2020-04-09 14:02:06 +02:00
(* Polymorphic maps
This module does not provide a function to merge polymorphic
maps. Use the functorial interface of the module [Map] of the OCaml
standard library instead, at the cost of the polymorphism on the
No deletion is provided.
type ('key, 'value) t
type ('key, 'value) map = ('key, 'value) t
(* The value of the call [create ~cmp] is an empty map with [cmp]
being the comparison over the (future) keys.
The value [empty] is identical to the value of the call [create
val create : cmp:('key -> 'key -> int) -> ('key, 'value) t
2020-04-13 19:19:49 +02:00
val empty : ('key, 'value) t -> ('key, 'new_value) t
2020-04-09 14:02:06 +02:00
(* Emptiness *)
val is_empty : ('key, 'value) t -> bool
(* The value of the call [add key value map] is a map containing all
the bindings of the map [map], extended by the binding of [key] to
[value]. If there is a binding for [key] in [map], its value is
lost (and replaced by [value]). *)
val add : 'key -> 'value -> ('key, 'value) t -> ('key, 'value) t
2020-04-13 19:19:49 +02:00
(* The value of the call [add key value map] is a map containing all
the bindings of the map [map], except for the binding of [key]. *)
val remove : 'key -> ('key, 'value) t -> ('key, 'value) t
2020-04-09 14:02:06 +02:00
(* The value of the call [find key map] is the value associated to the
[key] in the map [map]. If [key] is not bound in [map], the
exception [Not_found] is raised. *)
val find : 'key -> ('key, 'value) t -> 'value
(* The value of the call [find_opt key map] is [Some value] if the key
[key] is bound to [value] in the map [map], and [None]
otherwise. *)
val find_opt : 'key -> ('key, 'value) t -> 'value option
2020-04-13 19:19:49 +02:00
(* The value of the call [update key f map] is a map containing all
the bindings of the map [map], extended by the binding of [key] to
the value returned by [f], when [f maybe_value] returns
[Some value]. On the other hand, when [f maybe_value] returns
[None], the existing binding for [key] in [map] is removed from the
map, if there is one. The argument [maybe_value] passed to [f] is
[Some value] if the key [key] is bound to [value] in the map [map],
and [None] otherwise. *)
val update : 'key -> ('value option -> 'value option) -> ('key, 'value) map -> ('key, 'value) map
2020-04-09 14:02:06 +02:00
(* The value of the call [bindings map] is the association list
containing the bindings of the map [map], sorted by increasing keys
(with respect to the total comparison function used to create the
map). *)
val bindings : ('key, 'value) t -> ('key * 'value) list
(* The side-effect of evaluating the call [iter f map] is the
successive side-effects of the calls [f key value], for all
bindings [(key, value)] belonging to the map [map], sorted in
increasing order of the keys (with respect to the total comparison
function used to create the map). *)
val iter : ('key -> 'value -> unit) -> ('key, 'value) t -> unit
(* The call [fold_inc f map ~init] computes [(f k_n v_n ~acc:(... (f
k_1 v_1 ~acc:init)...)], where [k_1], ..., [k_n] are the keys of
all bindings in the map [map] in increasing order, and [v_1], ...,
[v_n] are the associated values. *)
val fold_inc : ('key -> 'value -> acc:'a -> 'a) -> ('key, 'value) t -> init:'a -> 'a