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2018-04-04 10:01:47 +02:00
type buffer = (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
module Context : sig
type flag =
| Verify
| Sign
(** which parts of the context to initialize. *)
type t
(** Opaque data structure that holds context information
(precomputed tables etc.).
Do not create a new context object for each operation, as
construction is far slower than all other API calls (~100 times
slower than an ECDSA verification).
A constructed context can safely be used from multiple threads
simultaneously, but API call that take a non-const pointer to a
context need exclusive access to it. In particular this is the
case for secp256k1_context_destroy and
Regarding randomization, either do it once at creation time (in
which case you do not need any locking for the other calls), or
use a read-write lock. *)
val create : flag list -> t
(** Create a secp256k1 context object. *)
val clone : t -> t
(** Copies a secp256k1 context object. *)
val randomize : t -> buffer -> bool
(** While secp256k1 code is written to be constant-time no matter
what secret values are, it's possible that a future compiler may
output code which isn't, and also that the CPU may not emit the
same radio frequencies or draw the same amount power for all
This function provides a seed which is combined into the
blinding value: that blinding value is added before each
multiplication (and removed afterwards) so that it does not
affect function results, but shields against attacks which rely
on any input-dependent behaviour.
You should call this after secp256k1_context_create or
secp256k1_context_clone, and may call this repeatedly
afterwards. *)
module Key : sig
type secret
type public
type _ t = private
| Sk : buffer -> secret t
| Pk : buffer -> public t
val to_buffer : _ t -> buffer
val length : _ t -> int
val equal : 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
val copy : 'a t -> 'a t
(** {2 Aritmetic operations } *)
val negate : Context.t -> 'a t -> 'a t
val add_tweak : Context.t -> 'a t -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> 'a t
val mul_tweak : Context.t -> 'a t -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> 'a t
val neuterize : Context.t -> _ t -> public t option
val neuterize_exn : Context.t -> _ t -> public t
val combine : Context.t -> _ t list -> public t option
val combine_exn : Context.t -> _ t list -> public t
(** {2 Input/Output} *)
val read_sk : Context.t -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> (secret t, string) result
val read_sk_exn : Context.t -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> secret t
val read_pk : Context.t -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> (public t, string) result
val read_pk_exn : Context.t -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> public t
val write : ?compress:bool -> Context.t -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> _ t -> int
val to_bytes : ?compress:bool -> Context.t -> _ t -> buffer
module Sign : sig
(** {2 Message} *)
type msg
val msg_of_bytes : ?pos:int -> buffer -> msg option
val msg_of_bytes_exn : ?pos:int -> buffer -> msg
val write_msg_exn : ?pos:int -> buffer -> msg -> int
val write_msg : ?pos:int -> buffer -> msg -> (int, string) result
val msg_to_bytes : msg -> buffer
(** {2 Signature} *)
type plain
type recoverable
type _ t = private
| P : buffer -> plain t
| R : buffer -> recoverable t
val equal : 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
val to_plain : Context.t -> recoverable t -> plain t
(** {3 Input/Output} *)
val read : Context.t -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> (plain t, string) result
val read_exn : Context.t -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> plain t
val read_der : Context.t -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> (plain t, string) result
val read_der_exn : Context.t -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> plain t
val read_recoverable : Context.t -> recid:int -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> (recoverable t, string) result
val read_recoverable_exn : Context.t -> recid:int -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> recoverable t
val write_exn : ?der:bool -> Context.t -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> _ t -> int
val write : ?der:bool -> Context.t -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> _ t -> (int, string) result
val to_bytes : ?der:bool -> Context.t -> _ t -> buffer
val to_bytes_recid : Context.t -> recoverable t -> buffer * int
(** {3 Sign} *)
(** {4 Creation} *)
val sign : Context.t -> sk:Key.secret Key.t -> msg:msg -> (plain t, string) result
val sign_exn : Context.t -> sk:Key.secret Key.t -> msg:msg -> plain t
val sign_recoverable : Context.t -> sk:Key.secret Key.t -> msg -> (recoverable t, string) result
val sign_recoverable_exn : Context.t -> sk:Key.secret Key.t -> msg -> recoverable t
(** {4 Direct write in buffers} *)
val write_sign : Context.t -> sk:Key.secret Key.t -> msg:msg -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> (int, string) result
val write_sign_exn : Context.t -> sk:Key.secret Key.t -> msg:msg -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> int
val write_sign_recoverable : Context.t -> sk:Key.secret Key.t -> msg:msg -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> (int, string) result
val write_sign_recoverable_exn : Context.t -> sk:Key.secret Key.t -> msg:msg -> ?pos:int -> buffer -> int
(** {4 Verification} *)
val verify_exn : Context.t -> pk:Key.public Key.t -> msg:msg -> signature:_ t -> bool
val verify : Context.t -> pk:Key.public Key.t -> msg:msg -> signature:_ t -> (bool, string) result
(** {4 Recovery} *)
val recover_exn : Context.t -> signature:recoverable t -> msg:msg -> Key.public Key.t
val recover : Context.t -> signature:recoverable t -> msg:msg -> (Key.public Key.t, string) result