2017-01-30 19:10:16 +01:00
(* *)
2017-11-14 00:36:14 +01:00
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
2017-01-30 19:10:16 +01:00
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** Commands *)
let show (args : Node_shared_arg.t) =
if not @@ Sys.file_exists args.config_file then
Warning: no config file at %s,\n\
\ displaying the default configuration.\n@."
args.config_file ;
Node_shared_arg.read_and_patch_config_file args >>=? fun cfg ->
Node_config_file.check cfg >>= fun () ->
print_endline @@ Node_config_file.to_string cfg ;
return ()
let reset (args : Node_shared_arg.t) =
if Sys.file_exists args.config_file then
"Ignoring previous configuration file: %s.@."
args.config_file ;
Node_shared_arg.read_and_patch_config_file args >>=? fun cfg ->
Node_config_file.check cfg >>= fun () ->
Node_config_file.write args.config_file cfg
let init (args : Node_shared_arg.t) =
if Sys.file_exists args.config_file then
"Pre-existant config file at %s, use `reset`."
Node_shared_arg.read_and_patch_config_file args >>=? fun cfg ->
Node_config_file.check cfg >>= fun () ->
Node_config_file.write args.config_file cfg
let update (args : Node_shared_arg.t) =
if not (Sys.file_exists args.config_file) then
"Missing configuration file at %s. \
Use `%s config init [options]` to generate a new file"
args.config_file Sys.argv.(0)
Node_shared_arg.read_and_patch_config_file args >>=? fun cfg ->
Node_config_file.check cfg >>= fun () ->
Node_config_file.write args.config_file cfg
(** Main *)
module Term = struct
type subcommand = Show | Reset | Init | Update
let process subcommand args =
let res =
match subcommand with
| Show -> show args
| Reset -> reset args
| Init -> init args
| Update -> update args in
match Lwt_main.run res with
| Ok () -> `Ok ()
| Error err -> `Error (false, Format.asprintf "%a" pp_print_error err)
let subcommand_arg =
let parser = function
| "show" -> `Ok Show
| "reset" -> `Ok Reset
| "init" -> `Ok Init
| "update" -> `Ok Update
| s -> `Error ("invalid argument: " ^ s)
and printer ppf = function
| Show -> Format.fprintf ppf "show"
| Reset -> Format.fprintf ppf "reset"
| Init -> Format.fprintf ppf "init"
| Update -> Format.fprintf ppf "update" in
let open Cmdliner.Arg in
let doc =
"Operation to perform. \
2017-03-03 10:28:15 +01:00
Possible values: $(b,show), $(b,reset), $(b,init), $(b,update)." in
2017-01-30 19:10:16 +01:00
value & pos 0 (parser, printer) Show & info [] ~docv:"OPERATION" ~doc
let term =
let open Cmdliner.Term in
ret (const process $ subcommand_arg $ Node_shared_arg.Term.args)
module Manpage = struct
let command_description =
"The $(b,config) command is meant to inspect and amend the \
configuration of the Tezos node. \
This command is complementary to manually editing the tezos \
node configuration file. Its arguments are a subset of the $(i,run) \
command ones."
let description = [
`P (command_description ^ " Several operations are possible: ");
`P "$(b,show) reads, parses and displays Tezos current config file. \
Use this command to see exactly what config file will be used by \
Tezos. If additional command-line arguments are provided, \
the displayed configuration will be amended accordingly. \
This is the default operation." ;
`P "$(b,reset) will overwrite the current configuration file with a \
factory default one. \
If additional command-line arguments are provided, \
they will amend the generated file. \
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It assumes that a configuration file already exists \
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and will abort otherwise." ;
`P "$(b,init) is like reset but assumes that \
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no configuration file is present \
and will abort otherwise." ;
2017-03-03 10:28:15 +01:00
`P "$(b,update) is the main option to edit the configuration file of Tezos. \
2017-01-30 19:10:16 +01:00
It will parse command line arguments and add or replace corresponding \
entries in the Tezos configuration file."
let man =
description @
Node_shared_arg.Manpage.args @
let info =
~doc:"Manage node configuration"
let cmd =
Term.term, Manpage.info