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2019-05-12 20:56:22 +00:00
open Misc
open Tezos_utils.Error_monad
open Memory_proto_alpha
open Alpha_context
open Script_ir_translator
open Script_typed_ir
module Option = Simple_utils.Option
module Cast = Tezos_utils.Cast
type ('param, 'storage) toplevel = {
param_type : 'param ty ;
storage_type : 'storage ty ;
code : ('param * 'storage, packed_internal_operation list * 'storage) lambda
type ex_toplevel =
Ex_toplevel : ('a, 'b) toplevel -> ex_toplevel
let get_toplevel ?environment toplevel_path claimed_storage_type claimed_parameter_type =
let toplevel_str = Streams.read_file toplevel_path in
contextualize ?environment ~msg:"toplevel" @@ fun {tezos_context = context ; _ } ->
let toplevel_expr = Cast.tl_of_string toplevel_str in
let (param_ty_node, storage_ty_node, code_field) =
force_ok_alpha ~msg:"parsing toplevel" @@
parse_toplevel toplevel_expr in
let (Ex_ty param_type, _) =
force_ok_alpha ~msg:"parse arg ty" @@
Script_ir_translator.parse_ty context ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:false param_ty_node in
let (Ex_ty storage_type, _) =
force_ok_alpha ~msg:"parse storage ty" @@
parse_storage_ty context storage_ty_node in
let _ = force_ok_alpha ~msg:"storage eq" @@ Script_ir_translator.ty_eq context storage_type claimed_storage_type in
let _ = force_ok_alpha ~msg:"param eq" @@ Script_ir_translator.ty_eq context param_type claimed_parameter_type in
let param_type_full = Pair_t ((claimed_parameter_type, None, None),
(claimed_storage_type, None, None), None) in
let ret_type_full =
Pair_t ((List_t (Operation_t None, None), None, None),
(claimed_storage_type, None, None), None) in
parse_returning (Toplevel { storage_type = claimed_storage_type ; param_type = claimed_parameter_type })
context (param_type_full, None) ret_type_full code_field >>=?? fun (code, _) ->
Error_monad.return {
param_type = claimed_parameter_type;
storage_type = claimed_storage_type;
code ;
let make_toplevel code storage_type param_type =
{ param_type ; storage_type ; code }
module type ENVIRONMENT = sig
val identities : identity list
val tezos_context : t
type ex_typed_stack = Ex_typed_stack : ('a stack_ty * 'a Script_interpreter.stack) -> ex_typed_stack
open Error_monad
module Step (Env: ENVIRONMENT) = struct
open Env
type config = {
source : Contract.t option ;
payer : Contract.t option ;
self : Contract.t option ;
visitor : (Script_interpreter.ex_descr_stack -> unit) option ;
timestamp : Script_timestamp.t option ;
debug_visitor : (ex_typed_stack -> unit) option ;
amount : Tez.t option ;
let no_config = {
source = None ;
payer = None ;
self = None ;
visitor = None ;
debug_visitor = None ;
timestamp = None ;
amount = None ;
let of_param base param = match param with
| None -> base
| Some _ as x -> x
let make_config ?base_config ?source ?payer ?self ?visitor ?debug_visitor ?timestamp ?amount () =
let base_config = Option.unopt ~default:no_config base_config in {
source = Option.first_some source base_config.source ;
payer = Option.first_some payer base_config.payer ;
self = Option.first_some self base_config.self ;
visitor = Option.first_some visitor base_config.visitor ;
debug_visitor = Option.first_some debug_visitor base_config.debug_visitor ;
timestamp = Option.first_some timestamp base_config.timestamp ;
amount = Option.first_some amount base_config.amount ;
open Error_monad
let debug_visitor ?f () =
let open Script_interpreter in
let aux (Ex_descr_stack (descr, stack)) =
