PNone p -> print_none_pattern buffer p
| PSomeApp p -> print_some_app_pattern buffer p
| PConstrApp p -> print_constr_app_pattern buffer p
and print_none_pattern buffer value =
print_token buffer value "None"
and print_some_app_pattern buffer {value; _} =
let c_Some, argument = value in
print_token buffer c_Some "Some";
print_pattern buffer argument
and print_constr_app_pattern buffer node =
let {value=constr, p_opt; _} = node in
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_uident buffer constr;
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
match p_opt with
None -> ()
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
| Some pattern -> print_pattern buffer pattern
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_expr buffer = function
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
ELetIn let_in -> print_let_in buffer let_in
| ECond cond -> print_conditional buffer cond
| ETuple tuple -> print_csv buffer print_expr tuple
| ECase case -> print_match_expr buffer case
| EFun e -> print_fun_expr buffer e
| EAnnot e -> print_annot_expr buffer e
| ELogic e -> print_logic_expr buffer e
| EArith e -> print_arith_expr buffer e
| EString e -> print_string_expr buffer e
| ECall e -> print_fun_call buffer e
| EVar v -> print_var buffer v
| EProj p -> print_projection buffer p
| EUnit e -> print_unit buffer e
| EBytes b -> print_bytes buffer b
| EPar e -> print_expr_par buffer e
| EList e -> print_list_expr buffer e
| ESeq seq -> print_sequence buffer seq
| ERecord e -> print_record_expr buffer e
| EConstr e -> print_constr_expr buffer e
and print_constr_expr buffer = function
ENone e -> print_none_expr buffer e
| ESomeApp e -> print_some_app_expr buffer e
| EConstrApp e -> print_constr_app_expr buffer e
and print_none_expr buffer value = print_token buffer value "None"
and print_some_app_expr buffer {value; _} =
let c_Some, argument = value in
print_token buffer c_Some "Some";
print_expr buffer argument
and print_constr_app_expr buffer {value; _} =
let constr, argument = value in
print_constr buffer constr;
match argument with
None -> ()
| Some arg -> print_expr buffer arg
and print_expr_par buffer {value; _} =
let {lpar;inside=e;rpar} = value in
print_token buffer lpar "(";
print_expr buffer e;
print_token buffer rpar ")"
and print_unit buffer {value=lpar,rpar; _} =
print_token buffer lpar "(";
print_token buffer rpar ")"
and print_fun_call buffer {value=f,l; _} =
print_expr buffer f;
Utils.nseq_iter (print_expr buffer) l
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_annot_expr buffer {value=e,t; _} =
print_expr buffer e;
print_token buffer Region.ghost ":";
print_type_expr buffer t
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_list_expr buffer = function
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
ECons {value={arg1;op;arg2}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_expr buffer arg1;
print_token buffer op "::";
print_expr buffer arg2
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| EListComp e ->
if e.value.elements = None
then print_token buffer e.region "[]"
else print_injection buffer print_expr e
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
| Append {value=e1,append,e2; _} ->
print_expr buffer e1;
print_token buffer append "@";
print_expr buffer e2
and print_arith_expr buffer = function
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Add {value={arg1;op;arg2}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_expr buffer arg1;
print_token buffer op "+";
print_expr buffer arg2
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| Sub {value={arg1;op;arg2}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_expr buffer arg1;
print_token buffer op "-";
print_expr buffer arg2
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| Mult {value={arg1;op;arg2}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_expr buffer arg1;
print_token buffer op "*";
print_expr buffer arg2
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| Div {value={arg1;op;arg2}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_expr buffer arg1;
print_token buffer op "/";
print_expr buffer arg2
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| Mod {value={arg1;op;arg2}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_expr buffer arg1;
print_token buffer op "mod";
print_expr buffer arg2
| Neg {value={op;arg}; _} ->
print_token buffer op "-";
print_expr buffer arg
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| Int {region; value=lex,z} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let line = sprintf "Int %s (%s)" lex (Z.to_string z)
in print_token buffer region line
2019-10-27 11:50:24 -05:00
| Mutez {region; value=lex,z} ->
let line = sprintf "Mutez %s (%s)" lex (Z.to_string z)
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
in print_token buffer region line
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| Nat {region; value=lex,z} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let line = sprintf "Nat %s (%s)" lex (Z.to_string z)
in print_token buffer region line
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_string_expr buffer = function
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Cat {value={arg1;op;arg2}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_expr buffer arg1;
print_token buffer op "^";
print_expr buffer arg2
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| StrLit s ->
print_string buffer s
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_logic_expr buffer = function
BoolExpr e -> print_bool_expr buffer e
| CompExpr e -> print_comp_expr buffer e
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_bool_expr buffer = function
