2018-02-08 10:51:01 +01:00
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
2018-02-08 10:51:02 +01:00
let () =
~title:"Unix error"
~description:"An unhandled unix exception"
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "msg" string))
| Exn (Unix.Unix_error (err, fn, _)) ->
Some ("Unix error in " ^ fn ^ ": " ^ Unix.error_message err)
| _ -> None)
(fun msg -> Exn (Failure msg))
2018-02-08 10:51:01 +01:00
let read_bytes ?(pos = 0) ?len fd buf =
let len = match len with None -> Bytes.length buf - pos | Some l -> l in
let rec inner pos len =
if len = 0 then
Lwt_unix.read fd buf pos len >>= function
| 0 -> Lwt.fail End_of_file (* other endpoint cleanly closed its connection *)
| nb_read -> inner (pos + nb_read) (len - nb_read)
inner pos len
let read_mbytes ?(pos=0) ?len fd buf =
let len = match len with None -> MBytes.length buf - pos | Some l -> l in
let rec inner pos len =
if len = 0 then
Lwt_bytes.read fd buf pos len >>= function
| 0 -> Lwt.fail End_of_file (* other endpoint cleanly closed its connection *)
| nb_read -> inner (pos + nb_read) (len - nb_read)
inner pos len
let write_mbytes ?(pos=0) ?len descr buf =
let len = match len with None -> MBytes.length buf - pos | Some l -> l in
let rec inner pos len =
if len = 0 then
Lwt_bytes.write descr buf pos len >>= function
| 0 -> Lwt.fail End_of_file (* other endpoint cleanly closed its connection *)
| nb_written -> inner (pos + nb_written) (len - nb_written) in
inner pos len
let write_bytes ?(pos=0) ?len descr buf =
let len = match len with None -> Bytes.length buf - pos | Some l -> l in
let rec inner pos len =
if len = 0 then
Lwt_unix.write descr buf pos len >>= function
| 0 -> Lwt.fail End_of_file (* other endpoint cleanly closed its connection *)
| nb_written -> inner (pos + nb_written) (len - nb_written) in
inner pos len
let (>>=) = Lwt.bind
let remove_dir dir =
let rec remove dir =
let files = Lwt_unix.files_of_directory dir in
(fun file ->
if file = "." || file = ".." then
Lwt.return ()
else begin
let file = Filename.concat dir file in
if Sys.is_directory file
then remove file
else Lwt_unix.unlink file
files >>= fun () ->
Lwt_unix.rmdir dir in
if Sys.file_exists dir && Sys.is_directory dir then
remove dir
Lwt.return ()
let rec create_dir ?(perm = 0o755) dir =
Lwt_unix.file_exists dir >>= function
| false ->
create_dir (Filename.dirname dir) >>= fun () ->
Lwt_unix.mkdir dir perm
| true ->
Lwt_unix.stat dir >>= function
| { st_kind = S_DIR ; _ } -> Lwt.return_unit
| _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Not a directory"
let create_file ?(perm = 0o644) name content =
Lwt_unix.openfile name Unix.([O_TRUNC; O_CREAT; O_WRONLY]) perm >>= fun fd ->
Lwt_unix.write_string fd content 0 (String.length content) >>= fun _ ->
Lwt_unix.close fd
2018-02-08 10:51:02 +01:00
let read_file fn =
Lwt_io.with_file fn ~mode:Input begin fun ch ->
Lwt_io.read ch
2018-02-08 10:51:01 +01:00
let safe_close fd =
(fun () -> Lwt_unix.close fd)
(fun _ -> Lwt.return_unit)
let of_sockaddr = function
| Unix.ADDR_UNIX _ -> None
| Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) ->
match Ipaddr_unix.of_inet_addr addr with
| V4 addr -> Some (Ipaddr.v6_of_v4 addr, port)
| V6 addr -> Some (addr, port)
let getaddrinfo ~passive ~node ~service =
let open Lwt_unix in
getaddrinfo node service
(if passive then [AI_PASSIVE] else []) ) >>= fun addr ->
let points =
(fun { ai_addr ; _ } -> of_sockaddr ai_addr)
addr in
Lwt.return points
2018-02-08 10:51:01 +01:00
2018-02-06 19:16:01 +01:00
let getpass () =
let open Unix in
(* Turn echoing off and fail if we can't. *)
let tio = tcgetattr stdin in
let old_echo = tio.c_echo in
let old_echonl = tio.c_echonl in
tio.c_echo <- false ;
tio.c_echonl <- true ;
tcsetattr stdin TCSAFLUSH tio ;
(* Read the passwd. *)
let passwd = read_line () in
