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2017-02-24 18:38:42 +04:00
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type error += Parsing_error
type error += Invalid_signature
let () =
~title:"Parsing error"
~description:"Raised when a block header has not been parsed correctly"
~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Block header parsing error")
(function Parsing_error -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Parsing_error)
let () =
~title:"Invalid signature"
~description:"Raised when the provided signature is invalid"
~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid signature")
(function Invalid_signature -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Invalid_signature)
2017-02-24 18:38:42 +04:00
type operation = unit
2017-02-24 18:38:42 +04:00
let max_operation_data_length = 0
let parse_operation _h _op = Error []
let compare_operations _ _ = 0
2017-02-24 18:38:42 +04:00
let max_number_of_operations = 0
type block = {
shell: Updater.shell_block ;
command: Data.Command.t ;
signature: Ed25519.Signature.t ;
let max_block_length =
match Data_encoding.Binary.fixed_length Data.Command.signed_encoding with
| None -> assert false
| Some len -> len
let parse_block { ; proto } : block tzresult =
match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes Data.Command.signed_encoding proto with
| None -> Error [Parsing_error]
| Some (command, signature) -> Ok { shell ; command ; signature }
let check_signature ctxt { shell ; command ; signature } =
let bytes = Data.Command.forge shell command in
Data.Pubkey.get_pubkey ctxt >>= fun public_key ->
(Ed25519.Signature.check public_key signature bytes)
type validation_state = block * Context.t
let current_context (_, ctxt) =
return ctxt
let precheck_block
raw_block =
Lwt.return (parse_block raw_block) >>=? fun _ ->
return ()
let begin_application
raw_block =
Lwt.return (parse_block raw_block) >>=? fun block ->
return (block, ctxt)
let begin_construction
~timestamp:_ =
Lwt.return (Error []) (* absurd *)
let apply_operation _vctxt _ =
Lwt.return (Error []) (* absurd *)
let finalize_block (header, ctxt) =
check_signature ctxt header >>=? fun () ->
Data.Init.may_initialize ctxt >>=? fun ctxt ->
Context.set_fitness ctxt >>= fun ctxt ->
match header.command with
| Activate hash ->
let commit_message =
Format.asprintf "activate %a" Protocol_hash.pp_short hash in
Context.set_commit_message ctxt commit_message >>= fun ctxt ->
2017-02-24 18:38:42 +04:00
Updater.activate ctxt hash >>= fun ctxt ->
return ctxt
| Activate_testnet hash ->
let commit_message =
Format.asprintf "activate testnet %a" Protocol_hash.pp_short hash in
Context.set_commit_message ctxt commit_message >>= fun ctxt ->
2017-02-24 18:38:42 +04:00
Updater.set_test_protocol ctxt hash >>= fun ctxt ->
Updater.fork_test_network ctxt >>= fun ctxt ->
return ctxt
let rpc_services = Services.rpc_services
let configure_sandbox = Data.Init.configure_sandbox