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Or {value={arg1;op;arg2}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_expr buffer arg1;
print_token buffer op "||";
print_expr buffer arg2
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| And {value={arg1;op;arg2}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_expr buffer arg1;
print_token buffer op "&&";
print_expr buffer arg2
| Not {value={op;arg}; _} ->
print_token buffer op "not";
print_expr buffer arg
| True kwd_true ->
print_token buffer kwd_true "true"
| False kwd_false ->
print_token buffer kwd_false "false"
and print_comp_expr buffer = function
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Lt {value={arg1;op;arg2}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_expr buffer arg1;
print_token buffer op "<";
print_expr buffer arg2
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| Leq {value={arg1;op;arg2}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_expr buffer arg1;
print_token buffer op "<=";
print_expr buffer arg2
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| Gt {value={arg1;op;arg2}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_expr buffer arg1;
print_token buffer op ">";
print_expr buffer arg2
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| Geq {value={arg1;op;arg2}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_expr buffer arg1;
print_token buffer op ">=";
print_expr buffer arg2
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| Neq {value={arg1;op;arg2}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_expr buffer arg1;
print_token buffer op "<>";
print_expr buffer arg2
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
| Equal {value={arg1;op;arg2}; _} ->
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_expr buffer arg1;
print_token buffer op "=";
print_expr buffer arg2
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_record_expr buffer e =
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
print_ne_injection buffer print_field_assign e
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_field_assign buffer {value; _} =
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let {field_name; assignment; field_expr} = value in
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_var buffer field_name;
print_token buffer assignment "=";
print_expr buffer field_expr
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_sequence buffer seq =
print_injection buffer print_expr seq
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
and print_match_expr buffer {value; _} =
let {kwd_match; expr; kwd_with; lead_vbar; cases} = value in
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_token buffer kwd_match "match";
print_expr buffer expr;
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
print_token buffer kwd_with "with";
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_token_opt buffer lead_vbar "|";
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
print_cases buffer cases
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_token_opt buffer = function
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
None -> fun _ -> ()
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
| Some region -> print_token buffer region
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_cases buffer {value; _} =
print_nsepseq buffer "|" print_case_clause value
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_case_clause buffer {value; _} =
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
let {pattern; arrow; rhs} = value in
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_pattern buffer pattern;
print_token buffer arrow "->";
print_expr buffer rhs
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
and print_let_in buffer {value; _} =
let {kwd_let; binding; kwd_in; body} = value in
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
print_token buffer kwd_let "let";
print_let_binding buffer binding;
print_token buffer kwd_in "in";
print_expr buffer body
2019-09-27 13:33:25 +00:00
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
and print_fun_expr buffer {value; _} =
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let {kwd_fun; binders; lhs_type; arrow; body} = value in
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let () = print_token buffer kwd_fun "fun" in
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let () = Utils.nseq_iter (print_pattern buffer) binders in
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let () =
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
match lhs_type with
None -> ()
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
| Some (colon, type_expr) ->
print_token buffer colon ":";
print_type_expr buffer type_expr in
let () =
print_token buffer arrow "->"
in print_expr buffer body
and print_conditional buffer {value; _} =
let {kwd_if; test; kwd_then;
ifso; kwd_else; ifnot} = value in
print_token buffer ghost "(";
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
print_token buffer kwd_if "if";
print_expr buffer test;
print_token buffer kwd_then "then";
print_expr buffer ifso;
print_token buffer kwd_else "else";
print_expr buffer ifnot;
print_token buffer ghost ")"
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
(* Conversion to string *)
let to_string printer node =
let buffer = Buffer.create 131 in
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
printer buffer node;
Buffer.contents buffer
2019-10-09 16:07:13 +02:00
let tokens_to_string = to_string print_tokens
let pattern_to_string = to_string print_pattern
let expr_to_string = to_string print_expr
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
