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2018-01-15 22:09:25 +01:00
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
let name = "Isolate Endorsement"
module Logger = Logging.Make(struct let name = name end)
let section = Lwt_log.Section.make name
let () =
Lwt_log.Section.set_level section Lwt_log(*.Debug*).Warning
exception No_error
open Isolate_helpers
open Shorthands
open Proto_alpha.Environment.Error_monad
let (>>?=) = Assert.(>>?=)
let test_wrong_slot endorse_a starting_block =
let wrong_slot = function
| Proto_alpha.Baking.Invalid_endorsement_slot _ -> true
| _ -> false
starting_block >>=? endorse_a (-1) >>?= fun result ->
Assert.economic_error ~msg: __LOC__ wrong_slot result ;
starting_block >>=? endorse_a 16 >>?= fun result ->
Assert.economic_error ~msg: __LOC__ wrong_slot result ;
return ()
let test_wrong_delegate endorse_a starting_block =
let wrong_delegate = function
| Proto_alpha.Baking.Wrong_delegate _ -> true
| _ -> false
starting_block >>=?
endorse_a 0 >>=? endorse_a 1 >>=? endorse_a 2 >>= Assert.wrap >>= fun result ->
Assert.economic_error ~msg: __LOC__ wrong_delegate result ;
return ()
let test_endorsement_payment starting_block =
let bootstrap_accounts = Account.bootstrap_accounts in
let open Proto_alpha.Tezos_context in
starting_block >>=? fun root ->
get_tc_full root >>=? fun tc ->
let level = Level.succ tc @@ Level.current tc in
Proto_alpha.Services_registration.endorsement_rights tc level None >>=? fun (_, endorsers) ->
let aux (endorser_slot, block_priority) =
let contract_p =
Misc.find_account bootstrap_accounts
@@ List.nth endorsers endorser_slot in
Contract.get_balance tc (Contract.default_contract contract_p.hpub) >>=? fun init_balance ->
(* After one block, endorsement bond cost should be paid *)
Block.endorsement root.hash
root.level block_priority contract_p
root.validation.context endorser_slot
>>=? fun result ->
get_balance_res contract_p result >>=? fun bond_balance ->
let proto_header = Block.get_proto_header block_priority in
result.tezos_context proto_header
>>=? fun baker_hpub ->
let endorsement_bond_cost =
Constants.endorsement_bond_cost in
let baking = baker_hpub = contract_p.hpub && block_priority < 4 in
let baking_bond_cost =
if baking
then Constants.baking_bond_cost
else in
let cost = Cast.tez_add endorsement_bond_cost baking_bond_cost in
let expected_balance = Cast.tez_sub init_balance cost in
Assert.equal_tez ~msg: __LOC__ expected_balance bond_balance ;
(* After one cycle, (4 blocks in test/proto_alpha/sandbox),
endorsement reward sould be received *)
chain_empty_block result >>=? chain_empty_block >>=?
chain_empty_block >>=? chain_empty_block >>=? fun result ->
get_balance_res contract_p result >>=? fun reward_balance ->
Proto_alpha.Baking.endorsement_reward ~block_priority >>=? fun reward ->
let expected_balance = Cast.tez_add expected_balance reward in
let expected_balance = Cast.tez_add expected_balance endorsement_bond_cost in
Assert.equal_tez ~msg: __LOC__ expected_balance reward_balance ;
return ()
let slots = [0 ;1 ;2 ;3 ;4 ;5 ;6 ;7 ;8 ;9 ;10 ;11 ;12 ;13 ;14] in
let prios = [0 ;1 ;2 ;3 ;4 ;5 ;6] in
iter_s aux @@ List.product slots prios
let test_multiple_endorsement (pred: Block.result) =
let open Proto_alpha.Tezos_context in
let tc = pred.tezos_context in
let level = Level.succ tc @@ Level.current tc in
Proto_alpha.Services_registration.endorsement_rights tc level None >>=? fun (_, endorsers) ->
let endorser =
Misc.find_account Account.bootstrap_accounts
@@ List.nth endorsers 0 in
let op = Isolate_helpers.Operation.endorsement_full endorser pred.hash, endorser in
Block.of_res ~res: pred ~ops: [op ;op] () >>= Assert.wrap >>= fun x ->
Assert.double_endorsement ~msg: __LOC__ x ;
return ()
let test_wrong_endorsement starting_block =
let account = Account.new_account () in
let endorse slot (res: Block.result) =
Block.endorsement res.hash res.level
15 account res.validation.context slot
test_wrong_delegate endorse starting_block >>=? fun () ->
test_wrong_slot endorse starting_block
let test_fitness (res: Block.result) =
Block.of_res ~priority: 0 ~res () >>=? fun block_0 ->
let fitness_0 = in
Block.of_res ~priority: 1 ~res () >>=? fun block_1 ->
let fitness_1 = in
let diff = fitness_0 fitness_1 in
Assert.equal_int ~msg: "Fitness test" diff 0 ;
return ()
let (>>=??) = Assert.(>>=??)
let main (): unit Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t =
let open Error_monad in
Init.main () >>=? fun sb ->
let starting_block = Proto_alpha.Error_monad.return sb in
test_endorsement_payment starting_block >>=?? fun () ->
test_wrong_endorsement starting_block >>=?? fun () ->
test_multiple_endorsement sb >>=?? fun () ->
test_fitness sb >>=?? fun () ->
return ()
let tests = [
"main", (fun _ -> main ()) ;
let main () = "endorsement." tests