2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
(* *)
2018-02-06 00:17:03 +04:00
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
module Id = struct
(* A net point (address x port). *)
type t = P2p_addr.t * P2p_addr.port
let compare (a1, p1) (a2, p2) =
match Ipaddr.V6.compare a1 a2 with
| 0 -> p1 - p2
| x -> x
let equal p1 p2 = compare p1 p2 = 0
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
let pp ppf (addr, port) =
match Ipaddr.v4_of_v6 addr with
| Some addr ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a:%d" Ipaddr.V4.pp_hum addr port
| None ->
Format.fprintf ppf "[%a]:%d" Ipaddr.V6.pp_hum addr port
let pp_opt ppf = function
| None -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "none"
| Some point -> pp ppf point
let is_local (addr, _) = Ipaddr.V6.is_private addr
let is_global (addr, _) = not @@ Ipaddr.V6.is_private addr
let check_port port =
if TzString.mem_char port '[' ||
TzString.mem_char port ']' ||
TzString.mem_char port ':' then
invalid_arg "Utils.parse_addr_port (invalid character in port)"
let parse_addr_port s =
let len = String.length s in
if len = 0 then
("", "")
else if s.[0] = '[' then begin (* inline IPv6 *)
match String.rindex s ']' with
| exception Not_found ->
invalid_arg "Utils.parse_addr_port (missing ']')"
| pos ->
let addr = String.sub s 1 (pos - 1) in
let port =
if pos = len - 1 then
else if s.[pos+1] <> ':' then
invalid_arg "Utils.parse_addr_port (unexpected char after ']')"
String.sub s (pos + 2) (len - pos - 2) in
check_port port ;
addr, port
end else begin
match String.rindex s ']' with
| _pos ->
invalid_arg "Utils.parse_addr_port (unexpected char ']')"
| exception Not_found ->
match String.index s ':' with
| exception _ -> s, ""
| pos ->
match String.index_from s (pos+1) ':' with
| exception _ ->
let addr = String.sub s 0 pos in
let port = String.sub s (pos + 1) (len - pos - 1) in
check_port port ;
addr, port
| _pos ->
invalid_arg "Utils.parse_addr_port: IPv6 addresses must be bracketed"
let of_string_exn str =
let addr, port = parse_addr_port str in
let port = int_of_string port in
if port < 0 && port > 1 lsl 16 - 1 then
invalid_arg "port must be between 0 and 65535" ;
match Ipaddr.of_string_exn addr with
| V4 addr -> Ipaddr.v6_of_v4 addr, port
| V6 addr -> addr, port
let of_string str =
try Ok (of_string_exn str) with
| Invalid_argument s -> Error s
| Failure s -> Error s
| _ -> Error "P2p_point.of_string"
let to_string saddr = Format.asprintf "%a" pp saddr
let encoding =
Data_encoding.conv to_string of_string_exn Data_encoding.string
2018-02-08 13:51:02 +04:00
let rpc_arg =
~descr:"A network point (ipv4:port or [ipv6]:port)."
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
module Map = Map.Make (Id)
module Set = Set.Make (Id)
module Table = Hashtbl.Make (Id)
module State = struct
type t =
| Requested
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
| Accepted of P2p_peer_id.t
| Running of P2p_peer_id.t
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
| Disconnected
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
let of_p2p_peer_id = function
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
| Requested -> None
| Accepted pi -> Some pi
| Running pi -> Some pi
| Disconnected -> None
let of_peerid_state state pi =
match state, pi with
| Requested, _ -> Requested
| Accepted _, Some pi -> Accepted pi
| Running _, Some pi -> Running pi
| Disconnected, _ -> Disconnected
| _ -> invalid_arg "state_of_state_peerid"
let pp_digram ppf = function
| Requested -> Format.fprintf ppf "⚎"
| Accepted _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "⚍"
| Running _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "⚌"
| Disconnected -> Format.fprintf ppf "⚏"
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
let branch_encoding name obj =
conv (fun x -> (), x) (fun ((), x) -> x)
(obj1 (req "event_kind" (constant name))) obj) in
union ~tag_size:`Uint8 [
2018-03-27 17:15:03 +04:00
case (Tag 0)
(branch_encoding "requested" empty)
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
(function Requested -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Requested) ;
2018-03-27 17:15:03 +04:00
case (Tag 1)
(branch_encoding "accepted"
(obj1 (req "p2p_peer_id" P2p_peer_id.encoding)))
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
(function Accepted p2p_peer_id -> Some p2p_peer_id | _ -> None)
(fun p2p_peer_id -> Accepted p2p_peer_id) ;
2018-03-27 17:15:03 +04:00
case (Tag 2)
(branch_encoding "running"
(obj1 (req "p2p_peer_id" P2p_peer_id.encoding)))
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
(function Running p2p_peer_id -> Some p2p_peer_id | _ -> None)
(fun p2p_peer_id -> Running p2p_peer_id) ;
2018-03-27 17:15:03 +04:00
case (Tag 3)
(branch_encoding "disconnected" empty)
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
(function Disconnected -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Disconnected) ;
module Info = struct
type t = {
trusted : bool ;
greylisted_until : Time.t ;
state : State.t ;
last_failed_connection : Time.t option ;
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
last_rejected_connection : (P2p_peer_id.t * Time.t) option ;