(* Pretty-printing the AST *)
let mk_pad len rank pc =
pc ^ (if rank = len-1 then "`-- " else "|-- "),
pc ^ (if rank = len-1 then " " else "| ")
let pp_ident buffer ~pad:(pd,_) Region.{value=name; region} =
let node = sprintf "%s%s (%s)\n" pd name (region#compact `Byte)
in Buffer.add_string buffer node
let pp_node buffer ~pad:(pd,_) name =
let node = sprintf "%s%s\n" pd name
in Buffer.add_string buffer node
let pp_string buffer = pp_ident buffer
let pp_loc_node buffer ~pad name region =
pp_ident buffer ~pad Region.{value=name; region}
let rec pp_ast buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) {decl; _} =
let apply len rank =
let pad = mk_pad len rank pc in
pp_declaration buffer ~pad in
let decls = Utils.nseq_to_list decl in
pp_node buffer ~pad "<ast>";
List.iteri (List.length decls |> apply) decls
and pp_declaration buffer ~pad = function
Let {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "Let" region;
pp_let_binding buffer ~pad (snd value)
| TypeDecl {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "TypeDecl" region;
pp_type_decl buffer ~pad value
and pp_let_binding buffer ~pad:(_,pc) node =
let {binders; lhs_type; let_rhs; _} = node in
let fields = if lhs_type = None then 2 else 3 in
let () =
let pad = mk_pad fields 0 pc in
pp_node buffer ~pad "<binders>";
pp_binders buffer ~pad binders in
let () =
match lhs_type with
None -> ()
| Some (_, type_expr) ->
let _, pc as pad = mk_pad fields 1 pc in
pp_node buffer ~pad "<lhs type>";
pp_type_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) type_expr in
let () =
let _, pc as pad = mk_pad fields (fields - 1) pc in
pp_node buffer ~pad "<rhs>";
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) let_rhs
in ()
and pp_type_decl buffer ~pad:(_,pc) decl =
pp_ident buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 0 pc) decl.name;
pp_type_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 1 pc) decl.type_expr
and pp_binders buffer ~pad:(_,pc) patterns =
let patterns = Utils.nseq_to_list patterns in
let arity = List.length patterns in
let apply len rank =
pp_pattern buffer ~pad:(mk_pad len rank pc)
in List.iteri (apply arity) patterns
and pp_pattern buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) = function
PConstr p ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "PConstr";
pp_constr_pattern buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) p
| PVar v ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "PVar";
pp_ident buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) v
| PWild region ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "PWild" region
| PInt i ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "PInt";
pp_int buffer ~pad i
| PNat n ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "PNat";
pp_int buffer ~pad n
| PBytes b ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "PBytes";
pp_bytes buffer ~pad b
| PString s ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "PString";
pp_string buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) s
| PUnit {region; _} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "PUnit" region
| PFalse region ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "PFalse" region
| PTrue region ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "PTrue" region
| PList plist ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "PList";
pp_list_pattern buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) plist
| PTuple t ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "PTuple" t.region;
pp_tuple_pattern buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) t.value
| PPar {value; _} ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "PPar";
pp_pattern buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) value.inside
| PRecord {value; _} ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "PRecord";
pp_ne_injection pp_field_pattern buffer ~pad value
| PTyped {value; _} ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "PTyped";
pp_typed_pattern buffer ~pad value
and pp_field_pattern buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) {value; _} =
pp_node buffer ~pad value.field_name.value;
pp_pattern buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) value.pattern
and pp_typed_pattern buffer ~pad:(_,pc) node =
pp_pattern buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 0 pc) node.pattern;
pp_type_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 1 pc) node.type_expr
and pp_tuple_pattern buffer ~pad:(_,pc) tuple =
let patterns = Utils.nsepseq_to_list tuple in
let length = List.length patterns in
let apply len rank =
pp_pattern buffer ~pad:(mk_pad len rank pc)
in List.iteri (apply length) patterns
and pp_list_pattern buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) = function
PCons {value; region} ->
let pat1, _, pat2 = value in
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "PCons" region;
pp_pattern buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 0 pc) pat1;
pp_pattern buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 1 pc) pat2
| PListComp {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "PListComp" region;
if value.elements = None
then pp_node buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) "<nil>"
else pp_injection pp_pattern buffer ~pad value
and pp_injection :
'a.(Buffer.t -> pad:(string*string) -> 'a -> unit)
-> Buffer.t -> pad:(string*string) -> 'a injection -> unit =
fun printer buffer ~pad:(_,pc) inj ->
let elements = Utils.sepseq_to_list inj.elements in
let length = List.length elements in
let apply len rank = printer buffer ~pad:(mk_pad len rank pc)
in List.iteri (apply length) elements