(* Restore terminal. *)
tio.c_echo <- old_echo ;
tio.c_echonl <- old_echonl ;
tcsetattr stdin TCSAFLUSH tio ;
2018-02-08 10:51:01 +01:00
module Json = struct
let to_root = function
| `O ctns -> `O ctns
| `A ctns -> `A ctns
| `Null -> `O []
| oth -> `A [ oth ]
let write_file file json =
let json = to_root json in
protect begin fun () ->
Lwt_io.with_file ~mode:Output file begin fun chan ->
let str = Data_encoding.Json.to_string ~minify:false json in
Lwt_io.write chan str >>= fun _ ->
return ()
let read_file file =
protect begin fun () ->
Lwt_io.with_file ~mode:Input file begin fun chan ->
Lwt_io.read chan >>= fun str ->
return (Ezjsonm.from_string str :> Data_encoding.json)
2018-02-08 10:51:01 +01:00
module Protocol = struct
let name = "TEZOS_PROTOCOL"
open Protocol
let (//) = Filename.concat
let to_file ~dir:dirname ?hash ?env_version modules =
let config_file =
{ hash ; expected_env_version = env_version ; modules } in
Json.write_file (dirname // name) config_file
let of_file ~dir:dirname =
Json.read_file (dirname // name) >>=? fun json ->
return (Data_encoding.Json.destruct Meta.encoding json)
let find_component dirname module_name =
let name_lowercase = String.uncapitalize_ascii module_name in
let implementation = dirname // name_lowercase ^ ".ml" in
let interface = implementation ^ "i" in
match Sys.file_exists implementation, Sys.file_exists interface with
| false, _ -> Pervasives.failwith @@ "Not such file: " ^ implementation
| true, false ->
2018-02-08 10:51:02 +01:00
read_file implementation >|= fun implementation ->
2018-02-08 10:51:01 +01:00
{ name = module_name; interface = None; implementation }
| _ ->
2018-02-08 10:51:02 +01:00
read_file interface >>= fun interface ->
read_file implementation >|= fun implementation ->
2018-02-08 10:51:01 +01:00
{ name = module_name; interface = Some interface; implementation }
let read_dir dir =
of_file ~dir >>=? fun meta ->
2018-02-08 10:51:02 +01:00
Lwt_list.map_p (find_component dir) meta.modules >>= fun components ->
2018-02-08 10:51:01 +01:00
let expected_env =
match meta.expected_env_version with
| None -> V1
| Some v -> v in
let protocol = { expected_env ; components } in
let hash =
match meta.hash with
| None -> hash protocol
| Some hash -> hash in
return (hash, protocol)
open Lwt.Infix
let create_files dir units =
remove_dir dir >>= fun () ->
create_dir dir >>= fun () ->
(fun { name ; interface ; implementation } ->
let name = String.lowercase_ascii name in
let ml = dir // (name ^ ".ml") in
let mli = dir // (name ^ ".mli") in
create_file ml implementation >>= fun () ->
match interface with
| None -> Lwt.return [ml]
| Some content ->
create_file mli content >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return [ mli ; ml ])
units >>= fun files ->
let files = List.concat files in
Lwt.return files
let write_dir dir ?hash (p: t) =
create_files dir p.components >>= fun _files ->
(List.map (fun { name ; _ } -> String.capitalize_ascii name) p.components)
2018-02-11 22:36:49 +01:00
let with_tempdir name f =
let base_dir = Filename.temp_file name "" in
Lwt_unix.unlink base_dir >>= fun () ->
Lwt_unix.mkdir base_dir 0o700 >>= fun () ->
Lwt.finalize (fun () -> f base_dir) (fun () -> remove_dir base_dir)
2018-05-26 11:16:51 +02:00
module Socket = struct
type addr =
| Unix of string
| Tcp of string * int
let get_addrs host =
try return (Array.to_list (Unix.gethostbyname host).h_addr_list)
with Not_found -> failwith "Host %s not found" host
let connect path =
match path with
| Unix path ->
let addr = Lwt_unix.ADDR_UNIX path in
let sock = Lwt_unix.socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0 in
Lwt_unix.connect sock addr >>= fun () ->
return sock
| Tcp (host, port) ->
get_addrs host >>=? fun addrs ->
let rec try_connect = function
| [] -> failwith "..."