(match (descr.instr, descr.bef) with
| Nop, Item_t (String_t _, stack_ty, _) -> (
let (Item (s, stack)) = stack in
if s = "_debug"
then (
match f with
| None -> Format.printf "debug: %s\n%!" @@ Cast.stack_to_string stack_ty stack
| Some f -> f (Ex_typed_stack(stack_ty, stack))
) else ()
| _ -> ()) ;
() in
let step_lwt ?(config=no_config) (stack:'a Script_interpreter.stack) (code:('a, 'b) descr) =
let source = Option.unopt
~default:(List.nth identities 0).implicit_contract config.source in
let payer = Option.unopt
~default:(List.nth identities 1).implicit_contract config.payer in
let self = Option.unopt
~default:(List.nth identities 2).implicit_contract config.self in
let amount = Option.unopt ~default:( config.amount in
let visitor =
let default = debug_visitor ?f:config.debug_visitor () in
Option.unopt ~default config.visitor in
let tezos_context = match config.timestamp with
| None -> tezos_context
| Some s -> Alpha_context.Script_timestamp.set_now tezos_context s in
Script_interpreter.step tezos_context ~source ~payer ~self ~visitor amount code stack >>=?? fun (stack, _) ->
return stack
let step_1_2 ?config (a:'a) (descr:('a * end_of_stack, 'b * ('c * end_of_stack)) descr) =
let open Script_interpreter in
step_lwt ?config (Item(a, Empty)) descr >>=? fun (Item(b, Item(c, Empty))) ->
return (b, c)
let step_3_1 ?config (a:'a) (b:'b) (c:'c)
(descr:('a * ('b * ('c * end_of_stack)), 'd * end_of_stack) descr) =
let open Script_interpreter in
step_lwt ?config (Item(a, Item(b, Item(c, Empty)))) descr >>=? fun (Item(d, Empty)) ->
return d
let step_2_1 ?config (a:'a) (b:'b) (descr:('a * ('b * end_of_stack), 'c * end_of_stack) descr) =
let open Script_interpreter in
step_lwt ?config (Item(a, Item(b, Empty))) descr >>=? fun (Item(c, Empty)) ->
return c
let step_1_1 ?config (a:'a) (descr:('a * end_of_stack, 'b * end_of_stack) descr) =
let open Script_interpreter in
step_lwt ?config (Item(a, Empty)) descr >>=? fun (Item(b, Empty)) ->
return b
let step_value ?config (a:'a) (descr:('a * end_of_stack, 'a * end_of_stack) descr) =
step_1_1 ?config a descr
let step ?config stack code =
force_lwt ~msg:"running a step" @@ step_lwt ?config stack code
let run_lwt_full ?source ?payer ?self toplevel storage param {identities ; tezos_context = context} =
let { code ; _ } : (_, _) toplevel = toplevel in
let source = Option.unopt
~default:(List.nth identities 0).implicit_contract source in
let payer = Option.unopt
~default:(List.nth identities 1).implicit_contract payer in
let self = Option.unopt
~default:(List.nth identities 2).implicit_contract self in
let amount = in
Script_interpreter.interp context ~source ~payer ~self amount code (param, storage)
>>=?? fun ((ops, storage), new_ctxt) ->
let gas = Alpha_context.Gas.consumed ~since:context ~until:new_ctxt in
return (storage, ops, gas)
let run_lwt ?source ?payer ?self toplevel storage param env =
run_lwt_full ?source ?payer ?self toplevel storage param env >>=? fun (storage, _ops, _gas) ->
return storage
let run ?environment toplevel storage param =
contextualize ?environment ~msg:"run toplevel" @@ run_lwt toplevel storage param
let run_node ?environment toplevel storage_node param_node =
contextualize ?environment ~msg:"run toplevel" @@ fun {tezos_context = context ; _} ->
let {param_type ; storage_type ; _ } = toplevel in
parse_data context param_type param_node >>=?? fun (param, _) ->
parse_data context storage_type storage_node >>=?? fun (storage, _) ->