and pp_ne_injection :
'a.(Buffer.t -> pad:(string*string) -> 'a -> unit)
-> Buffer.t -> pad:(string*string) -> 'a ne_injection -> unit =
fun printer buffer ~pad:(_,pc) inj ->
let ne_elements = Utils.nsepseq_to_list inj.ne_elements in
let length = List.length ne_elements in
let apply len rank = printer buffer ~pad:(mk_pad len rank pc)
in List.iteri (apply length) ne_elements
and pp_bytes buffer ~pad:(_,pc) {value=lexeme,hex; region} =
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 0 pc) lexeme region;
pp_node buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 1 pc) (Hex.to_string hex)
and pp_int buffer ~pad:(_,pc) {value=lexeme,z; region} =
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 0 pc) lexeme region;
pp_node buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 1 pc) (Z.to_string z)
and pp_constr_pattern buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) = function
PNone region ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "PNone" region
| PSomeApp {value=_,param; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "PSomeApp" region;
pp_pattern buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) param
| PConstrApp {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "PConstrApp" region;
pp_constr_app_pattern buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) value
and pp_constr_app_pattern buffer ~pad (constr, pat_opt) =
pp_ident buffer ~pad constr;
match pat_opt with
None -> ()
| Some pat -> pp_pattern buffer ~pad pat
and pp_expr buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) = function
ECase {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "ECase" region;
pp_case pp_expr buffer ~pad value
| ECond {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "ECond" region;
pp_cond_expr buffer ~pad value
| EAnnot {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "EAnnot" region;
pp_annotated buffer ~pad value
| ELogic e_logic ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "ELogic";
pp_e_logic buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) e_logic
| EArith e_arith ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "EArith";
pp_arith_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) e_arith
| EString e_string ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "EString";
pp_string_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) e_string
| EList e_list ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "EList";
pp_list_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) e_list
| EConstr e_constr ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "EConstr";
pp_constr_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) e_constr
| ERecord {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "ERecord" region;
pp_ne_injection pp_field_assign buffer ~pad value
| EProj {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "EProj" region;
pp_projection buffer ~pad value
| EVar v ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "EVar";
pp_ident buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) v
| ECall {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "ECall" region;
pp_fun_call buffer ~pad value
| EBytes b ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "EBytes";
pp_bytes buffer ~pad b
| EUnit u ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "EUnit" u.region
| ETuple e_tuple ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "ETuple";
pp_tuple_expr buffer ~pad e_tuple
| EPar {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "EPar" region;
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) value.inside
| ELetIn {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "ELetIn" region;
pp_let_in buffer ~pad value
| EFun {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "EFun" region;
pp_fun_expr buffer ~pad value
| ESeq {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "ESeq" region;
pp_injection pp_expr buffer ~pad value
and pp_fun_expr buffer ~pad:(_,pc) node =
let {binders; lhs_type; body; _} = node in
let fields = if lhs_type = None then 2 else 3 in
let () =
let pad = mk_pad fields 0 pc in
pp_node buffer ~pad "<parameters>";
pp_binders buffer ~pad binders in
let () =
match lhs_type with
None -> ()
| Some (_, type_expr) ->
let _, pc as pad = mk_pad fields 1 pc in
pp_node buffer ~pad "<lhs type>";
pp_type_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) type_expr in
let () =
let pad = mk_pad fields (fields - 1) pc in
pp_node buffer ~pad "<body>";
2019-11-05 15:57:43 +01:00
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) body
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
in ()
and pp_let_in buffer ~pad:(_,pc) node =
let {binding; body; _} = node in
let {binders; lhs_type; let_rhs; _} = binding in
let fields = if lhs_type = None then 3 else 4 in
let () =
let pad = mk_pad fields 0 pc in
pp_node buffer ~pad "<binders>";
pp_binders buffer ~pad binders in
let () =
match lhs_type with
None -> ()
| Some (_, type_expr) ->
let _, pc as pad = mk_pad fields 1 pc in
pp_node buffer ~pad "<lhs type>";
pp_type_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) type_expr in
let () =
2019-11-05 15:57:43 +01:00
let _, pc as pad = mk_pad fields (fields - 2) pc in
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
pp_node buffer ~pad "<rhs>";
2019-11-05 15:57:43 +01:00
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) let_rhs in
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
let () =
2019-11-05 15:57:43 +01:00
let _, pc as pad = mk_pad fields (fields - 1) pc in
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
pp_node buffer ~pad "<body>";
2019-11-05 15:57:43 +01:00
