2019-03-11 06:26:21 +04:00
[@@@warning "-30"]
2019-03-13 19:55:41 +04:00
module SMap : Map.S with type key = string
2019-03-11 06:26:21 +04:00
2019-03-13 19:55:41 +04:00
module O : sig
2019-03-11 06:26:21 +04:00
type asttodo = [`TODO] (* occurrences of asttodo will point to some part of the original parser AST *)
2019-03-14 14:19:15 +04:00
type name_and_region = {name: string; orig: Region.t}
type type_name = name_and_region
type var_name = name_and_region
type field_name = name_and_region
2019-03-14 02:42:16 +04:00
2019-03-14 14:19:15 +04:00
type record_key = [`Field of field_name | `Component of int]
2019-03-11 06:26:21 +04:00
type pattern =
PVar of var_name
| PWild
| PInt of Z.t
| PBytes of MBytes.t
| PString of string
| PUnit
| PFalse
| PTrue
| PNone
| PSome of pattern
| PCons of pattern * pattern
| PNull
2019-03-14 02:42:16 +04:00
| PRecord of record_key precord
and 'key precord = ('key * pattern) list
2019-03-11 06:26:21 +04:00
type type_constructor =
2019-03-14 14:50:18 +04:00
2019-03-11 06:26:21 +04:00
| List
| Set
| Map
type type_expr_case =
2019-03-14 14:50:18 +04:00
Sum of (type_name * type_expr) list
2019-03-13 19:55:41 +04:00
| Record of record_key type_record
2019-03-14 14:50:18 +04:00
| TypeApp of type_constructor * (type_expr list)
| Function of { arg: type_expr; ret: type_expr }
| Ref of type_expr
2019-03-11 06:26:21 +04:00
| TC of type_constructor
| String
| Int
| Unit
| Bool
2019-03-14 14:50:18 +04:00
and 'key type_record = ('key * type_expr) list
2019-03-11 06:26:21 +04:00
2019-03-14 14:50:18 +04:00
and type_expr = { type_expr: type_expr_case; name: string option; orig: AST.type_expr }
2019-03-11 06:26:21 +04:00
type typed_var = { name:var_name; ty:type_expr; orig: asttodo }
type type_decl = { name:string; ty:type_expr; orig: asttodo }
type expr_case =
App of { operator: operator; arguments: expr list }
| Var of typed_var
| Constant of constant
2019-03-13 19:55:41 +04:00
| Record of record_key expr_record
2019-03-11 06:26:21 +04:00
| Lambda of lambda
2019-03-14 14:59:14 +04:00
and 'key expr_record = ('key * expr) list
2019-03-13 19:55:41 +04:00
2019-03-11 06:26:21 +04:00
and expr = { expr: expr_case; ty:type_expr; orig: asttodo }
and decl = { var: typed_var; value: expr; orig: asttodo }
and lambda = {
parameters: typed_var SMap.t;
declarations: decl list;
instructions: instr list;
result: expr;
and operator_case =
2019-03-14 13:58:15 +04:00
Function of var_name
| Construcor of var_name
| UpdateField of record_key
| GetField of record_key
2019-03-11 06:26:21 +04:00
| Or | And | Lt | Leq | Gt | Geq | Equal | Neq | Cat | Cons | Add | Sub | Mult | Div | Mod
| Neg | Not
2019-03-13 19:55:41 +04:00
| Set
2019-03-11 06:26:21 +04:00
| MapLookup
and operator = { operator: operator_case; ty:type_expr; orig: asttodo }
and constant =
| Int of Z.t | String of string | Bytes of MBytes.t
| False | True
| Null
| EmptySet
| CNone
and instr =
Assignment of { name: var_name; value: expr; orig: asttodo }
| While of { condition: expr; body: instr list; orig: asttodo }
2019-03-14 13:58:15 +04:00
| ForCollection of { list: expr; var: var_name; body: instr list; orig: asttodo }
2019-03-11 06:26:21 +04:00
| Match of { expr: expr; cases: (pattern * instr list) list; orig: asttodo }
2019-03-14 13:58:15 +04:00
| ProcedureCall of { expr: expr; orig: asttodo } (* expr returns unit, drop the result. Similar to OCaml's ";". *)
2019-03-11 06:26:21 +04:00
| Fail of { expr: expr; orig: asttodo }
type ast = {
types : type_decl list;
storage_decl : typed_var;
declarations : decl list;
orig: AST.t
2019-03-13 19:55:41 +04:00
val temporary_force_dune : int