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2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(* Tezos Command line interface - Command Line Parsing *)
open Lwt
(* User catchable exceptions *)
exception Command_not_found
exception Bad_argument of int * string * string
exception Command_failed of string
(* A simple structure for command interpreters. *)
type 'a params =
| Prefix : string * 'a params -> 'a params
| Param : string * string * (string -> 'p Lwt.t) * 'a params -> ('p -> 'a) params
| Stop : (unit -> unit Lwt.t) params
| More : (string list -> unit Lwt.t) params
| Seq : string * string * (string -> 'p Lwt.t) -> ('p list -> unit Lwt.t) params
(* A command wraps a callback with its type and info *)
and command =
| Command
: 'a params * 'a *
desc option * tag list * group option *
(Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list
-> command
and desc = string
and group = string
and tag = string
(* Associates group names with group titles *)
let groups : (group * string) list ref = ref []
let register_group group title =
try ignore @@ List.assoc group !groups with
| Not_found -> groups := (group, title) :: !groups
let group_title group =
try List.assoc group !groups with
| Not_found -> group
(* Associates tag names with tag descriptions *)
let tags : (tag * string) list ref = ref []
let register_tag tag title =
try ignore @@ List.assoc tag !tags with
| Not_found -> tags := (tag, title) :: !tags
let tag_description tag =
try List.assoc tag !tags with
| Not_found -> "undocumented tag"
(* Some combinators for writing commands concisely. *)
let param ~name ~desc kind next = Param (name, desc, kind, next)
let seq ~name ~desc kind = Seq (name, desc, kind)
let seq_of_param param =
match param Stop with
| Param (n, desc, f, Stop) -> Seq (n, desc, f)
| _ -> invalid_arg "Cli_entries.seq_of_param"
let prefix keyword next = Prefix (keyword, next)
let rec fixed =
function [] -> Stop | n :: r -> Prefix (n, fixed r)
let rec prefixes p next =
match p with [] -> next | n :: r -> Prefix (n, prefixes r next)
let stop = Stop
let more = More
let void = Stop
let any = More
let command ?desc ?(tags = []) ?group ?(args = []) params cb =
Command (params, cb, desc,tags, group, args)
(* Param combinators *)
let string n desc next = param n desc (fun s -> return s) next
(* Error combinators for use in commands *)
let kasprintf cont fmt =
let buffer = Buffer.create 100 in
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer buffer in
Format.kfprintf (fun ppf ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%!";
cont (Buffer.contents buffer))
ppf fmt
let error fmt = kasprintf (fun msg -> (Command_failed msg)) fmt
let message fmt = kasprintf (Format.eprintf "%s\n%!") fmt
let answer fmt = kasprintf (Format.printf "%s\n%!") fmt
let param_error fmt = kasprintf (fun msg -> (Failure msg)) fmt
(* Command execution *)
let exec (Command (params, cb, _, _, _, _)) args =
let rec exec
: type a. int -> a params -> a -> string list -> unit Lwt.t = fun i params cb args ->
match params, args with
| Stop, [] -> cb ()
| Stop, _ -> Command_not_found
| Seq (_, _, f), seq ->
let rec do_seq i acc = function
| [] -> Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
| p :: rest ->
(fun () -> f p)
| Failure msg -> (Bad_argument (i, p, msg))
| exn -> exn) >>= fun v ->
do_seq (succ i) (v :: acc) rest in
do_seq i [] seq >>= fun parsed ->
cb parsed
| More, rest -> cb rest
| Prefix (n, next), p :: rest when n = p ->
exec (succ i) next cb rest
| Param (_, _, f, next), p :: rest ->
(fun () -> f p)
| Failure msg -> (Bad_argument (i, p, msg))