last_established_connection : (P2p_peer_id.t * Time.t) option ;
last_disconnection : (P2p_peer_id.t * Time.t) option ;
last_seen : (P2p_peer_id.t * Time.t) option ;
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
last_miss : Time.t option ;
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { trusted ; greylisted_until ; state ;
last_failed_connection ; last_rejected_connection ;
last_established_connection ; last_disconnection ;
last_seen ; last_miss } ->
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
let p2p_peer_id = State.of_p2p_peer_id state in
(trusted, greylisted_until, state, p2p_peer_id,
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
last_failed_connection, last_rejected_connection,
last_established_connection, last_disconnection,
last_seen, last_miss))
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
(fun (trusted, greylisted_until, state, p2p_peer_id,
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
last_failed_connection, last_rejected_connection,
last_established_connection, last_disconnection,
last_seen, last_miss) ->
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
let state = State.of_peerid_state state p2p_peer_id in
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
{ trusted ; greylisted_until ; state ;
last_failed_connection ; last_rejected_connection ;
last_established_connection ; last_disconnection ;
last_seen ; last_miss })
(req "trusted" bool)
(dft "greylisted_until" Time.encoding Time.epoch)
(req "state" State.encoding)
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
(opt "p2p_peer_id" P2p_peer_id.encoding)
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
(opt "last_failed_connection" Time.encoding)
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
(opt "last_rejected_connection" (tup2 P2p_peer_id.encoding Time.encoding))
(opt "last_established_connection" (tup2 P2p_peer_id.encoding Time.encoding))
(opt "last_disconnection" (tup2 P2p_peer_id.encoding Time.encoding))
(opt "last_seen" (tup2 P2p_peer_id.encoding Time.encoding))
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
(opt "last_miss" Time.encoding))
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
module Pool_event = struct
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
type kind =
| Outgoing_request
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
| Accepting_request of P2p_peer_id.t
| Rejecting_request of P2p_peer_id.t
| Request_rejected of P2p_peer_id.t option
| Connection_established of P2p_peer_id.t
| Disconnection of P2p_peer_id.t
| External_disconnection of P2p_peer_id.t
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
let kind_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
let branch_encoding name obj =
conv (fun x -> (), x) (fun ((), x) -> x)
(obj1 (req "event_kind" (constant name))) obj) in
union ~tag_size:`Uint8 [
case (Tag 0) (branch_encoding "outgoing_request" empty)
(function Outgoing_request -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Outgoing_request) ;
case (Tag 1) (branch_encoding "accepting_request"
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
(obj1 (req "p2p_peer_id" P2p_peer_id.encoding)))
(function Accepting_request p2p_peer_id -> Some p2p_peer_id | _ -> None)
(fun p2p_peer_id -> Accepting_request p2p_peer_id) ;
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
case (Tag 2) (branch_encoding "rejecting_request"
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
(obj1 (req "p2p_peer_id" P2p_peer_id.encoding)))
(function Rejecting_request p2p_peer_id -> Some p2p_peer_id | _ -> None)
(fun p2p_peer_id -> Rejecting_request p2p_peer_id) ;
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
case (Tag 3) (branch_encoding "request_rejected"
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
(obj1 (opt "p2p_peer_id" P2p_peer_id.encoding)))
(function Request_rejected p2p_peer_id -> Some p2p_peer_id | _ -> None)
(fun p2p_peer_id -> Request_rejected p2p_peer_id) ;
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
case (Tag 4) (branch_encoding "rejecting_request"
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
(obj1 (req "p2p_peer_id" P2p_peer_id.encoding)))
(function Connection_established p2p_peer_id -> Some p2p_peer_id | _ -> None)
(fun p2p_peer_id -> Connection_established p2p_peer_id) ;
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
case (Tag 5) (branch_encoding "rejecting_request"
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
(obj1 (req "p2p_peer_id" P2p_peer_id.encoding)))
(function Disconnection p2p_peer_id -> Some p2p_peer_id | _ -> None)
(fun p2p_peer_id -> Disconnection p2p_peer_id) ;
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
case (Tag 6) (branch_encoding "rejecting_request"
2018-02-08 13:51:00 +04:00
(obj1 (req "p2p_peer_id" P2p_peer_id.encoding)))
(function External_disconnection p2p_peer_id -> Some p2p_peer_id | _ -> None)
(fun p2p_peer_id -> External_disconnection p2p_peer_id) ;
2018-01-24 15:48:25 +04:00
type t = {
kind : kind ;
timestamp : Time.t ;
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { kind ; timestamp ; } -> (kind, timestamp))
(fun (kind, timestamp) -> { kind ; timestamp ; })
(req "kind" kind_encoding)
(req "timestamp" Time.encoding))