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open Amodule
open Fold
open Simple_utils.Trace
let (|>) v f = f v
module Errors = struct
let test_fail msg =
let title () = "test failed" in
let message () = msg in
error title message
(* TODO: how should we plug these into our test framework? *)
let test (x : unit result) : unit = match x with
| Ok (() , _annotation_thunk) -> ()
| Error err -> failwith (Yojson.Basic.to_string @@ err ())
let () =
test @@
let some_root : root = A [{ a1 = X (A [{ a1 = X (B [1;2;3]) ; a2 = W () ; }]) ; a2 = Z (W ()) ; }] in
let op =
no_op |>
with__a (fun state the_a (*_info*) continue_fold ->
let%bind state, a1__' = continue_fold.ta1.node__ta1 state the_a.a1 in
let%bind state, a2__' = continue_fold.ta2.node__ta2 state the_a.a2 in
ok (state + 1, { a1__' ; a2__' }))
let state = 0 in
let%bind (state , _) = fold_map__root op state some_root in
if state != 2 then
fail @@ Errors.test_fail (Printf.sprintf "expected folder to count 2 nodes, but it counted %d nodes" state)
ok ()
let () =
test @@
let some_root : root = A [{ a1 = X (A [{ a1 = X (B [1;2;3]) ; a2 = W () ; }]) ; a2 = Z (W ()) ; }] in
let op = no_op |>
with__a__pre_state (fun state _the_a (*_info*) -> ok @@ state + 1) in
let state = 0 in
let%bind (state , _) = fold_map__root op state some_root in
if state != 2 then
fail @@ Errors.test_fail (Printf.sprintf "expected folder to count 2 nodes, but it counted %d nodes" state)
ok ()
let () =
test @@
let some_root : root = A [{ a1 = X (A [{ a1 = X (B [1;2;3]) ; a2 = W () ; }]) ; a2 = Z (W ()) ; }] in
let op = no_op |> with__a__post_state (fun state _the_a _new_a (*_info*) -> ok @@ state + 1) in
let state = 0 in
let%bind (state , _) = fold_map__root op state some_root in
if state != 2 then
fail @@ Errors.test_fail (Printf.sprintf "expected folder to count 2 nodes, but it counted %d nodes" state)
ok ()
(* Test that the same fold_map_config can be ascibed with different 'a type arguments *)
let _noi : (int, [> error]) fold_map_config = no_op (* (fun _ -> ()) *)
let _nob : (bool, [> error]) fold_map_config = no_op (* (fun _ -> ()) *)
let () =
let some_root : root = A [ { a1 = X (A [ { a1 = X (B [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ]) ; a2 = W () } ]) ; a2 = Z (W ()) } ] in
let assert_nostate (needs_parens, state) = assert (not needs_parens && String.equal state "") in
let nostate = false, "" in
let op = {
generic = (fun state info ->
assert_nostate state;
match info.node_instance.instance_kind with
| RecordInstance { fields } ->
false, "{ " ^ String.concat " ; " ( (fun (fld : 'x Adt_info.ctor_or_field_instance) -> ^ " = " ^ snd (fld.cf_continue nostate)) fields) ^ " }"
| VariantInstance { constructor={ cf = { name; is_builtin=_; type_=_ }; cf_continue; cf_new_fold=_ }; variant=_ } ->
(match cf_continue nostate with
| true, arg -> true, name ^ " (" ^ arg ^ ")"
| false, arg -> true, name ^ " " ^ arg)
| PolyInstance { poly=_; arguments=_; poly_continue } ->
(poly_continue nostate)
) ;
string = (fun _visitor state str -> assert_nostate state; false , "\"" ^ str ^ "\"") ;
unit = (fun _visitor state () -> assert_nostate state; false , "()") ;
int = (fun _visitor state i -> assert_nostate state; false , string_of_int i) ;
list = (fun _visitor continue state lst ->
assert_nostate state;
false , "[ " ^ String.concat " ; " ( snd @@ (continue nostate) lst) ^ " ]") ;
(* generic_ctor_or_field = (fun _info state ->
* match _info () with
* (_, _, { name=_; isBuiltin=_; type_=_; continue }) -> state ^ "ctor_or_field [" ^ (continue "") ^ "]"
* ); *)
} in
let (_ , state) = fold__root op nostate some_root in
let expected = "A [ { a1 = X (A [ { a1 = X (B [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ]) ; a2 = W () } ]) ; a2 = Z (W ()) } ]" in
if String.equal state expected; then
failwith (Printf.sprintf "Test failed: expected\n %s\n but got\n %s" expected state)