| exn -> exn) >>= fun v ->
exec (succ i) next (cb v) rest
| _ -> Command_not_found
in exec 1 params cb args
module Command_tree = struct
type level =
{ stop : command option ;
prefix : (string * tree) list }
and param_level =
{ stop : command option ;
tree : tree }
and tree =
| TPrefix of level
| TParam of param_level
| TStop of command
| TMore of command
| TEmpty
let insert root (Command (params, _, _, _, _, _) as command) =
let rec insert_tree
: type a. tree -> a params -> tree
= fun t c -> match t, c with
| TEmpty, Stop -> TStop command
| TEmpty, More -> TMore command
| TEmpty, Seq _ -> TMore command
| TEmpty, Param (_, _, _, next) ->
TParam { tree = insert_tree TEmpty next ; stop = None }
| TEmpty, Prefix (n, next) ->
TPrefix { stop = None ; prefix = [ (n, insert_tree TEmpty next) ] }
| TStop command, Param (_, _, _, next) ->
TParam { tree = insert_tree TEmpty next ; stop = Some command }
| TStop command, Prefix (n, next) ->
TPrefix { stop = Some command ;
prefix = [ (n, insert_tree TEmpty next) ] }
| TParam t, Param (_, _, _, next) ->
TParam { t with tree = insert_tree t.tree next }
| TPrefix ({ prefix } as l), Prefix (n, next) ->
let rec insert_prefix = function
| [] -> [ (n, insert_tree TEmpty next) ]
| (n', t) :: rest when n = n' -> (n, insert_tree t next) :: rest
| item :: rest -> item :: insert_prefix rest in
TPrefix { l with prefix = insert_prefix prefix }
| TPrefix ({ stop = None } as l), Stop ->
TPrefix { l with stop = Some command }
| TParam ({ stop = None } as l), Stop ->
TParam { l with stop = Some command }
| _, _ ->
"Cli_entries.Command_tree.insert: conflicting commands" in
insert_tree root params
let make commands =
List.fold_left insert TEmpty commands
let dispatcher tree args =
let rec loop = function
| TStop c, [] -> exec c args
| TPrefix { stop = Some c }, [] -> exec c args
| TMore c, _ -> exec c args
| TPrefix { prefix }, n :: rest ->
begin try
let t = List.assoc n prefix in
loop (t, rest)
with Not_found -> Command_not_found end
| TParam { tree }, _ :: rest ->
loop (tree, rest)
| _, _ -> Command_not_found
loop (tree, args)
let inline_dispatcher tree () =
let state = ref (tree, []) in
fun arg -> match !state, arg with
| (( TStop c |
TMore c |
TPrefix { stop = Some c } |
TParam { stop = Some c}), acc),
`End ->
state := (TEmpty, []) ;
`Res (exec c (List.rev acc))
| (TMore c, acc), `Arg n ->
state := (TMore c, n :: acc) ;
| (TPrefix { prefix }, acc), `Arg n ->
begin try
let t = List.assoc n prefix in
state := (t, n :: acc) ;
begin match t with
| TStop (Command (_, _, _, _, _, args))
| TMore (Command (_, _, _, _, _, args)) -> `Args args
| _ -> `Nop end
with Not_found -> `Fail Command_not_found end
| (TParam { tree }, acc), `Arg n ->
state := (tree, n :: acc) ;
begin match tree with
| TStop (Command (_, _, _, _, _, args))
| TMore (Command (_, _, _, _, _, args)) -> `Args args
| _ -> `Nop end
| _, _ -> `Fail Command_not_found
(* Try a list of commands on a list of arguments *)
let dispatcher commands =
let tree = Command_tree.make commands in
fun args -> Command_tree.dispatcher tree args
(* Argument-by-argument dispatcher to be used during argument parsing *)
let inline_dispatcher commands =
let tree = Command_tree.make commands in
Command_tree.inline_dispatcher tree
(* Command line help for a set of commands *)
let usage commands options =
let trim s = (* config-file wokaround *)
Utils.split '\n' s |> String.trim |>
String.concat "\n" in
let rec help : type a. Format.formatter -> a params -> unit = fun ppf -> function
| Stop -> ()
| More -> Format.fprintf ppf "..."