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) body
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
in ()
and pp_tuple_expr buffer ~pad:(_,pc) {value; _} =
let exprs = Utils.nsepseq_to_list value in
let length = List.length exprs in
let apply len rank =
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad len rank pc)
in List.iteri (apply length) exprs
and pp_fun_call buffer ~pad:(_,pc) (fun_expr, args) =
let args = Utils.nseq_to_list args in
let arity = List.length args in
let apply len rank =
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad len rank pc)
in pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad (1+arity) 0 pc) fun_expr;
List.iteri (apply arity) args
and pp_projection buffer ~pad:(_,pc) proj =
let selections = Utils.nsepseq_to_list proj.field_path in
let len = List.length selections in
let apply len rank =
pp_selection buffer ~pad:(mk_pad len rank pc) in
pp_ident buffer ~pad:(mk_pad (1+len) 0 pc) proj.struct_name;
List.iteri (apply len) selections
and pp_selection buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) = function
FieldName fn ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "FieldName";
pp_ident buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) fn
| Component c ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "Component";
pp_int buffer ~pad c
and pp_field_assign buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) {value; _} =
pp_node buffer ~pad "<field assignment>";
pp_ident buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 0 pc) value.field_name;
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 1 pc) value.field_expr
and pp_constr_expr buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) = function
ENone region ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "ENone" region
| ESomeApp {value=_,arg; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "ESomeApp" region;
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) arg
| EConstrApp {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "EConstrApp" region;
pp_constr_app_expr buffer ~pad value
and pp_constr_app_expr buffer ~pad:(_,pc) (constr, expr_opt) =
match expr_opt with
None -> pp_ident buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) constr
| Some expr ->
pp_ident buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 0 pc) constr;
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 1 pc) expr
and pp_list_expr buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) = function
ECons {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "Cons" region;
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 0 pc) value.arg1;
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 1 pc) value.arg2
| EListComp {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "List" region;
if value.elements = None
then pp_node buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) "<nil>"
else pp_injection pp_expr buffer ~pad value
and pp_string_expr buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) = function
Cat {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "Cat" region;
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 0 pc) value.arg1;
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 1 pc) value.arg2;
| StrLit s ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "StrLit";
pp_string buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) s
and pp_arith_expr buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) = function
Add {value; region} ->
pp_bin_op "Add" region buffer ~pad value
| Sub {value; region} ->
pp_bin_op "Sub" region buffer ~pad value
| Mult {value; region} ->
pp_bin_op "Mult" region buffer ~pad value
| Div {value; region} ->
pp_bin_op "Div" region buffer ~pad value
| Mod {value; region} ->
pp_bin_op "Mod" region buffer ~pad value
| Neg {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "Neg" region;
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) value.arg;
| Int i ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "Int";
pp_int buffer ~pad i
| Nat n ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "Nat";
pp_int buffer ~pad n
| Mutez m ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "Mutez";
pp_int buffer ~pad m
2019-11-06 17:23:49 +01:00
and pp_e_logic buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) = function
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
BoolExpr e ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "BoolExpr";
2019-11-06 17:23:49 +01:00
pp_bool_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) e
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| CompExpr e ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "CompExpr";
2019-11-06 17:23:49 +01:00
pp_comp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) e
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
and pp_bool_expr buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) = function
Or {value; region} ->
pp_bin_op "Or" region buffer ~pad value
| And {value; region} ->
pp_bin_op "And" region buffer ~pad value
| Not {value; _} ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "Not";
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) value.arg
| False region ->
2019-11-06 17:23:49 +01:00
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "False" region
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
| True region ->
2019-11-06 17:23:49 +01:00
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "True" region
Refactoring of Ligodity (CameLIGO) and making an AST pretty-printer
- AST.ml/AST.mli:
- The AST now distinguishes the constructors `None` and `Some` as being
predefined, as in PascaLIGO. See type `AST.constr_pattern`.
