227 lines
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227 lines
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![]() |
open Trace
open Simple_utils.Display
module Raw = Parser_pascaligo.AST
let stage = "abstracter"
type abs_error = [
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_constant_constr of Raw.pattern
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_predefined_type of Raw.constr
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_non_var_pattern of Raw.pattern
| `Concrete_pascaligo_only_constructors of Raw.pattern
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_pattern_type of Raw.pattern list
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_tuple_pattern of Raw.pattern
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_string_singleton of Raw.type_expr
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_some_pattern of Raw.pattern
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_list_pattern of (Raw.pattern, Raw.wild) Parser_shared.Utils.nsepseq Raw.reg
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_built_in of string
| `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong of Raw.type_expr * string
| `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong_arity of Location.t * string
| `Concrete_pascaligo_instruction_tracer of Raw.instruction * abs_error
| `Concrete_pascaligo_program_tracer of Raw.declaration list * abs_error
let unsupported_cst_constr p = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_constant_constr p
let unknown_predefined_type name = `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_predefined_type name
let unsupported_non_var_pattern p = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_non_var_pattern p
let only_constructors p = `Concrete_pascaligo_only_constructors p
let unsupported_pattern_type pl = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_pattern_type pl
let unsupported_tuple_pattern p = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_tuple_pattern p
let unsupported_string_singleton te = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_string_singleton te
let unsupported_deep_some_patterns p = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_some_pattern p
let unsupported_deep_list_patterns cons = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_list_pattern cons
let unknown_built_in name = `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_built_in name
let michelson_type_wrong texpr name = `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong (texpr,name)
let michelson_type_wrong_arity loc name = `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong_arity (loc,name)
let abstracting_instruction_tracer i err = `Concrete_pascaligo_instruction_tracer (i,err)
let program_tracer decl err = `Concrete_pascaligo_program_tracer (decl,err)
let rec error_ppformat : display_format:string display_format ->
Format.formatter -> abs_error -> unit =
fun ~display_format f a ->
match display_format with
| Human_readable | Dev -> (
match a with
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_predefined_type type_name ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Unknown predefined type \"%s\"@]"
Location.pp_lift type_name.Region.region
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_pattern_type pl ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Currently, only booleans, lists, options, and constructors are supported in patterns@]"
Location.pp_lift (List.fold_left (fun a p -> Region.cover a (Raw.pattern_to_region p)) Region.ghost pl)
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_tuple_pattern p ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@The following tuple pattern is not supported yet:@\"%s\"@]"
Location.pp_lift (Raw.pattern_to_region p)
(Parser_pascaligo.ParserLog.pattern_to_string ~offsets:true ~mode:`Point p)
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_constant_constr p ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Constant constructors are not supported yet@]"
Location.pp_lift (Raw.pattern_to_region p)
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_non_var_pattern p ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Non-variable patterns in constructors are not supported yet@]"
Location.pp_lift (Raw.pattern_to_region p)
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_string_singleton te ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Unsupported singleton string type@]"
Location.pp_lift (Raw.type_expr_to_region te)
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_some_pattern p ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Currently, only variables in Some constructors are supported@]"
Location.pp_lift (Raw.pattern_to_region p)
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_list_pattern cons ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Currently, only empty lists and x::y are supported in list patterns@]"
Location.pp_lift @@ cons.Region.region
| `Concrete_pascaligo_only_constructors p ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Currently, only constructors are supported in patterns@]"
Location.pp_lift (Raw.pattern_to_region p)
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_built_in bi ->
Format.fprintf f "Unknown built-in function %s" bi
| `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong (texpr,name) ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Argument %s of %s must be a string singleton@]"
Location.pp_lift (Raw.type_expr_to_region texpr)
(Parser_pascaligo.ParserLog.type_expr_to_string ~offsets:true ~mode:`Point texpr)
| `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong_arity (loc,name) ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@%s does not have the right number of argument@]"
Location.pp loc
| `Concrete_pascaligo_instruction_tracer (inst,err) ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Abstracting instruction:@\"%s\"@%a@]"
Location.pp_lift (Raw.instr_to_region inst)
(Parser_pascaligo.ParserLog.instruction_to_string ~offsets:true ~mode:`Point inst)
(error_ppformat ~display_format) err
| `Concrete_pascaligo_program_tracer (decl,err) ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Abstracting program@%a@]"
Location.pp_lift (List.fold_left (fun a d -> Region.cover a (Raw.declaration_to_region d)) Region.ghost decl)
(error_ppformat ~display_format) err
let rec error_jsonformat : abs_error -> J.t = fun a ->
let json_error ~stage ~content =
`Assoc [
("status", `String "error") ;
("stage", `String stage) ;
("content", content )]
match a with
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_predefined_type type_name ->
let message = `String "Unknown predefined type" in
let t = `String type_name.Region.value in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift type_name.Region.region in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message );
("location", `String loc);
("type", t ) ] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_pattern_type pl ->
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a"
Location.pp_lift (List.fold_left (fun a p -> Region.cover a (Raw.pattern_to_region p)) Region.ghost pl) in
let message = `String "Currently, only booleans, lists, options, and constructors are supported in patterns" in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message );
("location", `String loc);] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_tuple_pattern p ->
let message = `String "The following tuple pattern is not supported yet" in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift (Raw.pattern_to_region p) in
let pattern = Parser_pascaligo.ParserLog.pattern_to_string ~offsets:true ~mode:`Point p in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message );
("location", `String loc);
("pattern", `String pattern); ] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_constant_constr p ->
let message = `String "Constant constructors are not supported yet" in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift (Raw.pattern_to_region p) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message );
("location", `String loc);] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_non_var_pattern p ->
let message = `String "Non-variable patterns in constructors are not supported yet" in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift (Raw.pattern_to_region p) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message );
("location", `String loc);] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_string_singleton te ->
let message = `String "Unsupported singleton string type" in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift (Raw.type_expr_to_region te) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message );
("location", `String loc);] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_some_pattern p ->
let message = `String "Currently, only variables in Some constructors are supported" in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift (Raw.pattern_to_region p) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message );
("location", `String loc);] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_list_pattern cons ->
let message = `String "Currently, only empty lists and x::y are supported in list patterns" in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ cons.Region.region in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message );
("location", `String loc);] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_only_constructors p ->
let message = `String "Currently, only constructors are supported in patterns" in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift (Raw.pattern_to_region p) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message );
("location", `String loc);] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_built_in bi ->
let message = Format.asprintf "Unknown built-in function %s" bi in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", `String message ); ] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong (texpr,name) ->
let message = Format.asprintf "Argument %s of %s must be a string singleton"
(Parser_pascaligo.ParserLog.type_expr_to_string ~offsets:true ~mode:`Point texpr) name in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift (Raw.type_expr_to_region texpr) in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", `String message );
("location", `String loc); ] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong_arity (loc,name) ->
let message = Format.asprintf "%s does not have the right number of argument" name in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", `String message );
("location", `String loc); ] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_instruction_tracer (inst,err) ->
let message = `String "Abstracting instruction" in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift (Raw.instr_to_region inst) in
let expr = Parser_pascaligo.ParserLog.instruction_to_string ~offsets:true ~mode:`Point inst in
let children = error_jsonformat err in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message );
("location", `String loc);
("instruction", `String expr);
("children", children) ] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_program_tracer (decl,err) ->
let message = `String "Abstracting program" in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a"
Location.pp_lift (List.fold_left (fun a d -> Region.cover a (Raw.declaration_to_region d)) Region.ghost decl) in
let children = error_jsonformat err in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message );
("location", `String loc);
("children", children) ] in
json_error ~stage ~content