| Seq (n, "", _) -> Format.fprintf ppf "[ (%s) ...]" n
| Seq (_, desc, _) -> Format.fprintf ppf "[ (%s) ... ]" desc
| Prefix (n, Stop) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" n
| Param (n, "", _, Stop) -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%s)" n
| Param (_, desc, _, Stop) -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%s)" desc
| Prefix (n, next) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s %a" n help next
| Param (n, "", _, next) -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%s) %a" n help next
| Param (_, desc, _, next) -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%s) %a" desc help next in
let rec help_sum : type a. Format.formatter -> a params -> unit = fun ppf -> function
| Stop -> ()
| More -> Format.fprintf ppf "..."
| Seq (n, _, _) -> Format.fprintf ppf "[ (%s) ... ]" n
| Prefix (n, Stop) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" n
| Param (n, _, _, Stop) -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%s)" n
| Prefix (n, next) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s %a" n help_sum next
| Param (n, _, _, next) -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%s) %a" n help_sum next in
let rec help_args : type a. Format.formatter -> a params -> unit = fun ppf -> function
| Stop -> ()
| More -> Format.fprintf ppf "..."
| Seq (n, desc, _) -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%s): @[<hov>%a@]" n Format.pp_print_text (trim desc)
| Prefix (_, next) -> help_args ppf next
| Param (n, desc, _, Stop) -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%s): @[<hov>%a@]" n Format.pp_print_text (trim desc)
| Param (n, desc, _, next) -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%s): @[<hov>%a@]@,%a" n Format.pp_print_text (trim desc) help_args next in
let option_help ppf (n, opt, desc) =
Format.fprintf ppf "%s%s" n
Arg.(let rec example opt = match opt with
| Unit _ -> ""
| Bool _ -> " <true | false>"
| Set _ -> ""
| Clear _ -> ""
| String _ -> " <text>"
| Set_string _ -> " <text>"
| Int _ -> " <integer>"
| Set_int _ -> " <integer>"
| Float _ -> " <number>"
| Set_float _ -> " <number>"
| Tuple opts -> example opts |> String.concat ""
| Symbol (syms, _) -> " <" ^ String.concat " | " syms ^ ">"
| Rest _ -> "" in example opt) ;
if desc <> "" then
Format.fprintf ppf "@, @[<hov>%a@]" Format.pp_print_text (trim desc) in
let command_help ppf (Command (p, _, desc, _, _, options)) =
let small = Format.asprintf "@[<h>%a@]" help p in
if String.length small < 50 then begin
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%s@,@[<hov>%a@]"
Format.pp_print_text (match desc with None -> "undocumented command" | Some desc -> trim desc)
end else begin
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%a@,@[<hov 0>%a@]@,%a"
help_sum p
Format.pp_print_text (match desc with None -> "undocumented command" | Some desc -> trim desc)
help_args p ;
end ;
if options = [] then
Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a@]" (Format.pp_print_list option_help) options in
let rec group_help ppf (n, commands) =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%s:@,%a@]"
(match n with None -> "Miscellaneous commands" | Some n -> group_title n)
(Format.pp_print_list command_help) !commands in
let usage ppf (by_group, options) =
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v>@[<v 2>Usage:@,%s [ options ] command [ command options ]@]@,@[<v 2>Options:@,%a@]@,%a@]"
(Format.pp_print_list option_help) options
(Format.pp_print_list group_help) by_group in
let by_group =
(fun acc (Command (_, _, _, _, g, _) as c) ->
let r = List.assoc g acc in
r := c :: !r ;
with Not_found ->
(g, ref [ c ]) :: acc)
[] commands |> List.sort compare in
Format.asprintf "%a" usage (by_group, options)