let storage = run toplevel storage param in
unparse_data context Readable storage_type storage >>=?? fun (storage_node, _) ->
return storage_node
let run_str toplevel storage_str param_str =
let param_node = Cast.node_of_string param_str in
let storage_node = Cast.node_of_string storage_str in
run_node toplevel storage_node param_node
type input = {
toplevel_path : string ;
storage : string ;
parameter : string
let parse_json json_str : input =
let json = force_ok_str ~msg:"main_contract: invalid json" @@ Tezos_utils.Data_encoding.Json.from_string json_str in
let json = match json with
| `O json -> json
| _ -> raise @@ Failure "main_contract: not recorD"
let open Json in
let toplevel_path = force_string ~msg:"main_contract, top_level" @@ List.assoc "top_level" json in
let parameter = force_string ~msg:"main_contract, param" @@ List.assoc "param" json in
let storage = force_string ~msg:"main_contract, storage" @@ List.assoc "storage" json in
{ toplevel_path ; storage ; parameter }
let generate_json (storage_node:Script.node) : string =
let storage_expr = Tezos_micheline.Micheline.strip_locations storage_node in
let json = Data_encoding.Json.construct Script.expr_encoding storage_expr in
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "%a" Data_encoding.Json.pp json ;
Format.flush_str_formatter ()
module Types = struct
open Script_typed_ir
let union a b = Union_t ((a, None), (b, None), None)
let assert_union = function
| Union_t ((a, _), (b, _), _) -> (a, b)
| _ -> assert false
let pair a b = Pair_t ((a, None, None), (b, None, None), None)
let assert_pair = function
| Pair_t ((a, _, _), ((b, _, _)), _) -> (a, b)
| _ -> assert false
let assert_pair_ex ?(msg="assert pair") (Ex_ty ty) = match ty with
| Pair_t ((a, _, _), ((b, _, _)), _) -> (Ex_ty a, Ex_ty b)
| _ -> raise (Failure msg)
let unit = Unit_t None
let bytes = Bytes_t None
let bytes_k = Bytes_key None
let nat = Nat_t None
let tez = Mutez_t None
let int = Int_t None
let nat_k = Nat_key None
let tez_k = Mutez_key None
let int_k = Int_key None
let big_map k v = Big_map_t (k, v, None)
let signature = Signature_t None
let operation = Operation_t None
let bool = Bool_t None
let mutez = Mutez_t None
let string = String_t None
let string_k = String_key None
let address_k = Address_key None
let key = Key_t None
let list a = List_t (a, None)
let assert_list = function
| List_t (a, _) -> a
| _ -> assert false
let option a = Option_t ((a, None), None, None)
let contract a = Contract_t (a, None)
let assert_option = function
| Option_t ((a, _), _, _) -> a
| _ -> assert false
let address = Address_t None
let lambda a b = Lambda_t (a, b, None)
let assert_lambda = function
| Lambda_t (a, b, _) -> (a, b)
| _ -> assert false
type ex_lambda = Ex_lambda : (_, _) lambda ty -> ex_lambda
let is_lambda : type a . a ty -> ex_lambda option = function
| Lambda_t (_, _, _) as x -> Some (Ex_lambda x)
| _ -> None
let timestamp = Timestamp_t None
let timestamp_k = Timestamp_key None
let map a b = Map_t (a, b, None)
let assert_type (_:'a ty) (_:'a) = ()
module Values = struct
let empty_map t = empty_map t
let empty_big_map key_type comparable_key_ty value_type : ('a, 'b) big_map = {
key_type ; value_type ; diff = empty_map comparable_key_ty ;
let int n = Script_int.of_int n
let nat n = Script_int.abs @@ Script_int.of_int n
let nat_to_int n = Option.unopt_exn @@ Script_int.to_int n
let tez n = Option.unopt_exn @@ Tez.of_mutez @@ Int64.of_int n
let left a = L a
let right b = R b