| addr :: addrs ->
(fun () ->
let addr = Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) in
let sock = Lwt_unix.socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in
Lwt_unix.connect sock addr >>= fun () ->
return sock)
(fun _ -> try_connect addrs) in
try_connect addrs
let bind ?(backlog = 10) path =
match path with
| Unix path ->
let addr = Lwt_unix.ADDR_UNIX path in
let sock = Lwt_unix.socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0 in
Lwt_unix.bind sock addr >>= fun () ->
Lwt_unix.listen sock backlog ;
return sock
| Tcp (host, port) ->
get_addrs host >>=? fun addrs ->
let rec try_bind = function
| [] -> failwith "..."
| addr :: addrs ->
(fun () ->
let addr = Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) in
let sock = Lwt_unix.socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in
Lwt_unix.setsockopt sock SO_REUSEADDR true ;
Lwt_unix.bind sock addr >>= fun () ->
Lwt_unix.listen sock backlog ;
return sock)
(fun _ -> try_bind addrs) in
try_bind addrs
type error +=
| Encoding_error
| Decoding_error
let () =
register_error_kind `Permanent
~id: "signer.encoding_error"
~title: "Encoding_error"
~description: "Error while encoding a request to the remote signer"
~pp: (fun ppf () ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Could not encode a request to the remote signer")
(function Encoding_error -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Encoding_error) ;
register_error_kind `Permanent
~id: "signer.decoding_error"
~title: "Decoding_error"
~description: "Error while decoding a request to the remote signer"
~pp: (fun ppf () ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Could not decode a request to the remote signer")
(function Decoding_error -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Decoding_error)
let message_len_size = 2
let send fd encoding message =
let encoded_message_len = Data_encoding.Binary.length encoding message in
(encoded_message_len < 1 lsl (message_len_size * 8))
Encoding_error >>=? fun () ->
(* len is the length of int16 plus the length of the message we want to send *)
let len = message_len_size + encoded_message_len in
let buf = MBytes.create len in
match Data_encoding.Binary.write
encoding message buf message_len_size encoded_message_len with
| None ->
fail Encoding_error
| Some last ->
fail_unless (last = len) Encoding_error >>=? fun () ->
(* we set the beginning of the buf with the length of what is next *)
MBytes.set_int16 buf 0 encoded_message_len ;
write_mbytes fd buf >>= fun () ->
return ()
let recv fd encoding =
let header_buf = MBytes.create message_len_size in
read_mbytes ~len:message_len_size fd header_buf >>= fun () ->
let len = MBytes.get_uint16 header_buf 0 in
let buf = MBytes.create len in
read_mbytes ~len fd buf >>= fun () ->
match Data_encoding.Binary.read encoding buf 0 len with
| None ->
fail Decoding_error
| Some (read_len, message) ->
if read_len <> len then
fail Decoding_error
return message