2019-12-04 11:40:58 +00:00
type 'a t = {
2019-11-25 17:15:25 -06:00
name : string ;
counter : int option ;
let pp ppf v =
match v.counter with
| None -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" v.name
| Some i -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s#%d" v.name i
module Int = X_int
module Option = X_option
let equal v1 v2 =
String.equal v1.name v2.name
&& Option.equal Int.equal v1.counter v2.counter
let compare v1 v2 =
let cname = String.compare v1.name v2.name in
if Int.equal cname 0
then Option.compare Int.compare v1.counter v2.counter
else cname
let global_counter = ref 0
let reset_counter () = global_counter := 0
let of_name name =
{ name = name ;
counter = None
2019-12-04 11:40:58 +00:00
(* This exception indicates that some code tried to throw away the
counter of a generated variable. It is not supposed to happen. *)
exception Tried_to_unfreshen_variable
(* TODO delete this *)
let to_name var =
match var.counter with
| None -> var.name
| Some _ -> raise Tried_to_unfreshen_variable
2019-11-25 17:15:25 -06:00
let fresh ?name () =
let name = Option.unopt ~default:"" name in
let counter = incr global_counter ; Some !global_counter in
{ name ; counter }
let fresh_like v =
fresh ~name:v.name ()
2020-06-17 23:15:17 +01:00
let debug v = match v.counter with Some c -> Printf.sprintf "%s(%d)" v.name c | None -> Printf.sprintf "%s(None)" v.name