- I removed the nodes specific to Liquidity,
e.g. `let%entry`, and, in particular, the natural literals
ending with `p`. Now it should be `n`, as in `10n`.
- I renamed the node `TAlias` to `TVar`.
- I have applied the rule of expanding type expressions after `of` when
those were not records.
- The type of the argument to a data constructor is now
`type_expr`, instead of `cartesian`.
- I added the patterns for bytes (`PBytes`) and natural literals (`PNat`).
- I renamed the node `Sugar` into
`PListComp` (meaning "pattern of list comprehension").
- Record types in CameLIGO now must have at least one field declaration.
- Replaced the type `closing` and `opening` with one type `compound`,
which captures only the right combinations of opening and closing.
- Components of tuples in a selection must not be written
between parentheses. For example, `a.b.(1).(0)` is now
`a.b.1.0`, as in PascaLIGO.
- LexToken.mli/LexToken.mll
- I renamed the string literal `Str` into `String`.
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml)
- Fixed the function `mk_sym` so it does not fail with `failwith`, but
with `Error Invalid_symbol`.
- Lexer.mll (shared)
- I removed the character `%` from the identifiers (used to
support Liquidity, like `entry%point` and `match%nat`).
- I adde to the hint on broken strings: "or insert a backslash"
(from a Gitlab issue).
- ParToken.mly
- I added the tokens `C_None` and `C_Some` (to distinguish the
constructors `None` and `Some`. See AST.ml and LexToken.mll)
- Parser.mly
- Fixed the order of declarations in the AST (it was reversed).
- I removed syntax support for Liquidity.
- I added user-defined constructor applications to irrefutable
patterns (the ones afer a `let`), even though only the type
checker can decide that they are truly irrefutable because they
are the only constructors of their types.
- I added natural numbers and bytes to patterns.
- Access of tuple components do not require parentheses now, like
- I refactored the semantic actions.
- I added the empty sequence `begin end`.
- ParserLog.ml/ParserLog.mli
- I added a pretty-printer for the AST (with source locations).
- ParserMain.ml
- The CLI for the pretty-printer is now `--verbose=ast`.
- The old CLI `--verbose=ast` is now `--verbose=ast-tokens`.
- ligodity.ml (simplifier)
- I removed the constructions of sets, lists and maps with
`Set [...]`, `List [...]` and `Map [...]`, as there are already
better ways (that is, more like the OCaml's way), like
`Set.literal [...]` and `Map.literal [...]`. (The case for lists
was entirely redundant with the rest of the language as it is.)
- Everywhere there is now a non-empty list of elements, I made a
change. In particular, I removed a corner case ("let without
binding"), thanks to more precise OCaml types for non-empty
- I ported all the changes to the AST above.
- region.ml (vendors)
- I changed the method `compact` so the end-line is not repeated
if it is the same as the start line: this is even more compact. I
use this in the new pretty-printer for the AST (see above)
- I updated all the CameLIGO contracts.
