2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Tezos_context
open Misc
val paying_priorities: context -> int32 list
val minimal_time:
context -> int32 -> Time.t tzresult Lwt.t
val pay_mining_bond:
context ->
Block.header ->
public_key_hash ->
context tzresult Lwt.t
val pay_endorsement_bond:
context -> public_key_hash -> (context * Tez.t) tzresult Lwt.t
(** [check_mining_rights] verifies that:
* the contract that owned the roll at cycle start has the block signer as delegate.
* the timestamp is coherent with the announced slot.
* the bond have been payed if the slot is below [Constants.first_free_mining_slot].
val check_mining_rights:
context -> Block.header -> public_key_hash tzresult Lwt.t
(** [check_signing_rights c slot contract] verifies that:
* the slot is valid;
* [contract] owned, at cycle start, the roll that has the right to sign
for the slot and the current level.
val check_signing_rights:
context -> int -> public_key_hash -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
(** If this priority should have payed the bond it is the base mining
reward and the bond, or just the base reward otherwise *)
val base_mining_reward: context -> priority:int32 -> Tez.t
val endorsement_reward: block_priority:int32 -> Tez.t tzresult Lwt.t
(** The contract owning rolls for the first mining priorities of a level. *)
val mining_priorities:
context -> Level.t -> public_key_hash lazy_list
val endorsement_priorities:
context -> Level.t -> public_key_hash lazy_list
val first_mining_priorities:
context ->
?max_priority:int32 ->
public_key_hash ->
Level.t ->
int32 list tzresult Lwt.t
val first_endorsement_slots:
context ->
?max_priority:int32 ->
public_key_hash ->
Level.t -> int32 list tzresult Lwt.t
val check_signature:
context -> Block.header -> public_key_hash -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
2016-11-17 05:08:19 +04:00
val check_hash: Block_hash.t -> int64 -> bool
2016-09-08 21:13:10 +04:00
val check_proof_of_work_stamp:
context -> Block.header -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
type error += Invalid_fitness_gap
val check_fitness_gap:
context -> Block.header -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val dawn_of_a_new_cycle: context -> Cycle.t option tzresult Lwt.t