2019-11-04 23:51:47 +01:00
and pp_comp_expr buffer ~pad = function
Lt {value; region} ->
pp_bin_op "Lt" region buffer ~pad value
| Leq {value; region} ->
pp_bin_op "Leq" region buffer ~pad value
| Gt {value; region} ->
pp_bin_op "Gt" region buffer ~pad value
| Geq {value; region} ->
pp_bin_op "Geq" region buffer ~pad value
| Equal {value; region} ->
pp_bin_op "Equal" region buffer ~pad value
| Neq {value; region} ->
pp_bin_op "Neq" region buffer ~pad value
and pp_bin_op node region buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) op =
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad node region;
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 0 pc) op.arg1;
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 1 pc) op.arg2
and pp_annotated buffer ~pad:(_,pc) (expr, t_expr) =
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 0 pc) expr;
pp_type_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 1 pc) t_expr
and pp_cond_expr buffer ~pad:(_,pc) (cond: cond_expr) =
let () =
let _, pc as pad = mk_pad 3 0 pc in
pp_node buffer ~pad "<condition>";
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) cond.test in
let () =
let _, pc as pad = mk_pad 3 1 pc in
pp_node buffer ~pad "<true>";
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) cond.ifso in
let () =
let _, pc as pad = mk_pad 3 2 pc in
pp_node buffer ~pad "<false>";
pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) cond.ifnot
in ()
and pp_case :
'a.(Buffer.t -> pad:(string*string) -> 'a -> unit)
-> Buffer.t -> pad:(string*string) -> 'a case -> unit =
fun printer buffer ~pad:(_,pc) case ->
let clauses = Utils.nsepseq_to_list case.cases.value in
let clauses = List.map (fun {value; _} -> value) clauses in
let length = List.length clauses + 1 in
let apply len rank =
pp_case_clause printer buffer ~pad:(mk_pad len (rank+1) pc)
in pp_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad length 0 pc) case.expr;
List.iteri (apply length) clauses
and pp_case_clause :
'a.(Buffer.t -> pad:(string*string) -> 'a -> unit)
-> Buffer.t -> pad:(string*string) -> 'a case_clause -> unit =
fun printer buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) clause ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "<clause>";
pp_pattern buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 0 pc) clause.pattern;
printer buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 1 pc) clause.rhs
and pp_type_expr buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) = function
TProd {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "TProd" region;
pp_cartesian buffer ~pad value
| TSum {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "TSum" region;
let apply len rank variant =
let pad = mk_pad len rank pc in
pp_variant buffer ~pad variant.value in
let variants = Utils.nsepseq_to_list value in
List.iteri (List.length variants |> apply) variants
| TRecord {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "TRecord" region;
pp_ne_injection pp_field_decl buffer ~pad value
| TApp {value=name,tuple; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "TApp" region;
pp_ident buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) name;
pp_type_tuple buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 2 1 pc) tuple
| TFun {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "TFun" region;
let apply len rank =
let pad = mk_pad len rank pc in
pp_type_expr buffer ~pad in
let domain, _, range = value in
List.iteri (apply 2) [domain; range]
| TPar {value={inside;_}; region} ->
pp_loc_node buffer ~pad "TPar" region;
pp_type_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) inside
| TVar v ->
pp_node buffer ~pad "TVar";
pp_ident buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) v
and pp_type_tuple buffer ~pad:(_,pc) {value; _} =
let components = Utils.nsepseq_to_list value.inside in
let apply len rank =
pp_type_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad len rank pc)
in List.iteri (List.length components |> apply) components
and pp_field_decl buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) {value; _} =
pp_ident buffer ~pad value.field_name;
pp_type_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) value.field_type
and pp_cartesian buffer ~pad:(_,pc) t_exprs =
let t_exprs = Utils.nsepseq_to_list t_exprs in
let arity = List.length t_exprs in
let apply len rank =
pp_type_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad len rank pc)
in List.iteri (apply arity) t_exprs
and pp_variant buffer ~pad:(_,pc as pad) {constr; arg} =
pp_ident buffer ~pad constr;
match arg with
None -> ()
| Some (_,c) ->
pp_type_expr buffer ~pad:(mk_pad 1 0 pc) c
let pp_ast buffer = pp_ast buffer ~pad:("","")